二十笔实用成语 375

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二十笔实用成语 375

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 26, 2012 11:38 pm

二十笔实用成语 375

01. feel bad, to
定义: 感到沮丧, 痛苦, 忧伤, 难过, 过意不去, 惭愧, 不痛快, 糟糕.
例句: Don't feel bad. I know you didn't mean it. (别难过. 我知道你不是故意的)

02. feel better, to
定义: 康复; 感觉舒服, 舒畅, 好一些, 更顺手, 等等.
例句: Just follow doctor's orders, take your medicine and get some rest. You'll feel better in no time. (只要遵循医生的嘱咐, 服用你的药和多休息. 你会很快地康复)

03. Feel better?

04. feel blue, to
定义: 感到忧伤, 沮丧, 心情不好.
例句: You look like you feel blue. What's wrong? (你看起来好像心情不好. 怎么啦?)

05. feel cheap, to
定义: 感觉没有自尊, 丢脸, 窝囊, 被人利用, 被人糟蹋.
例句: He felt cheap letting other people treat him like that. (让别人欺负成这个样子, 他觉得真窝囊)

06. feel comfortable, to
定义: 感觉舒适, 有信心, 胜任, 可以信任, 安心, 自在. (注: 当你对某个主意不feel comfortable, 你就有疑虑, 不安, 不确定的感觉)
例句: Today was the first day that I felt comfortable with my job. (今天是我第一天我对我的工作感觉胜任)

07. feel cruddy/lousy, to
定义: 感觉不舒适, 沮丧, 痛苦, 忧伤, 难过, 过意不去, 惭愧, 不痛快, 糟糕.
例句: I don't keep secrets from my mom, and I feel cruddy about not telling her that I am talking to John again, but if I tell my mom, she will tell my dad. (我平常跟我妈从不藏话, 我对于没有告诉她我跟约翰又和好的事感到惭愧, 但如果我告诉我妈的话, 她肯定会告诉我爸)

08. feel each other out, to
定义: 互相试探, 摸清对方的底线/底细/性格/反应/等等.
例句: The first round started out slow for both of the fighters as they maneuvered to feel each other out. (由于这两名拳手使出各种攻守架势来摸清对方的底细, 第一回合开始的步调比较缓慢)

09. feel empty, to
定义: 感觉空虚, 失去目标感, 失去价值观; 感到饥饿.
例句: However sometimes I feel empty after a rea​​lly long phone conversation. (然而有时候我在讲完一通很长的电话之后我会感觉空虚)

10. feel for someone, to
定义: 同情某人, 为某人感到可惜或可怜.
例句: I feel for kids who are homeless. (我同情那些无家可归的儿童)

11. feel free, to
定义: 随意, 不受束缚, 别客气, 尽管, 直言无隐.
例句: Please feel free to say what you really think. (请你直言无隐地说出你真心的想法)

12. feel good about oneself, to
定义: 自我感觉良好, 感觉自豪.
例句: My son told me that it was great he had learned to swim, but what was even greater was that he saved his friend's life in the pool this morning. He felt good about himself. (我儿子告诉我学会游泳真好,但更好的是他今晨在泳池救了他朋友一命. 他感觉自豪)

13. feel good, to
定义: 感觉良好, 健康, 胜任, 快乐, 满足, 舒服, 舒畅, 自信, 等等.
例句: After drinking a few beers Pat was feeling good. (喝了几瓶啤酒之后, 派特感觉很舒服)

14. feel great, to
定义: 身心爽快; 感觉极好, 心满意足, 快乐, 有趣, 过瘾, 等等.
例句: It feels great to be with you guys. (跟你们在一起, 我感觉很快乐)

15. feel hard done-by/done-to, to
定义: [英国]感觉你被不公平对待.
例句: If everyone gets a 3% raise across the board, employees who have stayed with the company for over 10 years will feel hard done-by. (如果每个人都拿百分之三加薪的话, 那些工作超过十年的员工会觉得待遇不公)

16. feel honor-bound to do something, to
定义: 感到义不容辞. (注: 意指在道义上你感到有责任去做某件事并不代表你法律上有责任或你愿意去做)
例句: She felt honor-bound to defend her friend. (她感到为她朋友辩护是义不容辞的)

17. feel in honor-bound to do something, to
定义: 感到义不容辞. (注: 意指在道义上你感到有责任去做某件事并不代表你法律上有责任或你愿意去做)
例句: But I feel in honor-bound to return the courtesy. (我觉得在道义上, 我有必要回报你的礼数)

18. feel in one's bones/heart, to
定义: 有直觉或预感.
例句: At that time, I could feel in my bones that someone was about to get royally screwed. (在那时候, 我有预感有人要倒大楣)

19. feel it in one's bones, to
定义: 有直觉或预感.
例句: Our team's going to win the game. I can feel it in my bones. (我们队会赢这场球. 我有这个预感)

20. feel like a fool, to
定义: 感到像个傻瓜, 真丢人. (注: 这里两个意思: 1. 感觉自己出丑好糗, 2. 感觉被人愚弄)
例句: Though he was nice about it and totally understood but I felt like a fool. (虽然他有雅量也完全谅解但我觉得真丢人)



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