二十笔实用成语 395

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二十笔实用成语 395

帖子 royl » 周三 10月 03, 2012 8:27 am

二十笔实用成语 395

01. flip open, to
定义: 翻开, 打开.
例句: I flipped open my cell phone and texted my wife, "Love you." As I crawled into bed, my phone beeped with a message back from her, "Always." (我打开我的折叠手机传短讯给我太太, "爱妳." 当我慢慢地躺上床的时候, 我的电话发出了响声并出现了她的简讯回覆, "永远爱你.")

02. flip over, to
定义: 突然翻转/翻覆/四脚朝天; 由于...激烈反应, 失去理智.
例句: The car was flipped over in Huntington Beach after it was struck by a red minivan driven by an elderly woman. (在它被一名老妇人所驾驶的红色休旅车撞上之后, 这部汽车在亨廷顿海滩翻覆)

03. flip side, the
定义: 反面, 另一方面, 不利的一面.
例句: Disrespect is the flip side of intimacy. (关系亲密的不利一面就是不尊重. 注: 此与中国古语, "亲则生狎, 近则不逊"道理相似)

04. flip the bird/flip someone the bird, to
定义: [粗俗的动作]伸出中指以示你的愤怒, 对某人比出中指以示你的愤怒.
例句: These two angry drivers flipping each other the bird. (这两个愤怒驾驶人互相伸出中指向对方抗议)

05. flip through, to
定义: 迅速/不经意/匆匆地翻阅书籍, 杂志或文件.
例句: I was sitting in the waiting room, flipping through old magazines. (我坐在候诊室不经意地翻阅过期的杂志)

06. flip-flop
定义: [名词]风吹发出趴趴地响; 向后翻筋斗; 摇摆不定的立场, 意见或观点; [电脑术语]电脑电路可以控制两个稳定的逻辑状态; 松弛地附在脚上的夹脚拖鞋.
例句: The senator was accused of doing flip-flops on important social issues. (这个参议员被人指控在重大社会议题上立场摇摆不定)

07. flipping angry, be
定义: 狂怒的, 大发脾气.
例句: She was flipping angry as she shouted, "Hey, look, I could care less about what mistakes he made. He's your son, adopted or not, you're responsible for it." (她狂怒地叫嚣, "喂,听着, 我不在乎他犯了什么过错. 他是你的儿子, 不管是领养的还是亲生的, 你要为此负责任.")

08. flirt with, to
定义: 挑逗, 调情; 漫不经心地考虑或对待; 几乎到达, 与(某危机)擦身而过.
例句: I flirted with the idea of​​ a music career when I was an undergraduate. (在大学读书的时候, 我曾经有过做音乐工作的念头)

09. flirting with bankruptcy, be
定义: 濒临破产边缘.
例句: GM is once again flirting with bankruptcy despite massive government purchases propping up its sales figures. (尽管政府大量地购买来支撑其业绩, 通用汽车再一度濒临破产边缘)

10. flirting with death/disaster, be
定义: 在玩命, 引火焚身, 飞蛾扑火.
例句: If you and are not heeding these warnings, you are flirting with death. (如果你不理会这些警告的话, 你在引火焚身)

11. float a currency, to
定义: 让货币价值自由浮动.
例句: If you float the currency, and it rises, you suddenly have people in certain regions being laid off as exports slow down. (如果你们让货币自由浮动而它又升值的话, 由于外销减缓, 你马上会有某些地区的人们被解雇)

12. float a loan, to
定义: 安排一个贷款, 借钱.
例句: Could you float me a loan? (你可以借钱给我吗?)

13. float a rumor, to
定义: 放出谣言.
例句: It is easy to float the rumor of collusion in the murder, but far more difficult to prove it. (放出共谋杀人的谣言是容易的, 但证明它却是难上加难)

14. float an air biscuit, to
定义: 放屁, 排气.
例句: Did that guy just float an air biscuit? Why does it smell funny here? (刚才那个人有没有放屁? 这里怎么有怪味?)

15. float an idea, to
定义: 抛出想法试探民意或别人反应.
例句: You float an idea out to your readers and find out what they think. You learn which arguments work and which don't. (你抛出一个想法给你读者, 看看他们反应如何. 你可以找出哪些论点是可行的以及哪些是不可行的)

16. float around, to
定义: 飘浮; 流传, 被人议论或被人讨论; 在不知何处的附近.
例句: This information has been floating around on the Internet since 2007, but seemed to regain momentum starting in December of last year. (从二零零七年, 这个消息已经在网上流传, 但从去年十二月起它似乎又广为流传)

17. float off to sleep, to
定义: 昏沉入睡.
例句: As I was floating off to sleep, I felt her lay a soft blanket over me. (当我昏沉入睡的时候, 我感觉她给我盖了一床柔软的薄被)

18. float or sink, to
定义: 无论成败就此一举; 成与败, 由你选择
例句: When we interview new teachers, we just put them in with the students and see how they do. It's float or sink. (当我们面试新老师的时候, 我们就把他们放在学生中间看他们表现如何. 成败就此一举)

19. floating on air, be
定义: 飘飘然, 欣喜若狂.
例句: He was floating on air after hearing that he topped the class in the final examinations. (得知他期末考拿全班第一之后, 他欣喜若狂)

20. floating voter, a
定义: 游离选民, 无党派选民.
例句: The outcome of the forthcoming election is still unclear due to the large number of floating voters. (由于大量的游离选民, 这个即将到来的选举结果仍然让人无法确定)



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