二十笔实用成语 517

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二十笔实用成语 517

帖子 royl » 周五 10月 10, 2014 10:17 am

二十笔实用成语 517

01. have a quick wash, to
定义: 迅速地清洗, 洗洁, 洗手.
例句: I'll have a quick wash before dinner. (我要在晚饭前先洗个手)

02. have a rifle for an arm, to
定义: 可投高速球及远球的手. (注: 意指此人手臂像一把步枪一样)
例句: You have a rifle for an arm and you throw accurately. If you're willing to play left field for my team, you are a member of the team. (你能投高速远球而且又投得精准. 如果你愿意到我们队里担任左外野手的话, 你现在就是我们队里的一员)

03. have a right to ..., to
定义: 有正当或合法权利去...
例句: All right, you do have a right to know the truth, and I'm going to level with you. (好吧, 你确实有权利知道真相, 我也准备要跟你说实话)

04. have a ring to it, to
定义: 听起来有意思或吸引人; 如果ring前面加上形容词的话, 其特质就是形容词本身.
例句: His name had a familiar ring to it. (他的名字听起来有些熟. 注: 本句也可以写为, "His name was/sounded familiar.")

05. have a run-in, to
定义: 争吵, 辩论.
例句: I had a run-in with one of your officers today. ​​He was the rudest officers I've ever seen! (我今天跟你们其中之一名警官发生争吵. 他是我所见到最粗鲁的警官!)

06. have a say, to
定义: 有决定权, 发言权, 影响力.
例句: Everybody has a say in this meeting. (在这个会议里每个人都有发言权)

07. have a screw loose/missing, to
定义: 精神不正常, 头脑有问题, 怪里怪气.
例句: You've got to have a screw loose to think that's a good idea. (你肯定是脑袋有问题才会认为这是个好主意)

08. have a seat, to
定义: 请坐, 坐下.
例句: The school counselor pointed to a chair and said, "Have a seat." (学校顾问指着一把椅子说, "坐下.")

09. have a short memory, to
定义: 健忘, 容易忘事. (注: 意指某人事情过了就忘了, 请参考have a long memory)
例句: You don't have a short memory, you just need to pay more attention to the important things and dismiss your surrounding distractions. (你并不是健忘, 你只需要更专心注意重要事情, 别理会你周遭环境的干扰)

10. have a shot at, to
定义: 批评某人; 有机会或轮到可以一试; 有机会参与竞争.
例句: If Tommy wins this fight, he'll have a shot at the boxing title. (如果汤米赢得这场比赛的话, 他就有机会参与拳击冠军赛)

11. have a sip, to
定义: 喝一口, 尝一口.
例句: Can I have a sip of your Wuyi Oolong? Just a little sip? (我可不可喝一口你的武夷乌龙茶? 就一小口好吗?)

12. have a smack at something, to
定义: 可以拼拼看, 可以试试看.
例句: If you like grass carps, you can have a smack at angling in the middle level of the water for grass carps with some fish meal mixed with scent. (如果你喜欢草鱼的话, 你可以用混合香料的鱼饲料粉在水的中间层面试着钓草鱼)

13. have a smash, to
定义: 喝口烈酒尤其白兰地; 成功, 成名.
例句: Here, Kenny, have a smash of the brandy before it's all gone. (来, 肯尼, 在它被喝光之前来口白兰地)

14. have a soft spot for ..., to
定义: 对...钟爱, 偏爱; 具有某个弱点.
例句: I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Martha. She was so amicable to me as a child. (在我心目中, 我总是钟爱玛莎. 作为一个小孩, 她对我很友善)

15. have a stake in ..., to
定义: 在...有利益关系, 持股或参与.
例句: I don't have a stake in it, so I don't care. (在它那里, 我没有利益关系, 所以我不在乎它的好坏)

16. have a suspicious mind, to
定义: 不轻易信任别人, 善于猜疑别人.
例句: You sure have a suspicious mind, in my experience only dishonest people think this way. (你真是爱猜疑别人, 依照我的经验只有不老实的人才会往这方面想)

17. have a sweet tooth, to
定义: 喜欢吃甜食的.
例句: If you have a sweet tooth then desserts, pastries, and candies are your favorite food. (如果你喜欢吃甜食的话, 你最爱的食物是甜点, 糕饼, 以及糖果)

18. have a talk with ..., to
定义: 与...好好谈谈; (对子女或学生)敦促, 劝说, 提醒, 警告.
例句: I mentioned that I would like to have a talk with him. He at once stated that I should telephone for an appointment and he would see me. (我提到我想跟他好好地谈谈. 他马上就说我应该打电话约好时间, 他会跟我见面)

19. have a taste for, to
定义: 具有对...食物/活动/物品等等喜好.
例句: Your dog may have a taste for spicy food; this does not mean it's good for the dog. (你的狗也许喜爱吃辛辣食物; 这并不意味这些食物对狗的健康有帮助)

20. have a thin time (of it), to
定义: 难以为继地度日. (注: 经常因为没有足够钱而捉襟见肘)
例句: Tom lost his job last year and they've been having a thin time of it. (汤姆去年失业, 他们家一直难以为继地度日)



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