二十笔实用成语 519

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二十笔实用成语 519

帖子 royl » 周五 10月 17, 2014 2:56 am

二十笔实用成语 519

01. have an affair, to
定义: 外遇, 婚外情或与某人发生关系.
例句: "Liz is having another affair." "Who is she seeing? Tommy?" ("丽兹又有外遇了." "她跟谁呢? 是汤米吗?" 注: 这里的seeing是与异性交往的意思)

02. have an ... attack, to
定义: 急性疾病或焦虑症突然发作, 突然感觉不舒服.
例句: She can hardly breathe. I think she's having an asthma attack. (她几乎不能呼吸了. 我想她是哮喘病突然发作)

03. have an ax to grind, to
定义: 别具私心, 别有用心, 另有目的, 另有所图; 有所抱怨.
例句: She claims that she has no ax to grind in criticizing her sister-in-law. (她声称她批评她的嫂子并非另有目的)

04. have/keep an ear to the ground, to
定义: 耳听八方, 保持消息灵通, 密切注意(情势发展).
例句: If I had kept my ear to the ground, I might have noticed that she was doing. (如果我当初密切注意的话, 我也许会注意到她在干什么)

05. have an earful, to
定义: 听腻了的数落, 怨言, 八卦新闻或骂人的话.
例句: If Mom catches you smoking, you'll get an earful. (如果妈妈抓到你在抽烟的话, 她就会数落得让你受不了)

06. have an early day, to
定义: 早起.
例句: I had a early day today so I decided to hit the park and jogged for a couple of hours. (我今天早起所以我决定去公园, 慢跑两个钟头)

07. have an edge on ..., to
定义: 保持优势, 在...占优势, 更利害.
例句: I thought I had an edge on Gus, so I gave it a shot. 40 minutes of torture later, I lost $80,000. That was my biggest loss ever. (我原以为我比格斯更利害, 所以我就跟他赌一赌试试看. 受了四十分钟的折磨之后, 我输了八万块钱. 这是我输得最多的一次)

08. have an effect on ..., to
定义: 对...产生影响或改变.
例句: I worked full time for a company and just changed to part time. Does this have an effect on my taxes? (我在一家公司全职工作, 刚改成兼职工作. 这样的改变会不会影响我的税? )

09. have an ego the size of a small planet, to
定义: 自我膨胀, 过度自负.
例句: People are calling her the new diva, but the girl's only 21 years old and already has an ego the size of a small planet. (人们称呼她为新歌后, 但这个女孩只有二十一岁并且已经过度地自我膨胀)

10. have an eye to/for/on the main chance, to
定义: 专心照顾自己的利益, 图谋私利.
例句: In business you always have to have an eye for the main chance and not stick with a losing project too long. (在商场, 你永远要专心照顾自己的利益, 并且不可过久地坚持一个亏钱的商业项目)

11. have an eye to/toward, to
定义: 着眼于, 为了要, 针对于.
例句: She has an eye to attending medical school. (她着眼于就读医学院. 注: 本句话也可以写为: She hopes to attend medical school.)

12. have an in with, to
定义: 趋炎附势, 取得对权势者的影响力.
例句: When you're trying to get started in show business, it helps to have an in. (当你试图在演艺界发展的时候, 拥有影响力还是有帮助的)

13. have an itch for ..., to
定义: 强烈地想要..., 渴望去...
例句: It's so hot here, I'm having an itch for some ice cream. (这里太热了, 我好想吃些冰淇淋)

14. have an itch to ..., to
定义: 强烈地想要去..., 渴望去...
例句: I'm getting bored out of my mind, I'm having an itch to switch career. (我现在生活枯燥无味得快发疯了, 我强烈地想要换个职业)

15. have an itching palm, to
定义: 贪婪, 想要钱的欲望, 索贿.
例句: The police officer had an itching palm and took much money from criminals before he was arrested. (这名警官很贪财, 在他被逮捕之前他拿走了犯人许多金钱)

16. have an itchy finger, to
定义: 手痒, 有股要碰东西的冲动.
例句: It's a movie about a man who had an itchy finger and killed someone by accident. (这是一部​​有关一个有冲动开枪的人将某人误杀的电影)

17. have an open mind, to
定义: 保持开放的心态, 不预设立场. (注: 意指等到知悉所有的事实再发表意见或作决定)
例句: I want you to have an open mind about what I am going to tell you. Can you do that? (对于我准备要告诉你的一些事我希望你保持一个开放的心态. 你能做到吗?)

18. have an out, to
定义: 找借口或理由离开或逃避.
例句: I was supposed to go to the meeting, but I had an out - my mother was sick. (我本应该出席这个会议, 但我找了一个借口, 也就是我母亲生病了)

19. have/keep an/your eye out for, to
定义: 密切注意..., 留意即将出现的...
例句: Many companies offer student discounts for notebook computers, so keep an eye out for a good deal. (许多公司都提供学生买笔记本电脑的打折, 所以要密切地注意特价商品)

20. have another guess coming, to
定义: 想错了, 欺骗不了人, 再去想想下面一个答案或办法.
例句: If you think you're going to marry my daughter, you have another think coming. (如果你认为你将要娶我女儿的话, 那你想错了)



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