二十笔实用成语 596

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二十笔实用成语 596

帖子 royl » 周一 8月 17, 2015 5:03 pm

二十笔实用成语 596

01. I'm supposed to ...
定义: 我应该要...
例句: I can't leave right now. I'm supposed to clean my room before I go hang out with you guys. (我现在不能离开. 我应该先把我的房间整理干净然后再跟你们一起玩)

02. I'm sure you're wrong
定义: 我确定你是错的.
例句: You may think my ideas are just crap, but I'm sure you're wrong, and I can prove it to you. (也许你们把我的想法当成废话, 但我确定你们是错的, 而且我能够证明给你们看)

04. I'm the center of attention.

05. I'm tied up now
定义: 我现在忙得不能脱身.
例句: I'm tied up now so I can't pick you up at the airport but Wong Bing is on his way. (我现在忙得不能脱身因此我没法到机场去接你们但是王兵正赶着去机场的路上)

06. I'm tired of his constant carping.

07. I'm tired of your double-talks.
[成语句型]我厌倦了你的模棱两可, 言不由衷的话.

08. I'm under the weather.
[成语句型]我病了; 我感觉不舒服.

09. I'm waiting for your explanation
定义: 我正​​在等你给个说法或解释.
例句: I'm waiting for your explanation, young lady. Why haven't you finished your homework yet? (我正在等你给个说法, 小姑娘. 为什么妳还没把功课做完?)

10. I'm watching you closely
定义: 我正​​在紧密地注意你.
例句: I'm watching you closely so don't even think about doing that again! (我正在紧密地注意你, 所以你想也别想再干那事儿了!)

11. I'm your wingman
定义: 我在你后翼掩护你. (注: 战机编队飞行wingman是飞在外侧或后翼的驾驶员)
例句: I'm your wingman tonight bro. I'll be right by your side the whole time. (兄弟, 今晚我会保护你. 我整晚会守在你的身边. 注: 虽然这是空军飞行术语但也可以被用在与军事无关的日常生活中. 第一句里的bro = brother)

12. imagine how it would have been if
定义: 想一想情况将会变为如何如果...发生的话. (注: 意指如果一个假设性的情况发生的话其影响将是如何)
例句: I can't imagine how it would have been if he were not with me. (如果他不在我身边的话, 我真无法想像情况将会变为如何)

13. Imagine that!
定义: [惊叹语]表达惊讶或愤愤不平; 讽刺性地回覆别人的无意义的或显而易见的话语.
例句: "This tree is more than 300 years old." "Imagine that!" ("这棵树有三百多岁了." "那真是了不得啊!")

14. imagine what your life would be if
定义: 想一想你的生命将会变为如何如果...发生的话. (注: 意指如果一个假设性的情况发生的话你的生命将会作如何的转变)
例句: Imagine what your life would be if you dared to think 10x bigger? (设想一下你的生命将会变为如何如果你胆敢把你的雄心壮志扩张十倍)

定义: [网路术语]依我浅见/依我看来. (注: IMHO是in my humble opinion缩写; IMO是in my opinion缩写)
例句: "What are we going to do about the poor condition of the house next door?" "IMHO, we had better mind our own business." ("对于我们隔壁房屋的恶劣情况我们该如何处理?" "依我浅见, 我们最好还是少管闲事.")

16. immerse oneself, to
定义: 完全的投入(某事).
例句: He immersed himself in the culture of the island. (他全心投入这个岛屿的文化事业)

17. impassioned vs. impassive
定义: [易混淆字或片语]impassioned(形容词)热情的, 狂热的; impassive(形容词)无感情的, 无感觉的, 冷淡的.

18. implications are enormous, the
定义: 影响是巨大的.
例句: It seems a minor change, but the implications are enormous. (它看起来像个微不足道的变化, 但其影响是巨大的)

19. impose curfew, to
定义: 强制实施宵禁.
例句: The city imposed a curfew soon after the rioting started. (在暴动发生不久之后市政府立即实施宵禁)

20. impose on/upon, to
定义: 强求, 占别人便宜.
例句: You shouldn't impose on your friend's good nature. (你不应该藉由你朋友的善良天性而占他便宜)



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