二十笔实用成语 603

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二十笔实用成语 603

帖子 royl » 周六 9月 05, 2015 7:43 pm

二十笔实用成语 603

01. in an attempt to
定义: 尝试, 企图.
例句: I showed him how to use the online dictionary in an attempt to help him with his spelling. (为了试图帮助他的拼字, 我教他如何使用线上字典. 注: 这里的show是以一步接一步的展示方式来教导某人如何使用某物)

02. in an ice-cold tone
定义: 以冷冰冰口吻.
例句: "Give me one reason why I shouldn't report you to the principal" The teacher threatened in an ice-cold tone. (老师以冷冰冰的口气威胁我, "给我一个为什么我不应该把你呈报给校长的理由")

03. in an instant
定义: 一瞬间, 很快地, 马上地.
例句: The blow had in an instant knocked him cold. (这一击一瞬间就把他打晕过去)

04. in an interesting condition
定义: 暗示某人怀孕.
例句: The bride appeared to be in an interesting condition. (这个新娘看上去似乎怀孕了)

05. in and of itself
定义: 本身地, 只单考虑这件事本身.
例句: The idea in and of itself is not bad, but the side issues introduce many difficulties. (这个主意本身并不错, 但旁枝问题却带来了许多困难)

06. in anticipation of ...
定义: 期待..., 预料...
例句: He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than he'd invited. (他预料会有比他邀请的还更多的人过来, 因此他买了额外食物. 注: 这里的he'd invited = he had invited)

07. in any case
定义: 总之, 无论如何, 不管怎样.
例句: I'm not sure if I'll be at the next meeting, but I'll see you Sunday in any case. (我下次会议不一定会碰到你, 不过不管怎样我星期天肯定会见到你)

08. in any event
定义: 总之, 无论如何, 不管怎样.
例句: In any event, I'm pleased with your job performance. (总之, 我对你的工作表现很满意)

09. in any way we can
定义: 尽我们所能地, 我们会尽量地.
例句: We are willing to help you in any way we can. (我们愿意尽我们所能地帮助你)

10. in any way, shape, or form
定义: 无论以任何方式, 无论在任何情况下.
例句: That behavior is not acceptable in any way, shape, or form. (这个行为完全不能容忍. 注: 意指无论在任何情况下, 这个行为都无法接受)

11. in arrears
定义: 拖欠房租或其他债务.
例句: He is two months in arrears with his mortgage payments. (他拖欠了两个月的房贷付款)

12. in at the death/finish/kill
定义: 亲见猎物被杀; 亲见事件结束, 胜利的一刻.
例句: They've done really well this year, and we want to be in at the kill. (他们今年表现得非常令人满意, 我们想要亲自见证他们胜利的一刻)

13. in awe of
定义: 惊奇不已的, 顿生敬畏的.
例句: The observers were in awe of the destructive power of the new weapon. (这些观察员对这件新武器所发出的摧毁力惊叹不已)

14. in back of
定义: 在某人事或物的背后; 支持某人事或物.
例句: There's a small yard in back of the house. (在这栋房屋背后有一片小院子)

15. in bad faith
定义: 意图背信或不履行承诺, 意图诈欺或伤害.
例句: The workers accused management of bargaining in bad faith. (这些员工指控管理阶层在协商上意图背信诈欺)

16. in bad shape
定义: 情况很糟. (注: 常指身体或机器情况)
例句: After that workout of basic movements I realized that I was in bad shape and I looked forward to getting back in to the gym soon. (做完​​只是一些基本动作的健身运动之后, 我了解到我的身体情况很糟, 因此我盼望早点回到健身房)

17. in bad taste
定义: 不恰当, 不体面, 低级趣味.
例句: I felt that his joke was in bad taste. (我觉得他的笑话低级趣味)

18. in bad with
定义: 交恶, 不受喜欢, 不受欢迎.
例句: I was afraid I would be in bad with our new manager. (我担心我们新来的经理会不喜欢我)

19. in balance
定义: 平衡, 不偏不倚; 收支平衡; (会计)借方贷方总额平衡.
例句: We want to cut the budget to get it in balance by the year 2016. (我们打算削减预算以期望在二零一六年之前达到收支平衡)

20. in bed with someone
定义: 与某人发生性关系; 与某人维持不当的紧密关系; 互通款曲, 密谋; 互相利用.
例句: This is a politician who is accused of being in bed with the oil industry. (这是一名跟石油工业维持不当紧密关系的政客)



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