二十笔实用成语 618

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二十笔实用成语 618

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 17, 2015 5:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 618

01. in raptures, be
定义: 欣喜若狂, 欢欣鼓舞.
例句: We were all in raptures over the new baby. (我们都为了刚出生的宝宝欣喜若狂)

02. in reach
定义: 可以触及范围之内; 在能力, 权限及了解之内.
例句: He would fight back using anything in his reach. (他会尽一切力量反击)

03. in real life
定义: 在真实生活中, 在真实情况中. (注: 意指不是虚构的状况而是真人真事的状况)
例句: He plays a bad guy, but in real life he's very gentle. (虽然他扮演一个恶人, 但在真实生活中他很温柔)

04. in real terms
定义: 扣除物价因素, 按实值计算, 按实质计算.
例句: Investors are actually losing wealth in real terms. The inflation-adjusted yields on short-term Treasury securities have been negative in most months. (按实值计算, 投资人其实是亏本的. 这个经过通货膨胀调整过的短期国库债券的获利在大多数的月份是负值. 注: 简言之这个投资一直是亏钱的)

05. in reality
定义: 事实上.
例句: He talked as if he had accomplished a lot, but in reality he did very little. (他说起来好像他成就了许多事情, 但事实上他什么也没做)

06. in recent history/memory
定义: 近年来.
例句: I haven't seen him this happy in recent memory! (近年来我从来没见过他这么高兴!)

07. in regard to; with regard to
定义: 有关于, 对于.
例句: This letter is in regard to your unpaid balance. (这封信是有关于你尚未付清的账款)

08. in regard to vs. in regards to
[易混淆字或片语]in regard to是正确用语, 意思为: 有关于或对于; in regards to是错误用法, 不可使用.

09. in relation to
定义: 关于, 与...相比.
例句: The dog may be large in relation to a Chihuahua but not large in relation to dogs in general. (这只狗也许相对的比一只吉娃娃犬要大, 但跟一般的狗比起来它并不大)

10. in remembrance of
定义: 纪念, 缅怀.
例句: Mourners gathered on Sunday at a candlelight vigil held in remembrance of a local hero Donnie Chin who was fatally shot last week. (星期天, 哀悼者齐聚于烛光守夜集会, 纪念一位上星期被枪杀的本地英雄陈荣新)

11. in reserve
定义: 保留, 暂时不用, 储蓄或储藏.
例句: She has a lot of money kept in reserve in case problems arise. (她预留了许多钱以备不时之需)

12. in residence
定义: 在某一时间住某一居所; (艺术家, 作家, 等等)因工作关系常驻某大学或机构.
例句: Mr. Chen was not in residence at the apartment when the fire broke out. (当火灾发生的时候, 陈先生不住在那间公寓)

13. in respect to; with respect to; in respect of
定义: 对于, 有关于.
例句: With respect to your earlier comments, I have a question I would like to ask. (对于你早先的评论我有一个问题)

14. in response to
定义: 回应, 回答.
例句: I am writing in response to your letter of July 17. (我正在写回应你七月十七号来信的答覆)

15. in retrospect
定义: 回顾过去, 检讨往事.
例句: What is interesting in retrospect is how wrong our assumptions were. (检讨往事, 有趣的是我们当时的推测错得真离谱)

16. in return
定义: 回报.
例句: What will you give me in return for this favor? (你要拿什么回报这份人情?)

17. in round figures/numbers
定义: 以整数表示, 大约的估计.
例句: I don't need the exact amount. Just give it to me in round figures. (我不需要精确的数字. 给我大约的估计就好了)

18. in rude health
定义: 活力充沛, 身强体健.
例句: I hope to find you in rude health when I see you next time! (我希望下次看到你的时候你身强体健!)

19. in scoring position
定义: 将要得分的, 将要成功的.
例句: When I lost that fumble, I knew I was in scoring position, but I just lost it. (当我漏接球的时候, 我知道我将要得分, 但我却失去了那只球)

20. in search of
定义: 寻找, 寻求, 追求.
例句: The company has been in search of a competent, high quality IT professional to lead the new department. (这家公司正寻求一名能力精湛, 高品质的资讯科技专业人士来领导这个新增的部门)



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