二十笔实用成语 661

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二十笔实用成语 661

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 03, 2016 11:28 am

二十笔实用成语 661

01. just punishment for the crime, a
定义: 对此犯罪行为所给予合理, 公平, 应有的惩罚.
例句: Some modern supporters of capital punishment no longer view the death penalty as a deterrent, but as a just punishment for the crime. (一些现代的极刑支持者不再把死刑视为具有吓阻性的刑罚, 而把它视为对此罪行应有的惩罚)

02. just right
定义: 正好. 不多也不少; 完美.
例句: He wants everything just right for the big day. (他希望大婚的那天一切事情都完美地进行. 注: 这里的big day就是人生四大喜事之一的洞房花烛夜的那一天)

03. just say the word
定义: 只要开口说出来. (注: 意指你想要什么, 我会乐意地替去办的或去拿的)
例句: Whenever you want use my truck, just say the word. (你随时要用我的卡车只要说一声我就会送过来)

04. just so
定义: (维持)完美或一丝不苟; 那是正确的; 同样的; 只要(符合某条件).
例句: She always makes sure that her hair is just so before she goes out. (她出门前总是把她的头发梳理地一丝不苟)

05. just south of
定义: 就位于…南方一点点.
例句: One of my favorite places in Taipei is the hot spring town of Wulai located in the mountains just south of Taipei. (我在台北喜欢的去处之一就是坐落于台北南郊山中的乌来温泉)

06. Just suppose for a moment that you agreed with me.
[成语句型]你暂时权充你同意我的想法. (注: 意指先把你不同意我的立场放一边, 你暂时站在我的立场来设想我的苦衷或理由)

07. just the job, be
定义: 正是所需要的, 理想的或正确的.
例句: This bag is just the job for carrying my sports gear. (这个袋子正适合携带我的运动器材)

08. just the same
定义: 然而, 虽然如此, 照样依旧.
例句: I told her not to come early but just the same she came early anyway. (我告诉她别那么早来尽管如此她还是照样早到)

09. just the thing
定义: 正是所需要的, 理想的或正确的.
例句: Kiwifruit are just the thing for a healthy snack. (奇异果正是一份理想的健康零嘴. 注: 这里的snack就是在正餐之间所吃的零嘴而现代营养专家推荐以水果来代替不健康的糖果和洋芋片作为健康零嘴)

10. just the ticket
定义: 正是所需要的, 理想的或正确的.
例句: This soup is just the ticket for a quick lunch. (这碗汤正是一份理想的快餐)

11. just the way you like it
定义: 正是你所喜欢的.
例句: I made your coffee black and strong, just the way you like it. (我帮你泡了一杯正是你所喜欢的黑浓咖啡. 注: 这里的black coffee则是不加奶精或牛奶的黑咖啡)

12. just think, to
定义: 试想; 想想看.
例句: Just think—in two days we'll be on vacation, lying on the sunny beach and savoring chilled wine. (想想看—再过两天我们就要去渡假, 躺在阳光明媚的海滩上享用冰凉的葡萄酒)

13. just this minute/second
定义: 就是刚刚, 刚才; 现在, 就是这一刻.
例句: I was just this minute thinking about calling you. (我刚才还想到打电话给你)

14. just to give you an idea.
定义: 只是让你了解或明白某件事或物的真实性或严重性.
例句: Just to give you an idea of​​ how big that is, it's almost twice as big as my house! (只是让你明白那个东西有多大, 它几乎等于我的房子两倍大!)

15. just wait and see
定义: 等着瞧吧!
例句: You're going to regret the day you ever crossed me, just wait and see! (你将会为了曾经跟我作对后悔不已, 你等着瞧吧!)

16. just wait until ...
定义: 等到你碰/看到...你就会知道... (注: 意指现在不跟你讲, 等你碰到你就会惊讶或惊喜)
例句: You think you're in trouble now? Just wait until your father finds out what you did, young lady! (妳以为你现在惹下麻烦了吗? 等到你爸爸发现妳闯的祸你就会知道后果有多严重, 小姑娘!)

17. Just watching him is worth the price of admission.

18. Just water, please.

19. Just what is that?

20. just what the doctor ordered
定义: 正是所需要的, 理想的或正确的.
例句: Having the extra day off from work was just what the doctor ordered and I was able to get my many errands done. (有了多一天的休假正好是我所需要的, 它让我能够把许多跑腿差事办完)



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