二十笔实用成语 662

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二十笔实用成语 662

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 10, 2016 4:52 pm

二十笔实用成语 662

01. just whose side are you on?
定义: 你到底站在哪一边?
例句: "Just whose side are you on?" "I don't know. I'm on both sides of the fence at the moment." ("你到底站在哪一边?" "我不知道. 我目前对双方都采取观望的态度.")

02. just wonderful!
定义: 美好得很! (注: 有时用来以讽刺性地表达一波未平一波又起的无奈心情)
例句: "Just wonderful!" She was so exasperated after she was told that her car will not be ready until next Monday. ("真好啊!" 在她被告之她的车子要到下个礼拜一才能修好之后她非常恼怒地说)

03. just yet
定义: 现在, 就是这一刻. (注: 常用在否定口气句子, 意指现在还没准备好但不久的将来就会准备好或完成)
例句: Don't get too excited just yet. None of these plans are finalized. (现在别高兴的太早. 这些计划还都没敲定)

04. Just you wait/watch
定义: 你等着瞧吧!
例句: He'll be a big star someday—just you wait! (他总有一天会成为大明星—你等着瞧吧!)

05. just/right around the corner
定义: 就在附近, 不远了.
例句: There are so many Church's Chicken restaurants in the city; I'm sure there's one right around the corner where you are. (这个城市有许多邱奇炸鸡餐厅; 我想在你所在的附近肯定有一家邱奇餐厅)

06. just/simply not on, be
定义: [英国]不能被接受的, 不适当的; 不可能的.
例句: Bullying other students in the school is simply not on. (在学校里霸凌其他学生根本不可能被接受的)

07. justice prevailed
定义: 天网恢恢, 疏而不漏; 正义终得伸张; 恶人终受惩罚.
例句: The justice prevailed. My grandfather has always said that everyone should fight for justice. (正义终得伸张. 我爷爷总是说, 每个人应该为伸张正义而战)

08. kangaroo court, a
定义: 非法设立的法庭; 腐败, 不遵循法律程序的法庭.
例句: This was a kangaroo court, a guilty conviction was expected. (这是个腐败的法庭, 有罪的判决是可以预期的)

09. Katy bar the door
定义: [美国俚语]小心, 麻烦要来了. (注: bar the door的意思是用棍子把门挡住, 以致外人很难攻进来)
例句: Katie bar the door, our grandkids are coming soon. They'll be hungry for plenty of food and affection. (小心, 麻烦要来了, 我们孙子孙女们马上要来了. 他们将需要大量的食物和疼爱)

10. keel over, to
定义: 晕倒没知觉, 摔倒, 翻倒.
例句: The old man just keeled over and died. We found out later that he'd had a heart attack. (这个老人摔了一跤随后便死亡. 我们后来发现他是患了心脏病突发才致死)

11. keen as mustard, be (as)
定义: 喜爱, 热衷的, 兴致勃勃的, 迫不及待的.
例句: Bobby is keen as mustard to begin the new job. He always goes to work bright and early. (鲍比迫不及待地想要开展他的新工作. 他总是大清早赶去上工)

12. keen on, be
定义: 喜爱, 热衷的, 兴致勃勃的, 迫不及待的.
例句: I'm not keen on that idea. (我不喜欢这个主意)

13. keep (it) to oneself, to
定义: 守口如瓶, 不要告诉别人; 离群索居; 注重自己隐私权.
例句: If I tell you what she said, will you keep it to yourself? (如果我告诉你她所说的话, 你会不会保守这个秘密?)

14. keep (oneself) to oneself, to
定义: 性格内向, 不喜交友, 不爱交际; 守口如瓶, 保密不说.
例句: Xiao-Mei tends to keep to herself. She doesn't have many friends. (小梅比较性格内向. 她的朋友不多. 注: 在翻译上, 我们可以活用正反两面语气来诠释原文. 我觉得把第二句话翻译为"她朋友不多."比"她没有许多朋友."更达意和顺畅)

15. keep a civil tongue (in one's head), to
定义: 注意谈吐礼节, 说话礼貌及文雅. (注: 常用于劝告某人说话要有礼貌尤其在情绪激动的时候)
例句: Although she was angry, she kept a civil tongue. (虽然她很愤怒, 她仍旧维持应有的礼节)

16. keep a cool head, to
定义: 保持冷静, 自制.
例句: It is important to keep a cool head in a crisis. (身处危机时, 保持冷静是很重要的)

17. keep a diary/journal, to
定义: 写日记.
例句: The scholar Li Ao of the Tang Dynasty kept a diary of his journey through southern China. (唐代学者李翱曾写下他游历南中国的日记. 注: 唐代李翱的《来南录》是以日记形式撰写游记)

18. keep a firm/tight hold on …, to
定义: 抓紧不放, 紧紧控制住.
例句: I determine to keep a firm hold on my emotions and not fall apart. (我决心尽力地控制住自己的激动心情, 不让自己情绪崩溃)

19. keep a level head, to
定义: 保持冷静, 稳健心态.
例句: I know it's not easy to keep a level head when you're under strong emotion but you have to control yourself. (我知道当你在非常激动的情况下很不容易保持冷静, 但是你必须要稳定住自己的情绪)

20. keep a lid on it, to
定义: 防止恶化, 压制, 隐瞒, 遮盖.
例句: It's supposed to be a surprise for Susan, so try to keep a lid on it, will you? (这本来是个给苏珊的惊喜, 所以你要尽力保守这个秘密, 好吗?)



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