二十笔实用成语 676

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二十笔实用成语 676

帖子 royl » 周四 2月 23, 2017 2:47 am

二十笔实用成语 676

01. knock someone down a peg or two, to
定义: 挫败某人的傲气, 杀某人的威风, 令他谦逊下来.
例句: If you appear too cocky in front of Donald, he is going to knock you down a peg. (如果你在唐纳德面前过于表现出骄傲自大的话, 他就会挫败你的傲气, 让你谦逊下来)

02. knock someone into the middle of next week, to
定义: 痛殴某人, 打致重伤.
例句: If I ever find out that you've stolen those things, I'll knock you into the middle of next week. (如果我发现你偷了这些东西的话, 我会痛揍你一顿)

03. knock someone off their feet, to
定义: 令某人惊慌失措; 造成某人意外惊喜.
例句: The news was so exciting that it knocked me off my feet. (这则消息令人太兴奋让我惊喜不已)

04. knock someone off their perch, to
定义: 挫败某人的傲气, 杀某人的威风; 取代某人; 击败某人; 征服某人.
例句: He always starts trouble with us, and we'll have to find some way to knock him off his perch one of these days. (他总是找我们麻烦, 我们总有一天非得想个办法来杀杀他的威风)

05. knock someone out, to
定义: 将某人击晕; (因使用药物)令某人昏迷不醒; 击败某人; 给某人留下深刻印象.
例句: The force of the collision knocked him out. (撞击的冲力把他撞得昏迷不醒)

06. knock someone over, to
定义: 将某人撞倒; 令某人大吃一惊.
例句: The wind was so strong that it almost knocked her over. (这阵风刮得太猛烈, 差一点把她吹倒)

07. knock someone sideways, to
定义: 令某人惊慌失措.
例句: The news about his mother's car accident really knocked him sideways. (这则有关他母亲车祸的消息着实让他惊慌失措)

08. knock someone/something flying, to
定义: 将某人或某物撞飞或打飞.
例句: She knocked it flying out of my hands and left in a rage. (她把这个东西从我手上将它打飞掉然后怒气冲冲地离开)

09. knock someone's block/head off, to
定义: 揍扁某人.
例句: The school bully threatened to knock my block off if I didn't do as I was told. (这个在学校里横行霸道的人威胁我如果不听从他的话, 他便会揍扁我)

10. knock something on the head, to
定义: 停止或不再做某件事.
例句: "Do you still play video games?" "No, I knocked those on the head for a while." ("你还玩电脑游戏吗?" "不了, 我有一阵子不再玩那些玩意儿.")

11. knock something over, to
定义: 将某物撞倒; 偷窃钱财或物品.
例句: They knocked over a truckload of goods. (他们偷窃了一货车的货物)

12. knock something up, to
定义: [英国]临时匆促地制造或拼凑出来.
例句: Knock up a quick breakfast please. I'm starving! (请你赶快随便做一份早餐. 我肚子好饿!)

13. knock the bottom out of, to
定义: 严重破坏, 毁坏, 使...失去作用, 功能或价值.
例句: The rise in mortgage rates really knocked the bottom out of the housing market. (房屋贷款利率的攀升着实致使房屋市场受到严重打击)

14. knock the hell/shit out of, to
定义: [不雅语]痛打, 严重撞击, 揍晕, 大胜某人.
例句: You really knocked the hell out of my rear bumper. (我车子的后保险杠被你撞得真惨)

15. knock the pins (out) from under someone, to
定义: 无法给予某人的支持与协助; 使某人站不住脚; 令某人失望.
例句: Every time my ingenious theory attempted to stand on its feet, the evidence knocked the pins from under it. (每次我想出了绝妙的理论并尝试证明它是正确的时候, 这些证据却完全站不住脚. 注: 这里的evidence是用来证明某事是真实或正确的证据, 它是个不可数的名词)

16. knock the props out from under someone, to
定义: 摧毁某人的意志, 自信或自尊.
例句: When you told Sally that she was due to be fired, you really knocked the props out from under her. (当你告诉莎莉将要被解雇的时候, 你真的摧毁了她的自尊心)

17. knock the socks off someone, to
定义: 令人称奇不已或惊叹不已; 胜过, 超越, 完全击败.
例句: I'm going to take you to a restaurant that'll knock your socks off. (我要带你去一家让你惊叹不已的餐馆)

18. knock spots off, to
定义: 远超过, 远胜于.
例句: We knock spots off the competition. (我们远胜过这些竞争对手. 注: 这里的competition可以是一个人也可以是一群人)

19. knock the wind out of one's sails, to
定义: 造成某人停下来或放弃; 造成某人失去信心, 自尊或意志.
例句: If you tell him his letter is full of errors, you'll knock the wind out of his sails. (如果你告诉他他写的信里面充满了错误的话, 你会使他完全失去了自信心)

20. knock the wind out of someone, to
定义: 拳击腹部或背部受到重击造成某人(横隔膜痉挛)短时内不能呼吸; 羞辱某人.
例句: Tom struck me and really knocked the wind out of my sails. (汤姆打了我一拳把我打得一时气都透不过来)



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