二十笔实用成语 677

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二十笔实用成语 677

帖子 royl » 周五 2月 24, 2017 10:48 pm

二十笔实用成语 677

01. knock together, to
定义: 临时匆促地制造或拼凑出来.
例句: I made the rough table that was knocked together from old pieces of wood. (我用一些老旧木材临时拼凑出这张粗糙的桌子)

02. knock up, to
定义: [俚语]使某人怀孕; [主要在英国]以敲门叫醒或召唤; 令某人疲乏不堪.
例句: Knock me up at 6 o'clock please. (请你六点钟叫醒我)

03. knock yourself out, to
定义: 工作到疲惫不堪; (允许某人)尽管(用, 做)吧!
例句: "Can I have a piece of cake?" "Of course, knock yourself out!" ("我可以吃一片蛋糕吗?" "当然可以, 你爱吃多少就吃多少!")

04. knock/set someone back on his/her heels, to
定义: 令人大吃一惊, 仓皇失措.
例句: The car repair bill set me back on my heels. (这张汽车修理账单让我大吃一惊)

05. knock/throw for a loop, to
定义: 重击; 抛出棘手难题让某人大吃一惊或措手不及.
例句: He knocked me for a loop when he said he was quitting his job. (当他说他准备要辞职的时候, 我大吃了一惊)

06. knocked/struck all of a heap, be
定义: 惊慌失措的, 慌乱成一团, 吓一跳.
例句: I was knocked all of a heap to hear that she resigned a week ago. (当我听到一个星期之前她辞了工作, 我吓了一跳)

07. know a hawk from a handsaw, to
定义: 具有判断力, 鉴别能力.
例句: He knows a hawk from a handsaw, and can tell a genuine gemstone from paste. (他相当具有珠宝鉴定能力, 能够鉴别宝石之真假)

08. know a thing or two about, to
定义: 对某事其实知晓不少虽然客气地说略知一二.
例句: You can count on Bob because he knows a thing or two about finding a job in the city. (你可以尽管信赖鲍伯的建议, 因为他非常熟悉在这个城市里找工作的门路)

09. know about ..., to
定义: 知晓有关...一些细节.
例句: He knows all about building a website. (他对建造网站非常熟稔)

10. know all the answers, to
定义: 无所不知; 极为内行, 完全了解; 对于某事知之甚详. (注: 经常被用于否定口气来告诉别人你并不完全了解)
例句: I don't know all the answers. I don't even believe that it's possible to know all the answers. (我并不是无所不知的. 我什至不相信无所不知是可能的)

11. know all the right people, to
定义: 交际广, 认识所有有影响力或者有权力的人物.
例句: First you are to manage to know all the right people, then you're to get invited to the right parties. (首先你要设法认识所有拥有实权的人物, 然后你再设法被邀请至权力核心的聚会里)

12. know all/everything there is to know about ..., to
定义: 对...了若指掌.
例句: The teacher said he didn't expect us to know everything there is to know about the subject. (这位老师说他并不指望我们对这个科目了若指掌)

13. know best, to
定义: 比别人更明白; 最清楚该如何做.
例句: I would take the highway myself, but you live here so you know best. (要是我的话, 我会走高速公路, 但是你是住在这里的人所以你比别人更清楚应该怎么走)

14. know better than to do something, to
定义: 应该知道做哪些事是不对的, 是不法的. (注: 意指应该具有智慧及道德感, 知道该不该做某事)
例句: Mary should have known better than to accept a gift from him since doing so means she accepts the romantic intention behind the gift. (玛丽应该知道不该接受他的礼物因为这样做也就意味着她接受了他礼物背后所代表的追求意图)

15. know better, to
定义: 应该知道对与错, 合不合法或可行或不可行.
例句: There's no excuse for his behavior. He's old enough to know better. (他这种行为是不可原谅的. 他年纪已经大到一个知道对和错的程度)

16. know by heart, to
定义: 熟记于心.
例句: I learned the poem by heart. (这首诗我已经熟记于心了)

17. know by sight, to
定义: 眼熟; 一看就认出来; 一时说不出来, 等看到就能认出来.
例句: I know this guy by sight, but I know nothing about him. (这个人看起来眼熟, 但我对他一无所知)

18. know different/otherwise, to
定义: 能分清楚何为真, 何为假; 能分辨孰是孰非.
例句: He says he has no money but I know different. (他说他没钱, 但我知道他没说实话)

19. know enough to come in out of the rain, to
定义: 懂道理, 知道保护自己或自处之道. (注: 如果以否定的语气来使用这笔成语的话, 这人便是愚昧或者连一点常识都没有)
例句: Tom does so many foolish things that his mother says he doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain. (汤姆做了不少傻事, 他母亲都说他连一点常识都没有)

20. know for certain/sure, to
定义: 肯定, 确定.
例句: I know for certain that I have seen her before. I just don't remember where. (我确定我以前见过她. 我只是记不得在哪里见过她)



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