二十笔实用成语 695

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二十笔实用成语 695

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 13, 2017 4:44 pm

二十笔实用成语 695

01. legal tender, a
定义: [金融术语]合法货币. (注: 意指可以付款或偿债而且对方必须接受)
例句: Coins and bills are considered legal tender, but postage stamps are not. (硬币和钞票被视为合法货币, 但邮票却不是)

02. legend/rumor/word has it
定义: 传说或谣言或消息是这么说的.
例句: Legend has it that the city was destroyed by a great flood in ancient times. (传说是这么说的, 这座城市曾在古代被大洪灾所摧毁)

03. legitimate child, a
定义: 已婚夫妻所生的子女, 合法子女.
例句: Three times married, John had five legitimate children by his first wife. (结了三次婚, 约翰拥有五名由第一任妻子所生的合法子女)

04. leisure pursuit, a
定义: 闲暇的嗜好及兴趣.
例句: Tennis is an energetic leisure pursuit invented by the upper classes as an alternative to playing sports. (网球是一个充满活力的闲暇嗜好, 它是由上层阶级针对球赛运动所发明的替代运动)

05. lemon, a
定义: 有缺陷产品; 柠檬车, 问题车, 泡水车, 事故车. (注: 意指毛病不断经常抛锚的蹩脚车)
例句: I believe I bought a lemon, and I'm going to take it back to the dealer for a another one. (我确信我买了一部柠檬车, 我准备要把它退还给这个经销商交换另一部车子)

06. lend a (helping) hand, to
定义: 援助, 救助人家.
例句: That crate looks very heavy for you to move by yourself. Let me lend you a hand with it. (那只木箱你一个人搬它看起来挺重. 让我帮助你一起抬它吧)

07. lend an ear, to
定义: 仔细聆听某人想要说的话.
例句: If you have any problems, go to Claire. She'll always lend a sympathetic ear. (你要是有问题, 可以去找克莱尔. 她总是怀着同情心仔细聆听别人的倾诉)

08. lend color to, to
定义: 增色, 渲染, 修饰使别人信以为真.
例句: Your humorous comments lent a great deal of color to the slide show of your vacation. (你的风趣解说给你这场度假幻灯秀添增了不少色彩)

09. lend itself to something, to
定义: 适合, 适用于某一特殊用途.
例句: It was amazing how well her book lent itself to being turned into a film! (她写的书如此恰如其分地被改拍成一部电影真是令人惊叹!)

10. Lend me your ears.

11. lend one's name to, to
定义: 让某人借用你的名义, 以自己名义赞助某人.
例句: It's surprising that he would lend his name to such a business venture. (令人惊讶的是他居然以他自己的名义来推荐这样的商业冒险)

12. lend weight/credence/credibility to, to
定义: 确立某个理论或主张的可信度.
例句: A growing amount of evidence lends credibility to his theory. (越来越多证据的出现更加确立了他理论的可信度)

13. lengthen the odds, to
定义: 减少发生可能性; 加长差距.
例句: These changes to Mega Millions will lengthen the odds of winning the jackpot, from 1 in 258.9 million to 1 in 302.6 million. (这些超级百万乐透奖的改变将会减低赢得头奖的可能性, 从两亿五千八点九百万分之一的机会降低至三亿零二点六百万分之一的机会)

14. lenient treatment, a
定义: 宽大的对待.
例句: Your lenient treatment of the children only served to make them more unruly. (你对这些儿童的宽容对待只会使他们变得越来越难管束)

15. less and less
定义: 越来越少.
例句: The medicine becomes less and less effective over time. (这服药剂的药效会随着时间的流逝越降越低)

16. less is more
定义: 简朴即是丰富; 意指简单朴实的艺术体现便是最实在的设计原则.
例句: Simplicity now rules our lives. Less is more. The tiny house trend is on the rise with more and more people choosing to trade in space for simplicity. (简朴的原则现在正左右着我们的生活方式. 简朴即是丰富. 这个正流行的小巧房屋潮流使得越来越多的人们选择以简朴生活来取代宽敞的生活空间)

17. less likely
定义: 较不可能.
例句: Fruit and vegetable lovers are less likely to smoke, and be overweight. (喜爱吃水果及蔬菜的人比较不可能抽烟, 和体重过重)

18. less than
定义: 少于; 低于; 比...不如; 决不, 一点不.
例句: His attention span is less than that of a goldfish. (他的注意力持久性比一只金鱼还不如)

19. less than thrilled, be
定义: 不高兴, 不满, 不痛快.
例句: I'm less than thrilled with her decision to put us off all week. (我很不满她拖延了我们整整一星期的决定)

20. less vs. fewer
[易混淆字或片语]less是不可数的较少, 不及; fewer是可数的较少, 不及.



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