二十笔实用成语 716

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二十笔实用成语 716

帖子 royl » 周一 12月 18, 2017 5:25 am

二十笔实用成语 716

01. lock and load, to
定义: 准备射击; 准备将要到来的行动或冲突.
例句: We go from everything is fun and games to having to learn how to lock and load when it's time we met the challenge head-on. (正逢我们应当面对面地迎接挑战之时, 我们的态度从什么事情都是好玩, 不需当真转变为不得不认识到如何去准备应付将要来到的冲突)

02. lock away, to
定义: 锁藏好; 监禁; 关起门自己独自思考或工作.
例句: He locked himself away in his room while he studied. (他把自己关在屋内潜心读书)

03. lock for, a
定义: 确定会成为或得到.
例句: He's a lock for the new manager position. (他确定会升任这个新经理职位)

04. lock horns, to
定义: 对抗或争斗不休. (注: 这里的horns是指动物头上的角, 所以两头鹿或牛羊对抗时是将它们角对角锁住或顶住互相角力)
例句: Let's settle this peacefully. I don't want to lock horns with you. (我们和平地解决这件纷争. 我不愿意跟你争斗不休)

05. lock in, to
定义: 锁定承诺; 锁定; 锁紧; 封锁, 封闭, 禁闭.
例句: She's locked herself in the bathroom for hours, you'd better take a look at what she's doing in there. (她把她自己锁在浴室里几个钟头了, 你应该去看看她在里面干什么)

06. lock of hair, a
定义: 一绺头发.
例句: She cut off a lock of his hair and put it under her pillow. (她剪下他一绺头发, 放在她的枕头底下)

07. lock on/onto, to
定义: 以雷达锁定或锁住; 盯住; 看牢; 抓紧不放.
例句: She locked onto her child and wouldn't let him leave her side for even half a second. (她紧紧地抓着她的孩子, 不准他离开她的身边哪怕是半秒钟也不行)

08. lock out, to
定义: 封锁, 封闭; 关闭工作场所, 不允许员工进入.
例句: I locked myself out of the car accidentally. I didn't want to be stranded under the sun especially I was really far from my home. (我不小心把我锁在汽车之外. 我不想被困在大太阳底下尤其我离家还很远. 注: 这句话意思是我不小心把钥匙锁在车内, 无法驾车离开)

09. lock up, to
定义: (离开前)关门关窗并上锁; 储藏并上锁; 确定某事必然发生; 关在监狱里.
例句: The police should lock him up. (警察应该把他关起来)

10. lock your knees, to
定义: 完全伸直双腿. (注: 在运动时完全伸直双腿意味着膝部不能弯曲, 在有些运动上是极其危险的)
例句: When doing calisthenics, lifting weights or using exercise machines, locking your knees puts maximum stress on the joint, increasing your risk for injury. (当你在做徒手体操, 举重或者使用运动器材时, 完全伸直双腿就会把最大压力加诸在膝盖上, 增加了你膝部受伤的危险)

11. lock, stock and barrel
定义: 全部地, 完全地.
例句: When I came home from my mountain hiking, I was so hungry that I ate everything in the refrigerator, lock, stock, and barrel. (当我爬完山回家之后, 我饥得不得了, 我把冰箱里的东西吃光, 全部都吃光)

12. locker room, a
定义: 更衣室, 储藏室.
例句: This morning while I was in the locker room at the gym I overheard a conversation that two men were talking about their extramarital affairs. (今天早上我在健身房的更衣室里无意中听到了两个男人的谈话, 他们在谈论他们的婚外恋情)

13. loco, be
定义: [形容词]疯子的, 疯癫, 精神不正常.
例句: He's not just weird, he's positively loco. (他不只是怪里怪气的, 他根本是精神不正常)

14. log off/out, to
定义: [电脑术语]退出系统; 下线; 电脑网路或Internet网站的登出.
例句: Before you log off, be sure to save the work you completed. (在你退出系统之前, 务必要把你完成的工作储存下来)

15. log on/in, to
定义: [电脑术语]进入系统; 上线; 电脑网路或Internet网站的登入.
例句: When you log on, you have to type in your password. (当你进入系统的时候, 你必须要以键盘输入你的密码)

16. logical fallacy, a
定义: 逻辑辩论的谬误.
例句: Appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy since it is used to arouse emotions of the audience to gain acceptance of its conclusion. (诉求于人们的情绪是个逻辑谬误, 由于它被应用在挑起听众的情绪以便取得群众对其结论的接受)

17. lone wolf, a
定义: 喜爱孤独或有孤独癖的人.
例句: The Las Vegas mass shooter was not at all a lone wolf, he was a terrorist. If he wasn't white the media would have no problem saying that. (这名拉斯维加斯滥杀民众的杀手根本不是个孤独行凶者, 他是个恐怖份子. 如果他不是白种人的话, 新闻媒体就会毫无罫碍地称他为恐怖份子)

18. lonely at the top, be
定义: 身在高处不胜寒; 位高权重者或成功者少有知心朋友, 比较孤独.
例句: It can get lonely at the top, and a trusted adviser can instill confidence to overcome the challenges of running a business. (身处高层者会比较孤独, 一个可信任的顾问可以逐步加强高位者克服营运事业上所面临多方挑战的信心)

19. long after
定义: (甲动作)远在(乙动作)发生之后. (注: 这里的long是个形容词)
例句: She remembered that day long after it had faded from her memory. (远在这事已经从她的记忆里逐渐消退之后, 她居然想起了那一天)

20. long ago
定义: 多年以前.
例句: The official announcement was made not long ago. (这份官方公告乃是最近所发出的. 注: long ago是许久以前, 而no long ago便可以翻译为最近)



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