二十笔实用成语 753

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二十笔实用成语 753

帖子 royl » 周日 6月 03, 2018 2:01 am

二十笔实用成语 753

01. mean the world to you/one, to
定义: 极为珍惜..., 把...当宝贝.
例句: My little daughter means the world to me. I would do absolutely anything for her. (我极为珍爱我的小女儿. 我会毫无条件地为她做任何事情)

02. mean to, to
定义: 有意于, 打算, 故意.
例句: What you mean to say is that you intend to do it, which I already knew. (你打算要说的是你就是有意要做这件事, 而我却已经知道你的意图)

03. mean someone no harm, to
定义: 对某人无恶意.
例句: I'm so sorry that my comments got you so upset. I swear, I meant no harm! (非常抱歉我说的话造成你这么不高兴. 我发誓, 我对你并没恶意!)

04. mean well, to
定义: 带着善意或好心.
例句: Kayla is a gossip, but she means well. She only tries to be a friend. (凯拉是个爱聊东家长西家短的人, 但她本人不坏. 她只是想跟人家做朋友)

05. meander around, to
定义: 曲折迂回, 漫步.
例句: I used to meander aimlessly around the meadow after dinner every evening. (我以前在每天晚饭之后在草场上毫无目的地漫步)

06. meaner than a junkyard dog, be
定义: 凶恶好斗.
例句: Don't mess with her. She's meaner than a junkyard dog. (别去惹她. 她这个人凶恶好斗)

07. means of support
定义: 收入来源.
例句: A person who has no visible means of support and loiters in a public place might be arrested and prosecuted for vagrancy. (一个没有显著的收入来源的人, 在公共场所游荡可能会被逮捕并以流浪罪被起诉)

08. means to an end, a
定义: (只是)达到目的的手段. (注: 例如你不喜欢你的工作只是把它当成赚钱过日子的手段)
例句: Having that unpaid internship was just a means to an end. It helped me get my foot in the door at the company, where I now work full-time! (有了这个无薪资的实习工作只是一个达到目的的手段. 它帮助我在这家公司建立了一个立足点, 而我现在已经在此专职工作了!)

09. meant for each other, be
定义: (两人)天生一对, 天作之合.
例句: It was fate and love at first sight. They were meant for each other. (这是命中注定的而且两人一见钟情. 他们真是天生一对)

10. meant to be, be
定义: 本有就有意成为; [英国]本来应该成为.
例句: Life doesn't have to be that way! It wasn't meant to be that way. Not by a long shot. (人生不应是这个样子! 它本不该是如此. 决不可如此)

11. meant to do something, be
定义: 本有就有意要做某事; [英国]本来应该要做某事.
例句: This worksheet is meant to help you discover your strengths and weaknesses. (这张列表是用来帮助你发现你的优点和弱点)

12. measure swords with someone, to
定义: 与对手较量能力; 与某人斗剑, 交锋; 与某人竞争.
例句: After measuring swords with him this morning, I'm confident that I can beat him in the race. (今天早上跟他较量之后, 我有信心我可以在这场比赛击败他)

13. measure up, to
定义: 符合必要或适当的条件; 能力上足可与...相符.
例句: The new controller didn't measure up to the previous one so we had to ask him to leave. (这位新来的财务长能力不如前任财务长, 因此我们只好要求他离开)

14. meat and drink to someone, be
定义: 令某人满意或喜欢的事情虽然对别人并不是如此.
例句: What normal people considered pressure is meat and drink to me. I love working under pressure. (一般人认为是有压力的事情对我来说却是一种享受. 我喜爱在压力下工作)

15. meat and potatoes
定义: 基本必需部分; 赖以为生的要件.
例句: His article never gets into the meat and potatoes of a solution to the city's rising crime rate. (他写的文章根本没有触及到这座城市犯罪率上升解决方案的核心部分)

16. meat wagon, a
定义: [俚语]救护车或柩车.
例句: The meat wagon showed up just as they were pulling Marty out of the car. (正当他们把马帝从车内拖出来之时救护车就到场了)

17. meddle in, to
定义: 擅权, 无理地干涉, 多管闲事.
例句: Don't meddle in matters that don't concern you, unless you want to face the wrath of Tom! (除非你想面对汤姆的愤怒否则你别多管跟你无关的事情!)

18. meddle with, to
定义: 乱动别人之物; 多管别人的闲事; 胡缠瞎闹.
例句: Please don't meddle with me. I am in a bad mood. (请你别跟我胡搅蛮缠. 我心理不好)

19. mediocre vs. average
[易混淆字或片语]虽然在字义上mediocre(形容词)是平凡的, 中等的, 与average或medium相近, 其实mediocre还带着负面含意"不怎样", "平庸的"或"低档的" ; 所以你形容自己普普通通, 你可以使用average, 千万别使用mediocre来形容自己.

20. meek and mild, be
定义: 顺服温和的.
例句: She may seem meek and mild but it is all an act. (她看起来似乎顺服温和但这都是她装出来的样子)



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