二十笔实用成语 764

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二十笔实用成语 764

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 06, 2018 4:35 am

二十笔实用成语 764

01. Mother Nature, the
定义: 大自然. (注: 意指将大自然化身为孕育万物的母亲)
例句: We must not use Mother Nature as our garbage collector for if we do we will eventually be consumed by our own refuse. (我们千万不可把大自然作为我们垃圾桶, 因为如果我们如此做的话我们终将被我们自己随意乱丢的废弃物所吞噬)

02. mother of three, a
定义: 三个小孩的母亲.
例句: This mother of three approaches her blog with a sense of humor, but doesn't sugar-coat the tough times. (这名三个小孩的母亲以幽默感的手法来处理她的博客, 但她对艰难的时刻却实话实说而不把实情加以美化)

03. motherhood and apple pie, the
定义: 美国价值观. (注: 意指母性与苹果派, 象征着传统的美国价值)
例句: The audience wants news and facts, not motherhood and apple pie. (这些观众想要知道的是新闻和事实, 不是传统的美国价值观)

04. mother's/mummy's boy, a
定义: 懦弱, 太秀气, 依赖或听从母亲话的男人.
例句: He's a bit of a mummy's boy really. He ought to leave home and become more independent. (他确实是个依赖母亲, 有点懦弱的男人. 他应该离开家庭到社会上去闯荡, 成为一个更加独立自主的男子)

05. Mother's message eventually sinks in on him.

06. motion picture, a
定义: 电影.
例句: It isn't a perfect motion picture, but it is a powerful one, and leaves a lasting impression. (它不是一个完美的电影, 但是它是个影响力强大的电影, 给人留下深刻的印象)

07. motion sickness
定义: 晕动症, 晕车, 晕船, 晕机.
例句: Motion sickness is the feeling you get when the motion you sense with your inner ear is different from the motion you visualize. (晕动症是个你内耳对一个移动的感知和你视觉对同一个移动的感知不相符所造成一种平衡失调的疾病)

08. motion someone forward, to
定义: 招手要某人走向前.
例句: Pearl saw me walk in and motioned me forward, "Please take a seat I will call you when its your turn", she said. (珍珠见我走进来就招手要我走向前, 她说: "请你先坐下来, 等轮到你的时候我会呼唤你.")

09. mount a comeback/turnaround, to
定义: 卷土重来, 力图复苏, 东山再起, 试图扭转颓势.
例句: Two years later, the American auto industry mounted a comeback. The auto industry created 115,000 jobs after GM and Chrysler emerged from bankruptcy. (两年之后, 美国汽车工业卷土重来. 在通用汽车和克莱斯勒摆脱了破产困局之后,汽车工业创造了十一万五千个工作机会)

10. Mount Fujiyama vs. Fujiyama
定义: [易混淆字或片语]yama是日语的"山", Mount Fujiyama就是"富士山山", 所以正确的"富士山"说法是Fujiyama或Mount Fuji.

11. mountain of debt, a
定义: 积债如山.
例句: Many consumers find themselves in a mountain of debt without even realizing it. Only when they cannot continue to meet their obligations do they realize the depth of their troubles. (许多消费者突然发现他们自己背负了如山的债务居然还没察觉到. 只有当他们无法继续再履行还债义务的时候他们才了解自己所遭遇的麻烦有多深)

12. mouth off, to
定义: [俚语]肆无忌惮地高谈阔论; 自吹自擂; 狂妄说话; 批评咒骂.
例句: We would have gotten away with our plan if your dumb cousin hadn't started mouthing off all over town. (如果不是因为你那个表兄弟到处自吹自擂的话, 我们的计划早就可以侥幸成功)

13. move ahead/along, to
定义: 继续走下去, 继续有进步, 接着做下一件事.
例句: We must keep researching if the study of biology is to move ahead. (如果我们要生物科学研究持续有进步的话, 我们必须要不停地做研究工作)

14. Move along, there's nothing to see here.
[成语句型]走开, 这里没什么好看的. (注: 警察驱散现场民众的使用语)

15. move closer to each other, to
定义: 两人互相移近.
例句: We finally moved closer to each other in June and got married this past weekend. (我们终于在六月份搬到彼此的附近并且在上个周末结了婚)

16. move heaven and earth, to
定义: 使出最大的努力.
例句: I'll move heaven and earth to help you get a successful business up and running. (我会尽最大的努力帮助你取得一家运行顺利的成功事业)

17. move in for the kill, to
定义: 做出致命一击, 当对手处于弱势趁势一举击败.
例句: My foe has wilted and it's time to move in for the kill. He seems tired and beaten, like he wants a way out. Fine, I give it to him. (我的对手已经疲软无力, 正是时候趁势一举击败他. 他似乎疲惫和无力反击, 好像他想要摆脱这个困境. 好吧, 我就击败他帮他结束这场比赛吧)

18. move in on, to
定义: 强硬进入接收或控制, 篡夺, 强夺, 硬闯.
例句: He was angry because the other salesman was moving in on his sales territory. (他很忿怒因为另外一名推销员正在抢夺他的销售地盘)

19. move in, to
定义: 搬进入住处; 搬入办公室或工作场所; 强硬进入接收或控制; 搬进某人家与其同居.
例句: "Is that office space still available?" "Sure, when can you move in?" ("那间办公室是不是还空的?" "是的, 你能够什么时候搬进来?")

20. Move it!
定义: 快一点; 动作快; 移开; 别挡路; 撤走, 走开.
例句: Move it, pal! Your car is blocking these gates! (移走, 伙计! 你的车子挡住了这个大门! 注: 这里的gates之所以使用复数是因为这它是双扇大门, 所以中文的翻译仍把它们当成单数)



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