二十笔实用成语 768

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二十笔实用成语 768

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 20, 2018 1:33 pm

二十笔实用成语 768

01. my better half
定义: 我的贤内助或好丈夫. (注: 西方人习惯礼貌地称呼自己的配偶)
例句: Today is a very special day. It's the 50th birthday of my better half. (今天是个非常特别的日子. 它是我贤内助五十岁大寿)

02. my blood is boiling/up!
定义: 我很激动, 愤怒, 热血沸腾!
例句: My blood was boiling watching the schoolyard bully beat up on the little skinny kid while everyone stood around and cheered! (看见这个校园恶霸痛打一名弱小儿童而同时其他同学却一面围观一面喝采让我热血沸腾, 无比愤怒! )

03. my car wouldn't start.
定义: 我的车没法发动.
例句: My car wouldn't start this morning, so I called a taxi. (今天早上我的车子没法发动, 因此我叫了一部出租车)

04. my cup runneth over
定义: [出自圣经]我丰富无缺; 我福杯满溢.
例句: I just finished paying off my house mortgage, my health improved, and my first grandchild was born. My cup runneth over! (我才把我房屋贷款付清, 我的健康得到了改善, 我第一个孙子出生. 我真是福杯满溢!)

05. my dogs are barking
定义: [俚语]我的腿累得酸疼.
例句: My dogs are barking. I need an ottoman so I can put my feet up and relax. (我的腿累得酸疼. 我需要一个垫脚凳子这样我才可以把腿搁上去, 放松肌肉)

06. my feet are killing me
定义: 我脚好疼. (注: 可能站太久或走太久)
例句: My feet are killing me. I can't walk any further. (我脚好疼. 我走不动了)

07. my foot! or my eye!
定义: [惊叹语]我才不信这鬼话! 决不可能! (注: 对某人的意见表示不相信或者鄙视)
例句: "It's bad luck to step on the cracks in the sidewalk, you know." "Bad luck, my eye! I don't go in for superstitious nonsense like that." ("你知道, 走在人行道的裂缝上会走霉运." "霉运, 我才不信这玩意儿! 我不喜欢像这种带迷信的无稽之谈.")

08. my God!
定义: [惊叹语]老天啊! (注: 表达震惊, 惊喜, 惊慌)
例句: My God, look at the time! It's midnight already. (老天啊, 看看这个时间! 都已经午夜了)

09. my good man
定义: 对男人的熟稔的称呼; 我的老友, 我的好伙计.
例句: My good man, can you tell me the best way to go to Chengdu Zoo? (我的好伙计, 你能不能告诉我去成都动物园的捷径?)

10. my goodness!
定义: [惊叹语]老天啊! (注: 表达震惊, 惊喜, 惊慌)
例句: My goodness, you gave me quite a fright! (老天啊, 你吓了我一大跳!)

11. my guess is as good as yours
定义: 我也不知道, 瞎猜的.
例句: My guess is as good as yours. That's about all anyone can do at this moment. No one seems to know what's going on. (我是瞎猜的. 此刻任何人所能做的只能如此. 似乎没人知道发生了什么事情)

12. my gut feeling is ...
定义: 我的直觉是; 我心里的感觉是.
例句: My gut feeling is that it could be done. It's a long shot, but well worth trying. (我的直觉是这件事是可以做到的. 虽然它的成功率不高, 但值得一试)

13. my hat goes off to someone
定义: 我向你致敬.
例句: My hat goes off to you for being such an unselfish and patient team member. (你身为一名无私和有耐心的队员, 我向你致敬)

14. my hat's off to someone
定义: 我向你致敬.
例句: My hat's off to you for the incredible job. (为你做了这件出色的工作我向你致敬)

15. my head is spinning
定义: 我昏头转向; 我头晕目眩.
例句: So much happened this week my head was spinning and I'm trying to decide what to do next. (这个星期发生了许多事情弄得我昏头转向, 我正设法决定下一步该怎么办)

16. my heart bleeds for you
定义: 你好可怜; 我衷心同情你. (注: 此话也可以使用于反讽语气来挖苦其窘境)
例句: Yeah, yeah, my heart bleeds for you that you didn't get a full eight hours sleep. Meanwhile, I was up at 3 AM with a screaming toddler. (是啊, 是啊, 你没得到完整个八个钟头的睡眠我好同情你. 然而我凌晨三点钟就被一个尖叫的小娃给吵醒)

17. my leg goes to sleep
定义: 我的腿发麻, 有如针刺的感觉.
例句: I sat on my right calf the other night to watch a film and my leg went to sleep so badly I still had pins and needles hours later. (前两天晚上我坐在我的右小腿肚上看了一部电影, 我的腿发麻得厉害, 几个小时之后我还有针刺的感觉)

18. my mom's going to kill me
定义: 我妈妈会大发雷霆; 我妈妈会骂死我.
例句: My mom's going to kill me when she finds out I'm drunk! (我妈妈要是发现我喝醉了她会骂死我!)

19. my money is on ...
定义: 我认为...会赢; 我认为是... (注: 意指假如你问我意见认为谁有可能或可疑之类的问题时我说出我的选择)
例句: Chad thinks his team is going to win the game, but my money is on the other guys. (查德以为他的队会赢得这场比赛, 但我却认为另外一队会赢)

20. My name is Tom and I'm your waiter tonight.
定义: [餐厅用语]我是汤姆, 是你们今晚的服务员.



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