二十笔实用成语 773

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二十笔实用成语 773

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 29, 2018 1:30 am

二十笔实用成语 773

01. neither one thing nor the other, be
定义: 既非这种, 亦非那种的; 不伦不类的; 格格不入的; 不受欢迎.
例句: For years this type of vehicle was dismissed as neither one thing nor the other. (多年来此类车辆被驳斥为不伦不类, 不受欢迎的车辆)

02. neither use nor ornament
定义: 完全没用处的. (注: 意指某物既不中用也不中看, 所以没一点用处)
例句: The gift was neither use nor ornament, so I took it back and exchanged it for something else I could use or wear. (这个礼物对我完全没用处, 所以我把礼物带回去交换别的我可以使用或穿着的东西. 注: 在美国你送的圣诞礼物有时不实用所以受礼者可以把礼物和收据带去百货公司交换他/她认为有用的东西)

03. nerves are/were on edge, one's
定义: 处于紧张不安, 神经紧绷状态.
例句: Everyone's nerves were on edge before the final. (在期末考之前, 每个人都处于神经紧绷状态)

04. nerves of steel
定义: 钢铁意志, 过人胆识, 临危不乱.
例句: I was scared to death, but Fred, who has nerves of steel, faced the thugs bravely. (我怕得要命, 但是弗来德却仗着过人胆识, 勇敢面对这一群流氓)

05. nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, be (as)
定义: 非常紧张. (注: 一只长尾猫在一屋子摇椅行动岂不紧张?)
例句: I finally met her mom, I was nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs but she invited me in with a warm welcome. (我终于见了她的母亲, 我很紧张但她以热情欢迎的态度邀请我进屋)

06. nervous Nellie, a
定义: 胆小紧张的人.
例句: He's such a nervous Nellie, calling the doctor about every little symptom. (他太紧张, 每出现一个小症状他便打电话跟医生报告)

07. nervous wreck, a
定义: 惊弓之鸟, 紧张兮兮的人.
例句: Where have you been all night? I've been a nervous wreck waiting for you to come home! (妳整晚都到哪儿去了? 我一直紧张兮兮地等待你回家!)

08. nest egg, a
定义: 作备用或养老的积蓄资金; 放在鸟窝一个自然或人工蛋以引导鸟继续下蛋.
例句: He has a nice nest egg in the bank so he will have no financial problems if he leaves this company. (他在银行积累了不小的积蓄因此他就算离开这家公司也不会碰到财务困难)

09. Net denizen, a
定义: [网路术语]网民, 经常上网的人.
例句: These require ability on the part of the net denizens to exercise self-control, and to be discriminating and selective in the face of so much information. (面临网路上出现的巨量资讯, 网民们必须要行使自制力并且具备分辨真假与严格筛选的能力)

10. Net surfer, a
定义: [网路术语]网民, 经常上网的人.
例句: Lisa is a Net surfer. She can help you get on the Internet. (莉莎是个经常上网的人. 她可以帮助你在网路上浏览)

11. netiquette
定义: [网路术语]上网应注意的礼仪, 早期网路上的非正式行为准则或礼貌.
例句: One of the rules of netiquette is not to shout with all caps. (网路行为准则中的一则是不要使用全大写的文字来呼喊. 注: 在网路上使用全大写的文字等同大声喊叫)

12. netizen, a
定义: [网路术语]网民, 花不少时间上网或网上老手.
例句: Almost a third of all adult US netizens, or around 35.6 million surfers, used on-line auction sites last year. (去年美国几乎三分之一的成年网民, 或大约三千五百六十万网友使用线上拍卖网站购物)

13. netwar, a
定义: [网路术语]网路战. (注: 经由网路制造破坏, 切断控制股市, 电力, 交通与通讯的电脑)
例句: After 9-11, the fear is Netwar. How do we defend against attacks on computer systems that control a city's water and electricity? (九一一事件之后, 网路战成为新的恐惧. 我们该如何防卫控制一座城市的供水及供电电脑系统不遭受攻击?)

14. never a dull moment
定义: 总没闲着, 总是忙着; 全程精彩, 高潮迭起, 目不暇给.
例句: "Every time I visit Jean, she has dozens of things planned for us to do" "Never a dull moment." ("每次我拜访珍, 她总是筹划了许多事情给我们做" "总要忙着.")

15. never a rose without the prick
定义: 有得必有失; 没有十全十美的事或物. (注: 意指任何美好的事物总会有缺点, 例如玫瑰虽美却带刺)
例句: "I can't believe the amount of taxes I have to pay on my lottery winnings!" "Never a rose without the prick, eh?" ("我真不敢相信我这个彩票中奖我居然要付出这么一大笔所得税!" "有得必有失, 不是吗?")

16. never again
定义: 再也不会, 决不会再允许.
例句: Never again, we will never let this happen to us again! (再也不行, 我们决不允许这种事再度发生在我们身上!)

17. never before
定义: 以前从未发生过, 以前从未有过.
例句: This is a must-have CD for any Teresa Deng's fan. It has a number of songs never before released. (这是一张任何邓丽君歌迷所必须拥有的光碟唱片. 它搜集了若干首过去从未发行的歌曲)

18. Never before have such fortunes been made in so short a time.

19. never ceases to amaze me
定义: 总是令我惊讶不已.
例句: It never ceases to amaze me how sweet you are. (妳这么地可爱总是令我惊讶不已)

20. never darken my door again
定义: 再也别来我家. (注: 意指告诉某人为拒绝往来户, 告诉某人再也不要进你家门一步)
例句: Don't worry, I've made sure that he won't darken our door again. (别担心, 我已经安排好不让他再来我们家了)



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