二十笔实用成语 778

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二十笔实用成语 778

帖子 royl » 周四 12月 20, 2018 2:40 am

二十笔实用成语 778

01. nip in the air, a
定义: 寒冷感觉; 寒气袭人; 进入冬天.
例句: There's more of a nip in the air as winter approaches. (当冬天即将来临时, 越来越觉得寒气袭人)

02. nip in the bud, to
定义: 把问题消灭于萌芽状态中; 防患于未然.
例句: They found out about the problem and were able to nip the problem in the bud. (他们找到问题的所在并且能够把问题消灭于萌芽状态中)

03. no accounting for tastes, there's
定义: 每个人的喜爱不同无法解释或没有道理可谈.
例句: There's no accounting for taste, I guess. Joan's new boyfriend is kind of a bore to be honest, but Joan seems to be absolutely smitten with him. (我是这么想, 每个人的喜爱不同根本没有道理可谈.说实话, 琼的新男友是那种枯燥无味的人, 但琼似乎被他深深地迷住了)

04. no bad feelings, to have
定义: 心中不存芥蒂, 双方释怀.
例句: Sorry again if I came across as angry, I hope there's no bad feelings between us. (如果我表现出忿怒的样子, 我再度向你道歉, 我希望我们之间不存芥蒂)

05. no ball of fire, be
定义: 有气无力的; 拖拖拉拉的; 索然无味的.
例句: Carla is no ball of fire, so make sure you remind her to do that assignment. I doubt she's even started it. (卡拉做事情拖拖拉拉的, 因此你务必要提醒她去做那件工作. 我什至怀疑她还没开始做呢)

06. no bed of roses, be
定义: 并非舒适或豪华的环境.
例句: Of course that project is no bed of roses. Why else would they assign it to a lowly intern like me? (当然那份工作项目并不是一件轻松好做的事情. 还会有什么别的原因使他们把这件苦差事交给像我这样地位卑微的实习生?)

07. no big deal/whoop
定义: 不算什么; 没什么了不起; 没事; 小事一桩.
例句: "Thanks so much for watching the kids for me last night, there was an emergency at work." "No big deal. I'm happy to help out." ("多谢你昨晚帮我看顾我的小孩,我工作上碰到了一件紧急状况." "没事. 我乐于助人.")

08. no biggie
定义: 不算什么; 没什么了不起; 没事; 小事一桩. (注: No biggie与No big deal同意)
例句: If you can't make it here Saturday, it's no biggie. (如果你星期六来不了的话, 没有什么关系)

09. no buts (about it)
定义: 没有商量的余地; 别再推脱; 别但是啦.
例句: You need to be on time for school tomorrow morning. No buts about it! (你明天早上必须要准时到达学校. 没有商量的余地!)

10. no call for + 名词
定义: 过份的, 无端挑衅的, 不必要的, 多余的.
例句: There was no call for your rudeness. (你无端挑衅的行为是不对的; 你的粗鲁态度是没必要的. 注: 本句等于: You were wrong to behave so rudely; your rudeness was uncalled-for)

11. no call to + 动词
定义: 过份的, 无端挑衅的, 不必要的, 多余的.
例句: You have no call to get snippy with me; I'm just trying to do my job here. (你对我出言不逊实在太过份了; 我只是在做我自己该做的事. 注: 意指我只管自己的事, 又没有惹你)

12. no can do
定义: 不可能, 我不能这样做.
例句: We can't sell you a pet tiger. Sorry, no can do! (我们可不行卖给你一只宠物虎. 抱歉, 我们不能这样做!)

13. no cause for concern
定义: 不用担心.
例句: The doctor's report on the biopsy states that there is no cause for concern. (这名医生的切片检查报告宣称结果正常不用担心)

14. no chance
定义: 没机会, 不可能.
例句: When I asked Bill for a loan, he said, "No chance." (当我跟比尔借钱时, 他说, "不借.")

15. no coincidence
定义: 不是巧合或偶然; 都是必然的.
例句: It's no coincidence that the companies that advertise about their ethics are the least ethical. (那些宣传自家生意行为符合道德规范的公司都是一批最没道德的公司 – 这种事情绝非是巧合的)

16. no complaints here
定义: 我或我们还好. (注: 意指一切还好, 没什么问题)
例句: It's flooding badly just down the street, but we have no complaints here unless we get a good bit more rain that causes it to keep rising. (街头的那一边淹得很厉害, 我们这里还好除非继续再下大雨造成水位不停上升)

17. no concern of mine, be
定义: 与我无关, 不是我的问题.
例句: Whether Miss Lai is rich or not is no concern of mine. (赖小姐是否富裕与我无关)

18. no deal/dice
定义: 绝对不; 绝对不行; 不可能; 行不通.
例句: I tried swapping out the carburetor, but no dice. (我试图换掉化油器, 但还是行不通)

19. no doubt about it
定义: 毫无疑问, 确定地.
例句: No doubt about it, he will be the one to win the contest again this year. (毫无疑问地, 他将再度成为赢得今年这场比赛的人)

20. no duh
定义: 那还用说吗. (注: 意指嘲讽回应某人对一个明显事实的表述)
例句: "I bet it hurt when you got shot in the chest." "No duh." ("我敢打赌当你胸部中枪的时候一定会很痛." "那还用说吗.")



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