二十笔实用成语 801

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二十笔实用成语 801

帖子 royl » 周三 2月 27, 2019 3:59 pm

二十笔实用成语 801

01. not until the last dog is hung
定义: 不到最后一刻.
例句: I have never given up hope and I will not until the last dog is hung. (我从未放弃过希望, 我不到最后一刻决不认输)

02. not up to much, be
定义: 不怎样; 不够好; 不令人满意.
例句: I gave you a failing grade because your paper wasn't up to much, and I know you can do better. (我之所以给你不及格的成绩是因为你的论文无法令人满意, 我知道你有能力做得更好)

03. not up to par, be
定义: 不怎样, 不甚令人满意; 不舒适.
例句: I'm just not feeling up to par today. I must be coming down with something. (我就是觉得今天身体不舒服. 我肯定是感染上了什么疾病了)

03. not very
定义: 不多; 不怎样; 并非; 不是很.
例句: "How well do you know her?" "Not very." ("你对她有多少了解?" "不多.")

04. not very long after something happened
定义: 当某事发生之后没多久.
例句: I did end up finding a job not very long after you left. (在你离开之后没多久我就找到了一份工作)

05. not what's in the best interests of someone, be
定义: 并不是为了某人最大利益的.
例句: Do what's in the best interests of the whole city, not what's in the best interests of a select group of citizens. (为整个城市的最大利益谋福利, 而不是为了一群富裕的市民谋福利)

06. not whole lot
定义: 没多少; 乏善可陈.
例句: "What can you tell me about Jeff?" "Not whole lot. I've only known him for a week." ("你能够告诉我有关杰夫这个人吗?" "我所知道的也不多. 我只认识他一个星期而已")

07. not with a bang but a whimper
定义: 虎头蛇尾地; 不是轰轰烈烈地而是有气无力地就此结束.
例句: We all thought the championship was going to be a close game, but it ended up being a blowout, and the season ended not with a bang but with a whimper. (我们都以为冠军赛将是一场势均力敌的比赛, 但它却成了一面倒的胜利, 这个球季非但不是轰轰烈烈地而是有气无力地就此结束)

08. not with it, be
定义: 思考不清晰; 反应迟钝; 还没进入状况; 不知情; 不明白.
例句: Sorry, I'm not really with it ye​​t. Let me get a cup of coffee first. (抱歉, 我还没进入状况, 反应有些迟钝. 让我先喝杯咖啡吧)

09. not without a fight
定义: 决不会束手就擒, 轻易罢休. (注: 意指某人一定会做最后的抵抗与挣扎)
例句: Even if they do make concessions, it's often not without a fight. (即使他们要做出一些让步, ​​他们通常要经过一翻挣扎才会如此做)

10. not without its problems, be
定义: 自身并不是没有问题的.
例句: Despite the positive overall outlook, the deal is not without its problems. (尽管其总体前景是乐观的, 这笔交易自身不是完全没有问题的)

11. not worth a bean/cent/damn/dime/fig/straw
定义: 一文不值, 如废物一般, 不值一顾.
例句: These wild abstract paintings are not worth a dime to me. They give me the headache! (这些狂野抽象油画对我来说如废物一般. 它们让我看了头疼!)

12. not worth a continental
定义: 一文不值, 如废物一般, 不值一顾. (注: continental在此不是指美洲大陆而是指在美国独立战争中发行的不值钱纸币Continental paper currency)
例句: I was so excited when my grandfather said he'd give me his car, but this old clunker isn't worth a continental. (当我祖父说他要把他的车子送给我时, 我听了非常兴奋, 但是这部老爷车却有如废物一样, 一文不值)

13. not worth a hill of beans
定义: 一文不值, 如废物一般, 不值一顾.
例句: Your advice isn't worth a hill of beans. (你的建议不值一顾, 荒谬可笑)

14. not worth a plugged nickel
定义: 一文不值, 如废物一般, 不值一顾.
例句: This new battery is not worth a plugged nickel. It dies after a few days. (这个新电池等于废物. 它才用了几天就死了)

15. not worth a red cent
定义: 一文不值, 如废物一般, 不值一顾.
例句: I don't know how I'm going to tell that woman that her "prized collectibles" are actually forgeries, not worth a red cent. (我真不知道该如何跟那名女子解释她所谓的珍贵收藏品其实都是些一文不值的赝品)

16. not worth a tinker's dam/damn/shucks
定义: 一文不值, 如废物一般, 不值一顾.
例句: Over the years working here, I've come to realize that the boss's word isn't worth a tinker's damn. (在这里工作了这么些年来, 我已经了解到这位老板的承诺一文不值, 跟没说一样)

17. not worth powder and shot
定义: 不值得花费或费力争取.
例句: If I were you, I would just give it up; it's not worth powder and shot. (如果我是你的话, 我会就此放弃; 这事不值得费那么多的力气)

18. not worth the paper/something it's printed/written on, be
定义: 合约或法律形同废纸, 承诺有等于无, 一文不值的新闻或作品, 毫无价值的东西.
例句: Oh, that memo is not worth the paper it's written on. You know our boss is going to completely change her mind about it in a few days anyway! (哦, 那份公司的内部通知有如废纸一样. 你是知道我们老板反正会在几天之后完全改变她的主意!)

19. not worth two cents
定义: 一文不值, 如废物一般, 不值一顾.
例句: That car won't last a week; it's not worth two cents. (那部车子活不了一个星期; 跟废物没两样)

20. not yet
定义: 还没; 时机未到; 别急; 还不到时候.
例句: "Is dinner ready?" "Not yet." ("晚饭弄好了没有?" "还没.")



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