二十笔实用成语 806

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二十笔实用成语 806

帖子 royl » 周六 4月 06, 2019 10:33 pm

二十笔实用成语 806

01. nutty as a fruitcake, be (as)
定义: 傻乎乎的; 愚蠢的; 怪怪的; 疯疯癫癫的.
例句: You've got to be nutty as a fruitcake if you think you can get away with speeding on our stretch of the road. (如果你认为你可以在我们这条路上超速驾驶而不吃罚单的话, 你肯定是痴心梦想. 注: 意指这条路经常有交通警察巡逻)

02. o ye, of little faith
定义: [幽默谴责话]你这群没信心的人; 你对我太没信心啦.
例句: "Are you sure this will work?" "Come on, I know what I'm doing, oh ye of little faith." ("你确定这会行得通吗?" "拜托, 我对这事清楚得很, 你对我太没信心啦.")

03. Objectiveness increases in direct proportion to one's distance from the problem.
[谚语]旁观者清. (注: 意指离问题越远的人看问题越客观)

04. observe a moment of silence, to
定义: 默哀片刻, 默思片刻, 默默悼念.
例句: The crowd observed a moment of silence for those who died in the tragedy. (这批群众对那些在这次悲剧事件的丧生者默哀片刻)

05. obsessed with ..., be
定义: 痴迷于..., 执着于..., 偏执于...
例句: For as long as I've known him, Dan has been obsessed with making money. I think it's because he grew up in poverty. (从我认识他到现在, 丹一直痴迷于赚钱. 我想那是因为他自小在贫穷的环境中生长所使然的)

06. obstacle course, an
定义: (军事)障碍通过训练场地, 障碍赛; 广义上, 要克服的一系列障碍.
例句: We finally made it through the bureaucratic obstacle course and got our visas. (克服了层层官样文章的障碍我们终于拿到了我们的签证)

07. obstinate/stubborn as a mule, be (as)
定义: 像驴一般顽固的; 冥顽不灵.
例句: My toddler is as stubborn as a mule, and he'll throw a tantrum any time he doesn't get what he wants. (我家刚学走路的孩子跟驴子一般的顽固, 凡事不顺他的心, 他就大发脾气)

08. obvious choice, an
定义: 显然或明确的选择.
例句: I have always enjoyed helping people and teaching is the obvious choice for a career. (我总是乐于助人, 教学乃是我职业生涯的明确选择)

09. occur to one, to
定义: 想到, 想起来.
例句: Did it ever occur to you that maybe I was trying to do you a favor? (你可曾想过也许我是想要帮你一个忙? 注: 意指受话者一直对发话者的意图存疑并没想到发话者想要帮助他的意图)

10. oceans of
定义: 极大的空间或数量.
例句: "We're leaving here now. We'll be there by six." "Take your time, we have oceans of time tonight." ("我们现在就离开这里. 我们会在六点前赶到那儿. " "不急, 慢慢来, 今晚我们有得是时间.")

11. odd couple, an
定义: 不相搭配的一对; 同床异梦.
例句: We're a bit of an odd couple, all right, but the differences between my girlfriend and I seem to balance each other out. (好吧, 我们是有点不相搭配的一对, 但我和我女友之间的差异似乎可以相互平衡)

12. odd job, an
定义: 零活, 零工. (注: 意指非正规或有计划的工作)
例句: He takes odd jobs, but nothing that would lead to a career. (他打一点零工, 但那个工作无法帮助他取得一个正式工作)

13. odd man/one out, the
定义: 剔除不合群者, 特立独行者; 行为怪异者受到孤立或排斥于一团体内; 与众不同, 格格不入, 鹤立鸡群.
例句: My clunky old truck is quite the odd man out next to all my coworkers' new SUVs. (我这部老爷卡车停在我所有同事的新颖运动型休旅车的旁边显得相当格格不入)

14. odd/queer fish, a
定义: [英国俚语]怪人, 怪物.
例句: Everyone could tell Tom was a queer fish as soon as he walked into the party with his mismatched clothing. (当汤姆穿着搭配不当的衣服走进派对场地的时候, 大家都马上可以看出他是个怪人)

15. oddball, an
定义: 怪异的人.
例句: He is an oddball and nobody at his company likes to work with him. (他是个怪异的人, 他们公司没有人愿意跟他一起工作)

16. oddly/strangely enough
定义: 说起来也奇怪. (注: 意指某事看似令人不解, 其实它确实发生)
例句: Strangely enough, it turned out that we both knew John, but had met him in two different parts of the world. (说起来也奇怪, 原来我们两人都认识约翰, 但却在世界两个不同的地方与他相识)

17. odds and ends
定义: 零星杂物, 琐碎小事情, 各种剩下东西.
例句: We made toys for the children from odds and ends from around the house. (我们利用家中各处找出的零星小玩艺来为小朋友制作玩具)

18. odds and sods
定义: [英国俚语]琐碎小事情; 零星杂物; 各式各样的人物; 各种剩下东西.
例句: There are still a few odds and sods that need to be done before the dinner party tomorrow. (在明天晚宴之前, 还有一些琐碎的小事情需要去做)

19. odds are ...
定义: 比较可能是...; ...的可能性很大.
例句: I'll tr​​y to get there before you've started eating dinner, but the odds are I won't make it before 8 o'clock. (我会尽力在你们吃晚餐之前赶到那里, 但在八点钟之前我很可能赶不到那儿)

20. odds are against ..., the
定义: 情势对...不利, 成功机会不大.
例句: You can give it a try, but the odds are against you. (你可以试一试, 但你成功的机会不大)



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