二十笔实用成语 831

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二十笔实用成语 831

帖子 royl » 周一 8月 26, 2019 2:14 am

二十笔实用成语 831

01. on the right side of ..., be
定义: 取悦于某人; (论年龄)比...少一点. (例如on the right side of 50, 五十岁不到)
例句: The controller is a powerful woman in the company, so be sure to stay on the right side of her. (这位财务总管可是公司里的一个强势女人, 因此你最好取得她的欢心)

02. on the right side of the law
定义: 洗心革面; 停止犯罪生活.
例句: Now that she's out of prison she's trying to stay on the right side of the law. (既然她出狱了, 她想要洗心革面不再回到犯罪生活中)

03. on the right tack/track, be
定义: 进行顺利; 做对了; 使用正确方法; 走正确的路线.
例句: We are finding that guests for lunch and dinner are returning in increasing numbers. It's a sure sign that we are on the right track. (我们发现越来越多的午餐和晚餐回头客人. 这显然表明了我们的方法用对了)

04. on the rise
定义: 崛起, 升高, 成长, 增长, 价钱上涨.
例句: Gas prices are on the rise again and motorists should expect high prices through Memorial Day. (汽油价格又上涨了, 驾驶人将会从现在到国殇纪念日之前见到油价高涨)

05. on the road
定义: 往某处的路上; 巡回(表演)旅程上; 在出差旅途上; 居无定所, 飘忽不定.
例句: Her husband is a salesman and is often on the road. (她先生是一名销售员, 经过在出差旅途上)

06. on the rocks
定义: 触礁; (人际关系尤其指婚姻)亮红灯或有危机; 酒品加冰块.
例句: He has been married for seven years but his marriage seems to be on the rocks now. (他已经结婚七年了, 但他的婚姻好像发生了危机)

07. on the ropes
定义: 悬于一线, 濒临被击倒边缘, 绝望无助.
例句: This company has been on the ropes following the disastrous release of their latest product. (自从他们灾难性的最新产品发布之后, 这家公司便濒临倒闭边缘)

08. on the run
定义: 来来去去, 跑进跑出; 逃亡; 逃避现实; 撤退; 逃命.
例句: I've been on the run since early this morning. What a busy day! (今天一大早我就一直跑进跑出. 真是忙碌的一天!)

09. on the same page
定义: 理解相同, 观点相同, 进度相同, 达成共识.
例句: Before we make any decisions today, I'd like to make sure that everyone is on the same page. (今天我们在做出决定之前, 我想要把一件事作好就是大家先建立共识)

10. on the same wavelength
定义: 意见看法或想法相同, 互相了解, 沟通清楚.
例句: I find him difficult to talk to. As a matter of fact, we're not on the wavelengths. (我觉得跟他交流很难. 事实上, 我们想法根本不一样)

11. on the scene
定义: 出现; 在场; 到场(旁观或参与某活动).
例句: Our lives have changed a lot since personal computers have come on the scene. (自从个人电脑的出现, 我们的生活改变了很多. 注: 意指个人电脑时代出现之后对现代人的生活产生重大影响)

12. on the scrap heap
定义: 被人弃之不用, 没人要, 废弃.
例句: With the closure of the factory, thousands of workers have been thrown on the scrap heap. (由于这家工厂的关闭, 几千工人被解雇)

13. on the shelf
定义: 束之高阁, 不再使用, 不再受人器重.
例句: Some people feel on the shelf after they retire and no longer work. They don't feel needed anymore. (自从他们退休并且不再工作之后, 有些人们感觉他们不再受人器重. 他们感觉到自己已经没用了)

14. on the sick list
定义: 因病缺席, 挂病号.
例句: Jim's been on the sick list for the last month. If he doesn't get better soon, we're going to have to replace him! (吉姆上个月一直因病缺席. 如果他不快一点康复的话, 我们就要换掉他!)

15. on the side
定义: 额外地, 兼差.
例句: By typing reports and resumes, I earned a few dollars on the side. (经由帮人打报告和打履历表, 我兼差赚了一点钱)

16. on the side of the angels
定义: 站在善良, 正义的一方.
例句: Whatever you may think of him, on important issues he's usually on the side of the angels. (不论你对他的看法如何, 在重大的议题上, 他经常是站在正义的一方)

17. on the skids
定义: [俚语]每况愈下, 濒临失败.
例句: Her health is really on the skids, but she stays cheery anyway. (她的健康状况虽然每况愈下, 但她总是保持着喜乐的心情)

18. on the sly
定义: 偷偷摸摸, 秘密进行, 不让别人察觉.
例句: Even though he said he'd quit smoking, he still kept up the habit on the sly. (即使他说他已经戒烟了, 他仍然偷偷摸摸地坚持着这个坏习惯)

19. on the spot
定义: 立即, 马上; 事件发生在当场; 处于要负责位置; 陷入进退两难困境, 让人下不了台.
例句: I'm sorry for putting you on the spot back there, but I really needed an answer for the investors. (不好意思让你下不了台, 但我确实需要一个投资人们都在寻求的答案)

20. on the spur of the moment
定义: 突然随兴所至, 临时冲动地.
例句: He decided to go to Hong Kong and do some shopping on the spur of the moment. (他突然随兴所至地决定去香港买一些东西)



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