二十笔实用成语 846

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二十笔实用成语 846

帖子 royl » 周六 11月 16, 2019 10:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 846

01. out in left field
定义: 错误的, 怪异的, 疯狂的, 突兀的, 不适宜的.
例句: Sure, my aunt is really wacky and often out in left field, but I still love her to pieces! (不错, 我阿姨十分怪里怪气, 时常疯狂突兀, 但是我还是很爱这位阿姨!)

02. out in the boondocks
定义: 在偏远乡郊野外.
例句: We live out in the boondocks, miles from anywhere. (我们住在乡郊野外, 远离尘世)

03. out in the cold
定义: 被剥夺权益, 被人忽视冷落.
例句: I was left out in the cold when the rest of the class went to the movie without me. (当班上其他人去看电影却把我给甩下, 我一个人孤伶伶的, 被人忽视冷落)

04. out in/into the open
定义: 在公众注目下, 众所周知.
例句: We all knew their marriage was failing, but it wasn't until their kids left for college that they brought that fact out in the open. (我们都知道他们婚姻出了问题, 但是直到他们儿女去上大学之后,他们才把这个真相公诸于世)

05. out in the sticks
定义: 在偏远乡郊野外.
例句: I like living out in the sticks, but it can be a bit boring sometime. (我喜欢住在乡郊野外, 但是有时候生活会有些枯燥)

06. out loud
定义: 大声地, 足以听清楚地.
例句: Dad was very angry, but he didn't swear out loud. (爸爸非常忿怒, 但是他并没有大声叫骂)

07. out of a clear blue sky
定义: 晴天霹雳地, 无预警, 突然地.
例句: Right out of a clear blue sky he asked her if she wanted to get married. (突然间无预警地, 他问她想不想结婚)

08. out of action
定义: 不工作, 失灵, 不能运转, 生病, 不能行动.
例句: He broke his leg and the doctors say that he'll be out of action for at least a month. (他摔断了腿, 医生说他起码一个月将不能行动)

09. out of all proportion
定义: 夸张, 不符合事实, 扭曲数量或尺寸.
例句: It was just a minor tremor, not even a proper earthquake, but the media has it blown all out of proportion. (这只是一个轻微震动, 连一个正常地震都不是, 但是新闻媒体却把它夸得好像惊天动地似的)

10. out of blue
定义: 突然地, 晴天霹雳地, 无预警, 没有预料到地.
例句: Then, out of the blue, he sold his house and left the country soon after that. (就在那时, 他突然间卖掉了他的房子, 随即便出国)

11. out of bounds
定义: 出界, 禁止进入, 过份, 不合宜, 不合理.
例句: What she did was definitely out of bounds, but she apologized to me the next day. (她做的这件事确实是过份, 但她第二天就跟我道歉)

12. out of breath
定义: 喘气嘘嘘, 上气不接下气地. (注: 意指由于激烈运动或工作引起的)
例句: I had to run to catch the bus, so I was totally out of breath as I sat down in my seat. (我必须要跑步追赶公共汽车, 因此当我一坐下来的时候, 我是完全累得上气不接下气)

13. out of business
定义: 生意关门或倒闭, 机器失灵或不能工作.
例句: These massive retail chains have put a lot of smaller companies out of business. (这些大型连锁零售商已经使得许多小型企业关门倒闭)

14. out of character
定义: 不符合某人一贯性格或行为.
例句: That outburst was certainly out of character. Tom is usually happy and laid back. (他那次的脾气爆发肯定不符合他一贯性格. 汤姆一向都是乐天无忧, 轻松自在的)

15. out of circulation
定义: 不再流通, 不再发行, 不参与社交.
例句: He has a new girlfriend so he will probably be out of circulation for a while. (他刚交了一位新女友, 因此他很可能将会有一阵子不在社交圈厮混了)

16. out of commission
定义: 不工作, 失灵, 不能运转, 生病, 无法走动.
例句: My brain is out of commission. I can't think today. (我脑子失灵了. 我今天没法思考)

17. out of conceit with
定义: 不再满意, 不再喜欢或不赞同.
例句: I'm really out of conceit with what happens on the days that I'm not in the office. (我对于我不在办公室时所发生的事情非常不满意)

18. out of condition
定义: 状况不佳, 没有准备好.
例句: I was too out of condition to clamber over the top. (我身体状况太糟, 根本爬不上山顶)

19. out of control
定义: 失控, 失序, 紊乱不堪.
例句: The crowd was out of control. People were fighting and looting. (这批群众情况失控. 人们正在打斗和抢劫)

20. out of danger, be
定义: 没什么问题, 不至于有危险, 脱离险境.
例句: We're not out of danger yet. We must remain vigilant. (我们还没有脱离危险地域. 我们必须保持警觉)



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