二十笔实用成语 858

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二十笔实用成语 858

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 28, 2019 12:38 am

二十笔实用成语 858

01. pardon me ma'am
定义: [礼貌语]不好意思, 对不起, 女士. (注: ma'am是madam女士的缩写)
例句: Pardon me, ma'am. I need to get by. (对不起, 女士. 我需要过去, 请让路)

02. pardon me
定义: [礼貌语]对不起. (注: 用于打断别人对话, 碰撞到别人, 因为没听清楚请别人重复刚说的话, 不赞同别人的意见等等的场合)
例句: Pardon me for interrupting you. (对不起, 打扰你了)

03. parental discretion
定义: 父母亲需要加以斟酌或慎重考虑.
例句: Because of the violence in the movie, parental discretion is advised. (由于这部电影出现的血腥暴力, 父母亲们需要斟酌是否让你的子女观看这部电影. 注: 这句话出自电影节目对父母亲发出的警告语, 每个电影或电视节目警语标签的措词并不相同)

04. parlay into, to
定义: 增加或提高价值.
例句: She parlayed $5,000 and years of hard work into a multimillion-dollar company. (她把五千元的投资以及多年来的辛勤工作转变成一家市值数百万元的公司)

05. parley with, to
定义: 与人讨论或会谈.
例句: I need to parley with my wife before making the financial commitment. (在我做出这件财务承诺之前我需要先跟我妻子商量一下)

06. part and parcel of ..., be
定义: 重要及不可或缺的部分.
例句: The house that he bought was part and parcel of a much larger piece of land. (他买的那栋房子是一片更大土地重要和不可或缺的一部份)

07. part company (with) ..., to
定义: 分手, 各走各的路, 对某事不同意见.
例句: Mel and Brad parted company after they arrived in Germany. (梅尔和布来得到达了德国之后便分道扬镳各奔东西)

08. part French and part Italian, be
定义: 一部分法国及一部分义大利. (注: 也可以用来说这个人是法义混血者)
例句: I'm part German and part French. I call my taint the Maginot Line. (我是个德法混血儿. 我把我的缺陷称之为马奇诺防线. 注: 第二句话很风趣, 因为二战初法国的马奇诺防线虽然宣称坚不可摧但仍旧被德军突破)

09. part lion, part goat, and part serpent, be
定义: 一部分狮子, 一部分山羊和一部分蛇. (注: 意指古希腊神话里的虚构怪物, 假想鬼怪, 喀迈拉, chimera)
例句: In Greek mythology, the chimera was a fire-breathing monster that combined the parts of a goat, a lion and a serpent. (在希腊神话里, 喀迈拉乃是一只喷火怪兽, 它身体是由一部分狮子, 一部分山羊和一部分蛇组成的)

10. part of the furniture, be
定义: 放在那儿太久或在某地方工作很久, 看上去成了家具或摆设的一部分.
例句: The librarian had been there so long she seemed like part of the furniture. (这位图书馆管理员在这里工作太久, 她似乎已经成了办公室摆设的一部分)

11. part ways, to
定义: 分手, 结束关系; 分道扬镳(不是闹僵了, 而是必须要离开); 双方意见不一.
例句: Though we'd all been close on the school trip, we parted ways with one another once we were back home. (虽然在这次的学校旅游我们很亲密地在一起玩, 但是一旦我们回到了家便分道扬镳各奔东西)

12. part with, to
定义: 割舍, 放弃, 松手, 损失.
例句: I hate to part with this dress, but if you really want it, you can have it. (我很不愿意放弃这件衣服, 但如果你真想要它的话, 那就送给你了)

13. partial to ..., be
定义: 对...偏爱或偏好.
例句: She's partial to tall men with dark hair. (她就偏爱高个子, 黑头发的男人)

14. parting of the ways, the
定义: 重大抉择时刻; 意见分歧点; 分离时刻.
例句: I told her I wasn't willing to have children, so we came to a parting of the ways. (我告诉她我并不想要小孩, 因此我们面临着分手时刻)

15. parting shot, a
定义: 临走前的最后一句话, 回马枪或威胁; 辩论结束时最后的驳斥或羞辱.
例句: As Tom walked out of the door, his parting shot was, "I never want to see any of you again!" (当汤姆走到门口的时候, 他的最后一句话, "我再也不想见到你们任何一个人!")

16. partners in crime, the
定义: 共犯, 罪犯同伙; 密友.
例句: The sales manager and the used-car salesmen are nothing but partners in crime. (这名销售经理和那个旧车销售员不过是一对狼狈为奸的共犯)

17. part-time job, a
定义: 兼职工作, 半工, 兼差.
例句: I got a part-time job working three days a week for a local travel agency. (我在一家当地旅行社找到一份一个星期工作三天的兼职工作)

18. party animal, a
定义: 派对动物, 每请必到, 狂欢爱好者.
例句: Somehow, none of the party animals notices that Ricky's drinking non-alcoholic brew. (不知为什么, 居然这些狂欢爱好者没有一个人注意到瑞克喝的是不含酒精啤酒)

19. party line, the
定义: 既定党政策, 党的路线或方针; 两人以上的合用电话线.
例句: Senators are expected to vote along party lines on the new tax proposals. (在这次新税收提议案上, 参议员们依循他们的政党方针投票乃是意料中的事)

20. party piece, a
定义: 派对助兴节目, 例如歌舞, 笑话或表演.
例句: My party piece has always been my ability to roll my eyes in different directions. (我的派对助兴表演一直是我可以朝不同方向翻白眼的能力)



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