二十笔实用成语 860

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二十笔实用成语 860

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 02, 2020 10:36 pm

二十笔实用成语 860

01. pass off, to
定义: 误导, 诈欺, 扭曲事实, 欺骗; 以假货当真货, 使用仿造的证件或文件; 渐渐减弱, 停止; 继续做完, 执行完成或发生; 忽略, 不当一回事.
例句: The man passed off the fake diamond watch as a real one and received much more money than it was worth (此人把这只假钻石表充当真货来卖, 赚来了超出其真实价值更多的钱)

02. pass on the added costs, to
定义: 将额外的成本转嫁给客户.
例句: Typically, the importers pay the tariffs then pass on the added cost to their distributors who eventually pass it on to the consumer at the end of the line. (一般来说, 关税是由进口商来支付然后将额外的成本转嫁给他们的批发商, 最后终究会把这些额外成本加诸于处于末端的消费者身上)

03. pass on to children, to
定义: 传给小孩或后代.
例句: There are lots of life lessons to pass on to children, but giving them a financial education is one of the most significant gifts we can offer. (我们有许多人生经验要传给后代, 但是给予他们一门财务管理的教育乃是我们能够给予的最具有意义礼物之一)

04. pass on, to
定义: 过逝, 死亡; 转交, 传授, 继续向前或做下去, 传递, 交待, 交付, 分发, 传递消息, 薪传, 传染, 将不用的东西给别人; 拒绝, 不予以考虑.
例句: Please pass on the book once you're finished with it. (一旦你读完了这本书, 请你把它传递给下面一个人)

05. pass one's lips, to
定义: 入口, 吃喝; 口传, 口说.
例句: No sooner had the words passed my lips than I regretted what I'd said. (说出了这些话之后, 我立即就后悔我所说的)

06. pass out (cold), to
定义: 晕倒, 失去知觉, 不醒人事; 分发.
例句: They gave me so much to drink that I passed out cold by 10 PM. (他们灌了我不少酒, 我晚上十点钟不到便醉得不醒人事)

07. pass over, to
定义: 略过, 忽视, 忽略, 逾越; 跳过, 不予以考虑; 过逝, 死亡.
例句: They passed Sally over for promotion. (他们跳过莎莉不给她升职)

08. pass round the hat, to; pass the hat around, to
定义: (为教会或救助某人)募捐, 劝募财物.
例句: Everyone passed the hat round to help the Jeffersons pay for the cost of their son's treatment. (请大家热心捐助, 帮助杰弗逊家庭支付他们儿子的医疗费用)

09. pass sentence, to
定义: (法官)宣布判决; 对他人所下的不利判断.
例句: I know you usually don't like musicals, but don't pass sentence until you see this one for yourself. (我知道你通常不喜欢音乐剧, 但你先别遽下断语, 等你亲自看完了这部音乐剧再发表评论还不迟)

10. pass the baton, to
定义: 交棒, 把责任交付给别人.
例句: The older generation is passing the baton to the younger generation. (老一辈交棒给年青一代)

11. pass the blame/buck, to
定义: 逃避责任; 把过错归咎于别人.
例句: Don't try to pass the buck! It's your fault, and everybody knows it. (别想逃避责任! 这是你的错, 大家都知道这个事情)

12. pass the ketchup, please
定义: 请你把蕃茄酱传递给我. (注: 这里的蕃茄酱只是一个例子, 可以用其他东西取代)
例句: "Would you like some ketchup with your fries?" "Yes, pass the ketchup, please." ("你要不要放一些蕃茄酱在你的薯条上?" "好啊, 请你把蕃茄酱递给我.")

13. pass the smell test, to
定义: 经得起考验, 可以信任的; 真实的, 正当的, 在道德上可以接受的.
例句: His explanation for how he got the money doesn't pass the smell test. (他对他如何拿到这笔钱的解释并不令人信服)

14. pass the time, to
定义: 消磨时间. (注: 在此pass the time主要指休闲时间所做的有趣味活动)
例句: We watched movies to pass the time on our long driving trip to Denver. (在我们驶往丹佛的漫长旅途上, 我们以看数部电影来消磨时间)

15. pass the torch, to
定义: 交棒, 交班, 传承, 薪火相传.
例句: Gina is retiring next month, and she's passing the torch to me as head of the department. (吉娜下个月退休, 她把这个部门负责人的职务交棒给我)

16. pass through one's mind, to
定义: 掠过脑际; 有某个念头; 想到, 思考.
例句: Take time to form your response to the interviewer. Don't just blurt out the first thing that passes through your mind. (从容地构思好你对口试官的答覆. 别不经思考想到什么就说什么)

17. pass through, to
定义: 经过, 穿越.
例句: When we were passing through Amarillo, I called my son and asked what was he doing. (在我们穿越阿马里洛市的时候, 我打电话给我儿子, 询问他在干什么)

18. pass unnoticed, to
定义: 蒙混过关, 别人没注意到.
例句: He hoped that his mistake would pass unnoticed. (他希望别人没注意到他的错误)

19. pass up, to
定义: 忽视; 错过, 错失; 拒绝.
例句: I know you're on a diet, but this Beef Bourguignon is way too good to pass up. (我知道你在节食, 但是这道红酒炖牛肉错过了实在太可惜)

20. pass water, to
定义: 小便, 撒尿.
例句: The nurse came in and asked him if he'd passed water yet. (这名护士走进来, 询问他是否已经排尿了)



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