二十笔实用成语 861

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二十笔实用成语 861

帖子 royl » 周二 1月 14, 2020 11:34 pm

二十笔实用成语 861

01. pass wind, to
定义: 放屁, 排出肠胃气.
例句: As police were searching for a suspect wanted on drug possession, the hidden person's location was given away after he passed wind so loudly. (正当警方在追捕一名持有毒品通缉嫌犯的时候, 这名躲藏者的地点被他自己放出的响屁所出卖了)

02. pass with flying colors, to
定义: 高分顺利过关, 轻松地取得高度成功.
例句: Samantha was rather nervous taking her final exam, but she passed with flying colors! (珊曼莎在考她的期末考时候相当紧张, 但她还是以高分顺利过关)

03. pass/kill the time of day, to
定义: 互相问候, 亲切地交谈.
例句: I love walking down to the local shop and passing the time of day with everyone in the neighborhood along the way. (我喜欢逛这家本地商店, 跟附近沿途每个人亲切交谈)

04. passed vs. past
定义: [易混淆字或片语]pass的过去式与过去分词是passed; past是pass相应的形容词, 副词, 介词及名词.

05. passport to ..., a
定义: 使人取得...的途径或通行证.
例句: An MBA degree is considered a passport to success these days. But the question arises why? (现今的人把一个工商管理硕士学位视为步上成功途径的通行证. 但问题是凭什么?)

06. past due, be
定义: 过期地, 过期未付; 早就该如此地.
例句: Typically, a bill is past due if the borrower is 30 days past the payment deadline. (一般来说, 一张帐单被视为过期未付如果欠款者过了三十天期限仍未偿还它)

07. past history vs. history
定义: [易混淆字或片语]既然history历史就已经是指过去所发生事件的记录; 所以past history过去历史便成了多余因为没有未来的历史. (注: 意指a history就足够了)

08. past is slipping by without a trace, the
定义: 过去飘逝而过了无痕迹.
例句: If you are dissatisfied with your life, it is because you are a spectator, not a player, and the past is slipping by without a trace! (如果你对你的生活不满意, 那是因为你是个旁观者,不是一个参赛者, 因此过去如风飘逝而过, 了无痕迹!)

09. past it, be
定义: 过了颠峰期或全盛期, 大不如前, 年华已逝, 过气了, 青春已不在.
例句: If you ask me, a middle-aged man should not be wearing leather pants. He's past it! (如果你问我意见的话, 一个中年人不应穿着皮长裤. 因为他青春已不在!)

10. past its/one's/his prime, be
定义: 过了颠峰期或全盛期, 大不如前, 年华已逝, 过气了, 青春已不在.
例句: Joan was a wonderful singer, but she's past her prime now. (琼是一位绝妙的歌唱家, 但她已经过气了)

11. past weekend, the
定义: 上个周末, 刚过去的周末.
例句: I spoke to him on the phone just this past weekend. (我上个周末才跟他通了电话)

12. past your sell-by date, be
定义: [幽默语]太老, 没用了, 大不如前. (注: 幽默地比喻人像过期货品一样太老啦)
例句: The company is forcing my mother to retire because they think she's past her sell-by date. (这家公司在强迫我母亲退休因为他们认为她年老不中用了)

13. pastures new
定义: [英国]更有前途的环境, 更好地方.
例句: Starting next month, I'll be packing up my job and heading off to pastures new. (从下个月开始, 我将辞去我的工作, 前往更有前途的地方)

14. pat answer/response, a
定义: 简短却敷衍了事的回答.
例句: You won't get the job if you give a pat answer to every question. (你如果敷衍了事地回答每个问题, 你是拿不到这份工作的)

15. pat down, to
定义: 拍平; 搜身.
例句: The bouncer is patting down every incoming audience to make sure no one smuggles booze or drugs into the rock concert. (这名门口警卫对每个入场观众都予以搜身来确保没有人偷偷带着酒和毒品进入这场摇滚音乐会)

16. pat on the back, give someone a
定义: 给予某人赞扬, 支持, 鼓励.
例句: Treating his daughter to ice cream was Jack's way of giving her a pat on the back after she won first place in the science fair. (以冰淇淋来款待他的女儿是杰克给予她取得科学展览会第一名的奖励方式)

17. pat oneself on the back, to
定义: 自我赞扬, 恭贺, 庆祝.
例句: I patted myself on the back and whispered to myself, "Good job James. No one else may notice what you just did, but you did a great job nonetheless!" (我自我赞扬一翻, 低声地对自己说, "干得好, 詹姆士. 没有别人会注意到你方才所做的事, 但是你仍然做了一件令人激赏的事!")

18. patch things up, to
定义: 平息争吵, 和解, 和好.
例句: Tom and May fight a lot, but they patch things up and go on. (汤姆和梅经常吵架, 但是他们总是能够平息争吵, 和好如初并且还维持着感情)

19. patch up, to
定义: 修补, 医疗包扎, 和解, 和好.
例句: The doctor patched him up, so he's going to be as good as new. (医生将他上药包扎好, 因此他便将会完好如初)

20. patch-up job, a
定义: 暂时性或敷衍性的修补. (注: 意指并非真正解决了问题根源)
例句: I could do another patch-up job on that cheap old tire or just get a brand new tire. (我可以在这只劣质的老轮胎上再做一次暂时性修补或者干脆买一只崭新轮胎)



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