二十笔实用成语 868

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二十笔实用成语 868

帖子 royl » 周二 2月 18, 2020 4:00 pm

二十笔实用成语 868

01. pick off, to
定义: 撕去; 猎物被分开之后逐一被击杀; [棒球术语]触杀出局; [运动术语]拦截传球.
例句: My dog runs into the bushes to scare the birds. That way I can pick them off as they fly away. (我的狗冲近灌木丛里惊吓那些鸟群. 这样当他们飞离的时候, 我才可以逐一射杀他们)

02. pick on someone your own size
定义: 不要大欺小! 有种找个个子跟你一样大的人去欺负看看!
例句: Hey, that kid's, like, five years younger than you – why don't you pick on someone your own size! (嘿, 那个小孩儿看起来比你小五岁– 你为什么不去找个个子跟你一样大的人去欺负看看!)

03. pick on, to
定义: 故意挑某人毛病, 批评, 揶揄, 欺压; 为了某个目的特别挑选某人.
例句: He always picked on his sister when they were children. (小时候, 他总是欺负他妹妹)

04. pick one's nose, to
定义: 挖鼻孔.
例句: Tommy! Quit picking your nose, that's a filthy habit! (汤米! 别挖你的鼻孔, 这是个肮脏习惯!)

05. pick one's steps/way through, to
定义: 小心翼翼地穿越过. (注: 例如越过泥泞之地)
例句: We picked our way through the woods to avoid tripping over any roots. (我们小心翼翼地穿过这片树林避免被树根绊倒)

06. pick one's teeth, to
定义: 剔牙齿.
例句: I normally cover my mouth with the other hand while picking my teeth. (当我剔牙齿的时候, 我一般用另一只手遮住嘴巴)

07. pick oneself up, to
定义: 跌倒后爬起, 不气馁, 坚持再继续下去.
例句: Don't let a failure stop you. Pick yourself up and try again. (别让一次的失败令你停下来. 跌倒后爬起来, 再继续努力尝试)

08. pick out, to
定义: 挑选出; 指认, 分辨, 识别; 奏出一个接一个曲调以听辨.
例句: I tried to pick out a suitable necktie for my father. (我试图挑选一条适合我爸爸的领带)

09. pick over, to
定义: 精挑细选, 仔细找出最好的.
例句: She picked over the strawberries, selecting the largest ones. (她精挑细选这批草莓, 挑选最大颗的草莓)

10. pick someone up, to
定义: (以车)接送某人.
例句: I'll pick you up at 6:45pm and we'll drive to the mall. (我会在下午六点四十五分来接你, 然后我们就开车去购物中心)

11. pick someone's brain, to
定义: 求教某人想法; 从某人处取得有用资讯, 建议或劝告.
例句: Maria wants to pick your brains about Fred. She wants to ask you what you know about him. (玛丽亚想要跟你取得有关弗雷德的资料. 她想要询问你对他有什么了解)

12. pick someone's pocket, to
定义: 扒窃; 偷窃别人的钱包中财物; 诈取或压榨别人钱.
例句: I feel like every time I go to get my car fixed, they pick my pocket just because I don't know anything about cars. (我觉得好像每次我送车去修理, 他们总是诈取我的钱财只因为我对车一点都不了解)
最常见的是换机油骗局 – 修车厂不换机油还骗顾客说换了机油并骗取钱财

13. pick up a scent/trail, to
定义: 认出被猎者留下的气味而追踪下去.
例句: One of the skills that make cats so efficient hunters is their sense of smell – they often pick up the scent of potential prey in the vicinity before sensing any other clues. (猫之所以成为高效率捕食者它们的技能之一便是它们的嗅觉– 它们经常在察觉出其他线索之前最先闻出周遭环境潜在猎物所留下的气味)

14. pick up and leave/go, to
定义: 仓促地打包离开.
例句: I couldn't just pick up and leave without saying goodbye. (我总不能不道别就仓促地打包离开)

15. pick up momentum/speed, to
定义: 精神振奋, 提起冲劲, 加速脚步.
例句: But once the stock selling began to pick up momentum, many investors were quick to hop on the bandwagon. (但是一旦股票的抛售开始加速脚步, 许多投资人都会迅速地跟风加入抛售的行列)

16. pick up on, to
定义: 察觉; 了解; 注意; 采纳, 采用.
例句: Did you pick up on the hostility between Jenny and Tom? (你有没有察觉出珍妮和汤姆之间的敌意?)

17. pick up one's fare, to
定义: 接载(付车费)的客人.
例句: The taxi driver picked up his fares at the airport. (这名出租车司机在机场接载了他的乘客)

18. pick up right where we left off, to
定义: 从上次停下的地方接下去做, 讨论; 哪里跌倒, 就从哪里爬起.
例句: We have each aged a little, had some good and bad things happen, but we pick up right where we left off even if we haven't seen each other for years. (我们都年长了一点, 碰到了一些顺事也碰到了逆境, 但我们却从我们上次停止的地方接着交谈下去尽管我们两人已经有多年没有见面)

19. pick up steam, to
定义: 逐渐受到欢迎; 精神振奋, 提起冲劲, 加速脚步; 势头增强.
例句: Hopefully, the economy will pick up steam next year. (但愿明年经济将增强势头)

20. pick up the pace, to
定义: 加速步调, 增加速度.
例句: We're walking rather slowly, can we pick up the pace? (我们走得相当慢, 我们能不能加快脚步?)



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