二十笔实用成语 870

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二十笔实用成语 870

帖子 royl » 周四 2月 27, 2020 2:54 am

二十笔实用成语 870

01. Pied Piper, the
定义: (引自花衣魔笛手的故事)提出说服力强但具欺骗性的人; 提出不负责任承诺的领导人; 能吸引群众有魅力的人.
例句: Where exactly is this Pied Piper leading us in the end? (这个巧舌如簧的人到底最后要把我们领往何处去?)

02. pie-in-the-sky plan, a
定义: 一厢情愿, 不切实际的计划.
例句: I know this pie-in-the-sky plan is not going to work at all. Besides, who's going to pay for it if it fails? (我知道这套不切实际的计划行不通. 再说, 万一它失败了谁来赔偿这个损失?)

03. pig in a poke, a
定义: 没见实物便购买的货品, 令人无法得知其真伪或价值; 诈欺的手法. (注: 欧洲中世纪末猪肉奇缺有人把老鼠肉或猫肉放进袋子内当猪肉卖, 不仔细看的买主就会上当)
例句: If you don't test drive the car, you're buying a pig in a poke. (如果你不试开这部车, 你跟没见实物便购买货品没什么两样)

04. pig in the middle, be
定义: 猪八戒照镜子, 两面不是人; 夹在冲突双方中间却不想介入的人; 夹在冲突双方中央却不受欢迎的人.
例句: As a kid, I always felt like I was pig in the middle when my parents started fighting. (我小时候, 当我父母吵架的时候, 我总是觉得夹在冲突两方的中央却不受欢迎的人)

05. pig it, to
定义: 过着邋遢的生活.
例句: I don't miss the days of pigging it with six other guys in a dinky student apartment. (我才不怀念我跟其他六名男生挤在狭小的学生公寓, 过着邋遢生活的那段时间)

06. pig out, to
定义: 狼吞虎咽地吃.
例句: Once a month, my friends and I get together and pig out on pizza and watch cheesy horror movies. (每个月我跟朋友聚会一次, 狼吞虎咽地吃着披萨饼, 看着低成本制作的恐怖电影. 注: 美国有一种低成本制作的电影, 又称B电影, 它们品质并不见得低劣, 经常用来与高成本制作电影搭配, 作买一看二的第二部电影播映)

07. pigs might fly, and
定义: 不可能的事, 决不会发生的事. (注: 常用在"如果某事会发生的话, 猪群都会飞上天"之类的句型上)
例句: "If we could just get Democrats and Republicans to agree on a tax reform bill, we could bring the deficit down in no time." "Yeah, and pigs might fly!" ("如果我们能够促成民主党和共和党都同意的赋税改革法案的话, 我们可以迅速地减少政府赤字." "有可能的话, 猪群都会飞上天了!")

08. pile in/into, to
定义: 一齐拥入, 一齐挤入.
例句: OK, everybody pile in, the train's doors won't stay open for long! (好了, 大家往里一齐挤进, 这些地铁车门没多久就要关闭了!)

09. pile on the agony, to
定义: 过份夸大痛苦或悲伤.
例句: My wife's been piling on the agony about her sore back so that I'll do more of the work around the house this weekend. (我太太过份夸大她的背痛以便这个周末我做多一点家务活)

10. pile on the pounds, to
定义: 增加体重.
例句: She did slim down a couple of years ago but has piled on the pounds again. (她两年前确实瘦下来了但她又把体重增加回来)

11. pile on, to
定义: 堆积; 蜂拥; 累积; 加重负担; 雪上加霜; 群起而攻.
例句: He's already been given a lecture by the teacher – there's no need to pile more on. (他已经被老师教训了一顿了 – 没必要再雪上加霜)

12. pile out, to
定义: 一齐拥出, 一齐挤出.
例句: She parked the minibus, and the kids piled out. (他把小巴士停下来, 这群小朋友便一齐拥出)

13. pile up, to
定义: 积少成多; 堆积; 囤积; 累积; 储蓄.
例句: When piling up money becomes the sole focus of life, it's easy to forget that life is the reason to accumulate money in the first place. (当累积金钱成为人生唯一的目标的时候, 我们却容易忘记了人生才是累积财富的首要原因)

14. pillar of society, a
定义: 社会的栋梁.
例句: My grandfather was considered a pillar of society because many people were employed in his businesses. (由于许多人受雇于他的事业, 我爷爷被视为一位社会栋梁)

15. pillow talk, a
定义: 枕边细语.
例句: More than anything else, it's the pillow talk with my wife that I miss most since we had kids. (最重要的是, 自从我们有了孩子之后我最想念的是跟我妻子的枕边细语)

16. pin down, to
定义: 确定, 查明, 找出; 强迫人说出或交出明确的消息或意见; 制服对手.
例句: I'd like to pin down the dates we want to fly so I can start looking at ticket prices. (我要确定我们搭乘航班的日期如此我才可以开始询问机票价格)

17. pin money
定义: 小钱; 零用钱; 不时之需的费用.
例句: Even though her crafts are beautiful, Susan only makes pin money by selling them. It's her husband's job that pays the bills. (尽管她的手工艺品美轮美奂, 苏珊贩卖它们只是赚一点小钱. 她先生的工作才是主要的收入来源)

18. pin one's faith/hopes on ..., to
定义: 寄望于..., 信赖...
例句: I had pinned my hopes on this promotion, so I was crushed when I didn't get it. (我原本冀望这次升迁, 当我没有得到它的时候我极度失望)

19. pin someone's ears back, to
定义: 痛斥某人; 击败某人; 教训某人; 痛揍某人; 令某人臣服; 仔细聆听.
例句: Don't cross Rufus or he'll pin your ears back. I've seen him do it! (别招惹鲁弗斯否则他会痛揍你一顿. 我亲眼见过他动手!)

20. PIN vs. PIN number
定义: [易混淆字或片语]PIN(名词)是正确用字; PIN是Personal Identification Number的缩写, 所以PIN之后不可再加number, 否则就是Personal Identification Number number.



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