二十笔实用成语 896

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二十笔实用成语 896

帖子 royl » 周一 6月 15, 2020 12:23 am

二十笔实用成语 896

01. pull through, to
定义: 脱险, 渡过难关; 帮助脱险, 帮助渡过难关.
例句: It looked like he was going to die from cancer but in the end he pulled through and is now doing very well. (看上去好像他原本将死于癌症, 但结果他竟然渡过难关, 而且他现在的健康情况还非常好)

02. pull together, to
定义: 镇静下来; 团结合作, 齐心协力; 拼凑在一起; 制作, 组合, 编纂; 清洁整理.
例句: I know we're behind schedule, but if we pull together, we should be able to get this finished on time. (我知道我们进度落后, 但如果我们齐心协力, 我们应该能够准时完工)

03. pull up a chair, to
定义: 一起坐下来; 拉一把椅子与别人坐在一起.
例句: The meeting's just getting started, pull up a chair. (会议才刚刚开始, 拉一把椅子过来一起坐吧)

04. pull up, to
定义: 停止, 停车, 作暂时休息; 停车在某物旁边; 指责, 斥责, 谴责; (比赛中)追赶, 平手; 拉起; 坐在一起; 找出某人档案或资料; 将飞机头部朝拉高.
例句: I pulled her up on social media and learned that she was an investment banker. (我在社交媒体上找出她的资料, 得知她是一名投资银行家)

05. pull/get your finger out, to
定义: [敦促语气]要你加紧努力工作(尤其浪费了一些时间之后).
例句: I've had my learner's permit for nearly two years, I need to pull my finger out and get my driver's license already! (我已经拿到我的学习驾照将近两年了, 我也该要加紧努力取得我的正式驾照了!)

06. pull/get one's shit together, to
定义: [粗俗语]端正自己的行为; 重新振作, 改过自新, 改邪归正, 洗心革面.
例句: I really need to get my shit together and start looking for a job. (我确实要重新振作, 开始去找一份工作)

07. pulp fiction, a
定义: 低俗小说; 登载低俗小说便宜杂志, 印刷在粗糙纸张的出版物.
例句: He was reading a pulp fiction thriller with a lurid cover. (他在阅读一本书皮鲜艳却毫无美感的低俗惊悚小说)

08. pump iron, to
定义: 举重或做其他健肌运动.
例句: On Saturday mornings, James is usually down at the YMCA pumping iron. (星期六早上, 杰姆士通常会在这家基督教男青年会健身中心做健肌运动)

09. pump up, to
定义: 加汽油, 充气; 鼓舞激励斗志; 充满热忱与活力; 活跃地健身或增强肌肉; 夸张数字或消息.
例句: Our coach pumped us all up just before we headed out onto the field. (就在我们准备要离开前往竞赛场地之前, 我们教练先鼓舞激励我们的斗志)

10. pun intended
定义: 有意的一语双关话.
例句: This guy gets a parrot but it's got a bad attitude and fowl language – pun intended. (这个家伙买了一只鹦鹉但它摆出一副恶劣态度和一嘴脏话– 双关语是有意的. 注: 这里fowl是家禽之义而同音字foul乃是脏臭之义, 把fowl换成foul之后再加上language就变成脏话)

11. punch above one's weight, to
定义: 自不量力, 螳臂挡车, 以卵击石; 高攀, 门不当户不对, 男女条件不般配.
例句: I think Janet's new boyfriend is a corporate executive or something. She's really punching above her weight! (我认为珍妮特的新男友是一名大公司高管之类的人. 她根本在高攀这个男友!)

12. punch in, to
定义: 上班打卡(记录到达时间); 以键盘把资讯打入电脑; 打击, 拳击; 打凹, 击凹.
例句: We'd like to remind all employees that they will not be paid for any work they've done before they punch in. (我们想要提醒所有员工他们在上班打卡之前所做的任何工作都不会得到薪酬. 注: 意指你先工作再打卡上班那么打卡前的工作都是白做)

13. punch out, to
定义: 下班打卡(记录离开时间); 以逃生椅从飞机弹射出去; 击倒, 击晕; (纸片或塑胶片上)打孔.
例句: "Oh man, what happened?" "Well, you and Bart were fighting, and then Bart punched you out." (" 哎呀, 发生了什么事?" "唉, 你跟巴特在打架, 然后巴特把就你打晕过去了.")

14. punch someone's lights out, to
定义: 将某人击晕, 将某人打趴了.
例句: You had better stop that, or I will punch your lights out! (你最好别这样, 不然我就把你打趴了!)

15. punch the clock, to
定义: 上下班打时间卡.
例句: I've always dreamed of winning the lottery so I don't have to punch a clock for the rest of my life. (我一直梦想着中彩票, 这样子我下半辈子就不必去打卡上班喽)

16. punch up, to
定义: (以电脑或打字机)打文件; 增加趣味, 使其更生动, 造成有力效果; 使用计算机或收银机算钱.
例句: Steve, I need you to punch up a letter for me. (史蒂夫, 我需要你帮我打一封信)

17. punching bag, a
定义: 练习拳击的打击袋; 被人欺负的受气包, 出气筒.
例句: I am tired of being your punching bag. I've been with you for three years now, and all you do is bully me and try to order me around. (我已经厌倦了作你的出气筒. 我跟你在一起有三年了, 你不是霸凌我就是对我颐指气使)

18. punk, a
定义: 年轻流氓, 小混混或不良少年, 庞克摇滚音乐家或喜欢庞克服饰的人.
例句: I don't want that little punk tagging along. (我才不要这个小混混跟着我)

19. puppy love, a
定义: 少年男女不成熟的初恋.
例句: Puppy love is sweet, but it's just a step on the path to mature love. (不成熟的初恋虽然甜美, 但它只是通往成熟爱情路上所迈出的一步)

20. pure and simple, be
定义: 就是这么简单, 不需赘述.
例句: If you are caught cheating on an exam or assignment, you will fail the entire class, pure and simple! (你如果在考试或写作业中被发现作弊的话, 你这整门课都不及格, 就是这么简单!)



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