二十笔实用成语 946

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二十笔实用成语 946

帖子 royl » 周四 3月 04, 2021 5:04 am

二十笔实用成语 946

01. rustle up, to
定义: 仓促地准备餐食; 搜寻, 搜集.
例句: Today I rustled up a really tasty smoothie using a mango, and a handful of strawberries and raspberries. (我今天用了一个芒果和几颗草莓和覆盆莓准备了一道香甜可口的冰沙)

02. sack out, to
定义: 睡觉.
例句: I'd been getting up so early all week long that I was ready to sack out by 11 on Friday night. (我这整个星期都很早起床, 我准备在星期五晚上十一点之前上床睡觉)

03. sack the city, to
定义: 攻陷, 洗劫这个城市.
例句: The Romans weathered a Germanic uprising in the late fourth century, but in 410 the Visigoth King Alaric successfully sacked the city of Rome. (第四世纪后期, 罗马人熬过了日尔曼人的叛乱, 但是于西元四百一十年西哥特国王亚拉里克成功地攻陷了罗马城)

04. sack time, the
定义: 睡眠时间.
例句: OK, kids, it's sack time, everyone up the stairs and into your pajamas! (好了, 小朋友, 睡觉时间到了, 大家都上楼, 穿上你们的睡衣!)

05. sacred cow, a
定义: 圣牛; 神圣不可批评或质疑的人, 事或物.
例句: Why is he such a sacred cow around here? He's just a football coach. (为什么他在这儿是个神圣不可批评的人? 他不过是个足球教练)

06. sacrifice ... on the altar of success, to
定义: 为了成功或成就而牺牲...(例如承诺, 自我, 诚信, 作人原则等重要的人格价值).
例句: She sacrificed honesty on the altar of success. (为了达到成功的目标, 她选择了欺骗)

07. sad and sorry chapter, a
定义: (人生中或历史上)悲哀, 痛苦, 不堪回首的一页.
例句: As we look back on some of the shortcomings of America, slavery leaves a sad and sorry chapter in our history. (当我们回顾美国的一些缺失, 奴隶制度在我们历史上留下了悲哀和不堪回首的一页)

08. sad excuse for a human being, a
定义: 人渣滓, 废人.
例句: This guy is an immoral creep and a sad excuse for a human being. If there was an ethics code for being a professor he would fail. (这个家伙是个不道德的变态, 一个人渣. 如果有一个作为衡量教授的道德准则他肯定不及格)

09. sad sack, a
定义: 不中用之人, 无能者; 悲哀却无意改善自己的可怜人.
例句: That poor sad sack Sarah has been stuck in the same dead-end job in this company for years. (这个可怜人莎拉多年来一直在这个公司里做同一个没前途的工作却不思改进)

10. sad thing is ..., the
定义: 可怜的是...
例句: The sad thing is…you thought you were in control, but you were never in control of yourself. (可怜的是...你以为你大局在握, 但是你从来就没有掌握住你自己)

11. sad to say ..., it's
定义: 不幸的是...
例句: The film had a lot of potential, but, sorry to say, it falls flat in just about every way. (这部电影本来有很大潜力, 但是, 不幸的是, 它几乎在所有方面都没法达到所预期的效果)

12. sadder but wiser, it's
定义: (从错误学到经验)虽然不幸但学到了智慧.
例句: We came through the economic disaster sadder but wiser, hopefully better prepared for such disasters in the future. (我们度过了这次经济浩劫虽然感到难过但也学到了智慧, 希望未来能够对这类灾害做出更完善的准备)

13. saddle with, to
定义: 加诸在某人身上责任, 麻烦, 重担.
例句: Why do you always saddle yourself with so much school work? Take fewer classes and enjoy yourself a little! (你为什么总是给自己这么烦重的功课? 你可以少修几堂课并且享受一点自己的人生! )

14. saddle up, to
定义: 将马鞍佩在马背上, 整装待发; 上马, 骑马.
例句: There's a storm coming. We'd better saddle up and head back to the ranch. (有个暴风雨将要来临. 我们还是上马, 回到牧场吧)

15. sadly/badly/sorely mistaken, be
定义: 大错特错, 错得离谱.
例句: If you think I'm joking, you're sadly mistaken. (假如你认为我是在开玩笑的话, 那你可错得离谱)

16. safe and sound, be
定义: 安全与完好, 没有损伤.
例句: I was worried when I first heard my brother had been in a car accident. But no one was hurt. Everyone was safe and sound. (当我一开始听到我弟弟涉入了一宗车祸, 我本来很担心.但没有人受伤. 每个人都安全无恙, 毫无损伤)

17. safe as houses, be (as)
定义: 非常安全的.
例句: No matter what happens in coming months, your position in this company is safe as houses. (不管未来几个月发生了什么事, 你在这个公司的职位还是非常安全稳妥的)

18. safe bet, a
定义: 稳当的作法; 确定无疑的事情.
例句: Based on his grades, it's a pretty safe bet that Harry won't be able to graduate on time. (根据他的分数来看, 哈利没法准时毕业的事情乃是确定无疑的)

19. in safe hands, be
定义: 托付在可信赖的人手中.
例句: I just got recertified in first aid, so your kids are in safe hands with me. (我刚刚被再次鉴定为急救员, 所以你们的子女可以放心地托付给我了. 注: 这里所谈到的急救员乃是指一些托儿所或幼儿园在所聘雇的老师或员工中找出几人去接受急救训练并取得急救员资格以备不时之需)

20. safe place, a
定义: 安全无虞的地方.
例句: My advice is to always keep your passport in a safe place, even if not necessarily easily accessible. (我的建议是永远把你的护照放在安全无虞的地方, 即使它不定是个方便收藏或提取的地方)



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