二十笔实用成语 958

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二十笔实用成语 958

帖子 royl » 周日 4月 18, 2021 1:17 am

二十笔实用成语 958

01. seeing as/that
定义: 因为, 由于, 鉴于, 考虑到.
例句: Seeing that it's pouring right now, how about we reschedule the picnic? (考虑到现在正下大雨, 我们改个野餐时间怎么样?)

02. seeing as how
定义: 因为, 由于, 鉴于, 考虑到.
例句: Seeing as how I have a headache, I won't be going to work today. (由于我的头疼问题, 我今天不去上班了)

03. seeing each other, be
定义: 谈恋爱, 跟异性交往.
例句: John and Mary are still seeing each other, but they're not super serious and just having fun together. (约翰和玛莉仍在交往, 但他们不是很认真, 只是在一起玩得很开心而已)

04. seeing is believing
定义: [谚语]眼见为真.
例句: "The kids say they've kept the house immaculate since we've been gone." "Hmm, seeing is believing." ("小朋友说自从我们离开之后他们把屋子保持着整洁无瑕." "嗯, 眼见为实吧.")

05. seeing someone, be
定义: 谈恋爱, 跟异性交往.
例句: Harry, I'm flattered, but I'm seeing someone right now. I'm so sorry, I should have told you, but it's not too late. (哈利, 你把我捧得我都不好意思了, 但我现在有恋爱对象. 实在抱歉, 我早应告诉你这件事, 但现在说还不算迟)

06. seeing things, be
定义: 产生幻觉, 看到幻象.
例句: I could have sworn the contract said we were entitled to a lower price, I must have been seeing things. (我可以发誓我明明看到这份契约上说我们有权利取得一个更低价钱, 我一定是眼花看错了)

07. seek approval, to
定义: 寻求同意, 批准或认可.
例句: You know what I've discovered over the years about seeking approval from others? All that it accomplishes is to make people respect you less! (你知不知道多年来我对于凡事寻求别人认可的现象发现了什么? 它所能带来的只是造成人们对你越发不尊重!)

08. seek compensation, to
定义: 寻求补偿, 赔偿金.
例句: Since New York is a no-fault insurance state, the protocol for seeking compensation works differently, especially as a passenger. (既然纽约州是个属于不追究责任汽车保险的一州, 他们索求补偿的诉讼程序跟别州不一样, 尤其是对于一名乘客的补偿诉求)

09. seek help, to
定义: 求援, 寻求帮助.
例句: There's no shame in seeking professional help if you think you're suffering from depression, Mike. (麦克, 如果你认为你患上了抑郁症的话, 寻求专业帮助一点都不丢人)

10. seek one's fortune, to
定义: 追求财富, 寻求致富.
例句: At the age of twenty, he decided to emigrate and seek his fortune in Canada. (二十岁的时候, 他决定移民加拿大寻求致富)

11. seek out, to
定义: 寻找.
例句: While seeking out the best deals this holiday season, consumers should be aware of scammers who use this time of year to take advantage of unsuspecting shoppers. (在年底假日季节期间寻找最好价钱的同时, 消费者也应该警惕诈骗集团趁此机会骗取毫无戒心购物者的钱财)

12. seek revenge, to
定义: 寻求报复或报仇.
例句: Seeking revenge will never give you a sense of peace or closure. (寻求报复永远不会让你得到心安或者圆满结束的感觉. 注: 这里的closure等于a feeling that an emotional or traumatic experience has been resolved也就是过去的惨痛经历得到了满意终结的感觉)

13. seem credible, to
定义: 似乎可以相信.
例句: I was surprised at how easy it was for us to find something that seemed credible at first glance, but when you looked deeper was actually false. (我很惊讶我们很容易在一开始的时候觉得某件事似乎可以相信, 但当你深究之后你却发现它其实是骗人的)

14. seem like, to
定义: 似乎, 好像.
例句: "Have you met Mary's new boyfriend?" "Yeah, he seems like a nice guy." ("你见过玛莉的男朋友吗?" "见过了, 他看起来还像个好人.")

15. seem odd to me, to
定义: 觉得奇怪或格格不入.
例句: My mother treated her like a child which seemed odd to me then. I later learned that my mother was her aunt by marriage. (我母亲把她当成一个小孩对待, 当时我觉得有些奇怪. 我后来才得知我妈妈是她的姻亲舅妈)

16. seen one, seen them all
定义: 看一个就够了, 他/它们都是一个样子.
例句: I prefer dramas, if I'm honest. When it comes to action films, seen one, seen them all. (说实话, 我比较爱看剧情片电影. 谈到动作片的话, 看一部就够了, 它们都是一个样子)

17. seep into, to
定义: 慢慢渗入, 渗透.
例句: Water is seeping into the basement. (水正慢慢渗入地下室)

18. seize control of ..., to
定义: 夺取...控制权.
例句: A new poll is bad news for Democrats, who are trying to seize control of the state Senate for the first time in 40 years. (一份新民调给四十年来第一次试图夺取州参议院控制权的民主党人带来了坏消息)

19. seize on/upon, to
定义: 抓住, 及时利用, 占有.
例句: He had a panic attack halfway up the ladder due to his fear of heights and seized on for dear life. (他爬梯子爬到一半的时候由于恐高症发作令他突发惊吓, 死命地抓住梯子不放)

20. seize the bull by its horns, to
定义: 决心与问题正面对抗.
例句: I seized the bull by its horns and confronted our manager about the blatant sexism in the office. (我决定与问题正面对抗, 面对面地质问我们经理有关在公司内公然发生的性别歧视)



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