二十笔实用成语 963

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二十笔实用成语 963

帖子 royl » 周一 5月 03, 2021 10:53 am

二十笔实用成语 963

01. serve up on a plate, to
定义: 不劳而获, 轻易取得.
例句: If we can get the government to subsidize our project, we'll have our yearly earnings served up to us on a plate. (如果我们能够让政府来资助我们工程项目的话, 我们的年度收益便可以轻易取得)

02. serve up, to
定义: 端上食物或饭菜饮料; 提供, 给予; 发送; 发球, 掷球.
例句: The movie serves up a ton of laughs. (这部电影给观众带来了许多欢笑)

03. set a bad/good example, to
定义: 树立坏或好的榜样.
例句: Tom, please don't curse like that when you're angry. It sets a bad example for the kids. (汤姆请你生气时候别说这样的脏话. 你给这些孩子作了坏榜样)

04. set a date for ..., to
定义: 决定好要做某事的日子.
例句: They have not yet set a date for the trial. (他们还没决定好开庭日期)

05. set a high standard, to
定义: 设立高标准.
例句: If you want to be successful, setting high standards is a must. But what's even more important is how to stick to them! (你若想成功的话, 设定高标准是必须的.​​ 但更重要的是如何严格地遵循这些标准!)

05. set a precedent, to
定义: 开创先例, 范例或典范.
例句: I'll do what you ask this time, but it doesn't set a precedent. (这一次我就按你的要求去做, 但是下不为例)

06. set a spell, to
定义: 歇歇腿聊聊天, 串门子.
例句: This teahouse is a great place to set a spell and catch up with old friends. (这间茶馆是一个停下来歇歇腿和跟老朋友聊聊近况的理想地点)

07. set about, to
定义: 开始, 着手; 攻击, 殴打.
例句: It'd be better for us to admit the problem openly and set about tackling it. (我们最好先公开承认我们有这个问题, 然后再着手处理它)

08. set against, to
定义: 将某事或物与另一事或物作比较; 将支出从收入扣除; 决定不支持或反对某人或某事, 挑拨某人反对另一人; 为...建立背景.
例句: Can't you see that he's trying to set us against each other? (你难道看不出他正试图制造我们之间的对立吗?)

09. set apart, to
定义: 保留下来作特殊用途; 使其与众不同, 特别醒目, 引人注意.
例句: Her flaming red hair sets her apart from all the others in her class. (她一头火红头发使她跟班上其他同学比照之下特别醒目)

10. set aside, to
定义: 弃置一旁; 保留下来作特殊用途; 驳斥; 取消; (法院)驳回, (法院)否决.
例句: He sets aside some time every day to read to his daughter. (他每天保留一些时间念书给他的女儿听)

11. set at rest, to
定义: 满意, 解决了.
例句: I hope this explanation will help finally set these questions at rest. (我希望这个理由能够最终促使这些问题得到满意的解答)

12. set at, to
定义: 置于某个地点; 定出某个价位或数字; 批评, 斥责; 发起进攻, 猛烈攻击.
例句: I originally set the oven at 300 degrees, but I think it needs to be hotter. (我原先把烤箱温度设定在三百度, 但我想它的温度还需要更热一点)

13. set back on one's heels, to
定义: 令人大吃一惊, 仓皇失措.
例句: The sudden arrest of one of our teammates last night certainly set us back on our heels, and we weren't able to play to the best of our abilities this morning. (昨晚我们一名队友突然被警方逮捕, 这事毫无疑问令我们惊慌失措, 今天早上我们便没法发挥出我们最佳实力)

14. set back the clock, to
定义: 将钟表时间拨回去; 开历史倒车; 时光倒流; 复古.
例句: I'd love to set back the clock to when I was a kid. It was such a happy, carefree time in my life. (我很想时光倒流回到我的童年. 它就是我一生中一段最快乐和最无忧无虑的时光)

15. set back, to
定义: 阻碍或耽搁进度, 延误, 延迟; 花费; 将钟表时间拨回去; 变回到低层次或回到早期状态.
例句: We were set back so much in December with COVID and quarantine. (由于十二月发生的冠状病毒和检疫隔离之故, 我们的进度被耽搁了许多)

16. set down, to
定义: 轻视, 贬低; 安排坐下; 将东西放下来; 中止赛马骑师比赛; 让人下车, 送递; (飞机或飞行器)降落; 任命, 设立; 写下来, 记录; 认定, 认为; 归于,属于.
例句: You can set down the package on the table, thank you! (你可以把这个包裹搁在桌上, 谢谢你!)

17. set eyes on, to
定义: 看见, 注意到.
例句: I knew when I set eyes on that car that it was the car for me. (当我第一眼见到这部车子的时候, 我就知道它是我的车子)

18. set fire to, to
定义: 放火, 起火及燃烧; 激起, 挑动, 挑拨, 煽动.
例句: A child playing with a cigarette lighter set fire to the curtains. (一名小孩玩耍打火机却点燃了窗帘)

19. set foot in, to
定义: 进入, 涉足.
例句: It wasn't me. I've never set foot in that place before! (那不是我. 我以前从来不涉足那个场所!)

20. set foot on, to
定义: 踏上, 步上.
例句: As soon as I set foot on that train, I knew I'd never see her again. (我一踏上了那班列车, 我便知道我再也不会见到她了. 注: 这里的train是指由火车头牵引一串车箱所组成的整条火车)
图中这班运货列车可以称为"a freight train"



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