二十笔实用成语 973

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二十笔实用成语 973

帖子 royl » 周二 6月 01, 2021 9:16 pm

二十笔实用成语 973

01. shoot from the hip, to
定义: 不经思考地卤莽发言或行动.
例句: Don't pay any attention to Tom. He means no harm. It's just his nature to shoot from the hip. (别理会汤姆. 他没什么恶意. 只是他的本性一向就是说话卤莽)

02. shoot it out, to
定义: 诉诸武力或枪战来解决争议.
例句: The feud came to a head when the two gangs began shooting it out in the middle of town, leaving only a few people alive to tell the tale. (他们长期的交恶已经达到了不得不摊牌的地步, 这两批帮派便开始在城内展开枪战, 只留下少数幸存者来述说当时所发生的械斗故事)

03. shoot off one's mouth, to; shoot one's mouth off, to
定义: 口无遮拦, 将别人事随意透露, 胡乱吹嘘.
例句: Don't go shooting off your mouth about it; it's supposed to be a surprise. (千万别把这件事透露出去; 这本该是个惊喜)

04. shoot off, to
定义: 发射, 滥射; 击落, 击下; 匆忙写信并紧急发出.
例句: Earlier this week we received calls of gunshots near Grandview Apartment. Officers located a male who admitted he shot off several rounds into the air. (这个星期早些时候我们接到了格兰德维尤公寓附近枪声的报警电话. 警官们找到了一名供认朝天空发射数枪的男子)

05. shoot on sight
定义: 当场格杀.
例句: The policeman was fired for "endangering his colleagues" because he didn't shoot the armed man on sight. (由于他没有当场格杀那名持械男子, 此名员警被以"危及同袍们生命"的指控遭到解雇)

06. shoot one's bolt, to
定义: 不遗余力, 尽了最大努力; 做得精疲力竭.
例句: Try to pace yourself. If you shoot your bolt now, you'll never make it through all of the work you have to do. (试着调整你的工作节奏. 如果你现在就精疲力竭的话, 你将永远做不完你必须要做的工作)

07. shoot one's wad, to
定义: 花光, 用光; 全力以赴; 做得精疲力竭; (男子)射精.
例句: My Las Vegas trip was short lived. I shot my wad at the poker table in the first two hours! (我去拉斯维加斯的旅游很短暂. 我居然在两个钟头内玩扑克牌把钱输得精光!)

08. shoot oneself in the foot, to
定义: 搬石头砸自己的脚, 自讨苦吃, 自残以逃避责任.
例句: He'd have a real shot at winning the election if he didn't keep shooting himself in the foot with such inflammatory remarks. (他本来有很大的机会赢得这场选举如果他不发出这种煽动性的言论来搬石头砸自己脚的话)

09. shoot out, to
定义: 射出, 伸出, 刺出; 击灭; 长出; 以武力解决争议, 决斗.
例句: The lizard's sticky tongue shot out from its mouth and snatched a unsuspecting bug. (这只蜥蝪从嘴里射出富有黏性的舌头, 捕捉住了一只毫无戒备的虫子)

10. shoot someone a dirty look, to
定义: 给某人白眼, 愤怒或厌恶地瞪人一眼.
例句: My history teacher shot me a dirty look during class when I couldn't quite manage to squelch a burp. (由于我在上课时没法抑制我打的嗝, 我历史老师厌恶地瞪了我一眼)

11. shoot someone a disapproving glance/look, to
定义: 厌恶地瞪人一眼.
例句: As the stranger sat next to me, he raised his eyebrows at my outfit and I shot him a disapproving look. (这名陌生人在我旁边坐下来, 当他看见我所穿的这套服装便皱起眉头, 这时我也厌恶地瞪他一眼. 注: 这句话是指我不喜欢陌生人对我评头论足)

12. shoot someone/something down in flames, to
定义: 彻底击败; 强烈批评或驳斥; 阻止某事; 断然拒绝接受.
例句: It was a bad idea, alright, but you didn't have to shoot me down in flames at the meeting. (没错这确实是个馊主意, 但是你也没必要在会议上把我批评得体无完肤. 注: 这句话是指我承认自己的想法不怎样但你也没必要在会议上让我不了台)

13. shoot straight, to
定义: 行为正直, 诚实待人, 直来直往, 不耍花样.
例句: James always shoots straight, so if he says this is the best deal we can get, then I believe him. (詹姆士一向直来直往, 不玩花样, 所以他如果说这是我们能够找到的最好价钱, 那我相信他)

14. shoot the breeze/bull, to
定义: [俚语]闲聊, 闲扯.
例句: Customers always want to shoot the breeze with me in the store before they buy something. (客户来店里总是想要先跟我闲聊一番然后才买些东西)

15. shoot the rapids, to
定义: 驾船冲过湍流.
例句: I've never shot the rapids but have a lot of experience rowing a drift boat. (我从没驾船冲过湍流但我有许多划动漂流船只的经验)

16. shoot the works, to
定义: 不惜一切, 孤注一掷; 不遗余力, 尽了最大努力.
例句: Don't shoot the works! Save some for a cab. (别把钱都用光! 留点坐出租车的钱)

17. shoot through, to
定义: 匆匆穿过; 迅速逃离; 击穿.
例句: Lisa shot through the office so fast that she didn't even hear me say, "Hello." (丽莎连我跟她说"哈啰"都没听见便匆匆地快速穿过办公室)

18. shoot to kill, to
定义: 射杀, 枪杀. (注: 意指向某人开枪的唯一目的就是要将此人击毙)
例句: The police were told to shoot to kill if they feel that the person they've engaged is hostile and they feel that they could be threatening. (这些警员被授命如果他们感觉到涉案之人怀有敌意以及他们认为此人可能怀有伤人的意图才可以开枪射杀此人)

19. shoot up, to
定义: 开枪胡乱扫射; 迅速生长, 突然地升起; 注射药品或毒品入静脉; 向天开枪庆祝, 吓人或镇摄人.
例句: His son really shot up over the last few months. (他儿子的个子过去几个月着实地窜得老高了)

20. shoot!
定义: [俚语]说吧! 我在听!
例句: I know you have something to tell me, so shoot! (我知道你有话要告诉我, 那就说吧!)



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