二十笔实用成语 977

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二十笔实用成语 977

帖子 royl » 周日 6月 20, 2021 4:45 am

二十笔实用成语 977

01. show one's heels, to
定义: 脚底抹油; 跑掉, 逃之夭夭.
例句: The youths showed their heels when they saw a police cruiser approaching. (当这群少年看见了一辆警车驶近的时候, 他们便脚底抹油, 逃之夭夭)
police cruiser警察巡逻车或警车

02. show one's horns, to
定义: 露出狰狞面目; 被激怒并准备要打架或争吵.
例句: I thought I could trust Eric until he showed his horns by spreading rumors about me. (直到埃立克以散播有关的我不实谣言露出了他的狰狞面目之前, 我还以为我可以信任他)

03. show one's paces, to
定义: 表现出自己的能力或本领.
例句: They made the horse show its paces. (他们强迫这匹马展示它的能力)

04. show one's true colors, to
定义: 承认真实意图或想法; 露出真面目.
例句: Dave said he only wanted this deal because it was in the company's best interest, but he showed his true colors once he realized that he wouldn't get any commission. (戴夫表明他想要这笔生意只是因为它符合公司的最佳利益, 然而一旦他发现他根本拿不到任何佣金之后他才坦承他真实的意图)

05. show oneself, to
定义: 从隐蔽处站出来, 表现出自己某个形象, 表现出自己的能力.
例句: She has shown herself capable of many things that once seemed out of her grasp. (她已经证明自己有能力做出很多曾经一度被认为做不到的事情)

06. show promise, to
定义: 显示出未来潜力.
例句: Gene therapy shows promise as a glaucoma treatment. It can repair a damaged optic nerve in mice. (基因理疗在作为青光眼的治疗上显示出未来的潜力. 它可以修补白老鼠受损的视神经)

07. show signs of, to
定义: 显示出...迹象.
例句: An Orlando police officer who was shot in the head in 2018, sparking a standoff that ended with a man killing himself and four children, is showing signs of improvement. (2018年, 一名奥兰多警官被击中头部, 曾激起了警方与凶嫌的对峙最终造成了一名男子自杀并夺走四名儿童生命, 该警官的病况有了好转的迹象)

08. show someone a good time, to
定义: 带某人去玩.
例句: We have some important clients flying into town on Friday, and I want you to show them a good time in the weekend. (我们有几位重要客户星期五要飞过来, 我希望你能够在周末带他们去畅游一番)

09. show in, to
定义: 迎客; 礼貌性地带领某人去见要见的人或要去的地方.
例句: The nurse came out to the waiting area and showed in the next patient. (这名护士来到候诊室引领了下一个病人进入诊疗室)

10. show out, to
定义: 公众前展示自己或努力表现自己; 送客; 礼貌性地送某人到门口.
例句: Thank you for coming by for the interview. The receptionist will show you out. (谢谢你来这里参加面试. 接待员会送你出去)

11. show someone the door, to
定义: 礼貌性地送某人到门口; 要人离开; 赶走某人; 解雇某人.
例句: When he started yelling in the restaurant he was quickly shown the door. (当他在餐厅内开始大声喧哗的时候, 他马上被工作人员请出去)

12. show someone the ropes, to
定义: 教导别人如何做某件事.
例句: This class is intense! You're expected to know how to do everything from day one, without anyone showing you the ropes. (这堂课真是紧张! 在没人教导的情形下, 他们却认为你从第一天开始就应该知道如何做一切工作)

13. show (someone) the way, to
定义: 教导某人一个方法; 指引某人方向; 引领某人; 替某人带路.
例句: "Can you show me the way to the nearest post office?" "Sure, follow me." ("你能不能告诉我去最近一家邮局的路吗?" "没问题, 跟我来.")

14. show someone up, to
定义: 能力超越某人; 曝露某人的缺点或错误; 使某人尴尬或难堪.
例句: John is always trying to show someone up to make himself look better. (约翰总是试图曝露别人的缺点和过错来彰显自己的优越性)

15. show someone what you are made of, to
定义: 证明给某人看看你是如何的多才多艺, 过人能力, 刚毅不屈或勇敢.
例句: No one thinks you stand a chance in this match, but you go out there and show them what you're made of! (没有人认为你在这场竞赛有获胜的机会, 但你更要在赛场上证明给大家看你是如何的才艺过人!)

16. show someone who's boss, to
定义: 证明谁才是老板或主宰者; 证明谁更强大, 强势, 更具权威或主导能力.
例句: You can't keep letting your employees walk all over you like that. You need to show them who's boss. (你不可以一直让你的手下员工对你如此地颐气指使, 欺人太甚. 你必须要挺直腰骨, 告诉他们谁才是老板)

17. show the/one's cloven foot, to
定义: 露出邪恶本色; 现出狰狞面目; 露出马脚. (注: 西方传统的撒旦或魔鬼的脚趾形象与猪鹿或羊一般为分趾或偶蹄的)
例句: The fellow has shown his cloven foot so plainly that even those rather timid people seem disgusted with him. (这个家伙毫不掩饰地现出他的狰狞面目, 连那些相当胆小怕事的人都表现出对他的不屑)

18. show the white feather, to
定义: 示弱, 表现怯懦.
例句: The minute Bob put up his fists, Bill showed the white feather and backed down. (当鲍伯举起双拳准备打架的那一刹那, 比尔便马上表现出怯懦态度并且屈服退让)

19. show the white flag, to
定义: 竖起白旗, 投降, 认输服软.
例句: After the prosecutors brought forward their newest evidence, the defendant showed the white flag and agreed to the plea bargain. (当检察官拿出了他们的最新证据, 这名被告便认输服软并且同意展开认罪协商机制)

20. show through, to
定义: 显露出来; 看得出来; (论及印刷品)可以从背面看到前面字体的显示.
例句: Your arrogance shows through despite your attempts to be friendly. (尽管你试图摆出友善的姿态, 你的傲慢还是显露出来了)



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