二十笔实用成语 979

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二十笔实用成语 979

帖子 royl » 周四 6月 24, 2021 12:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 979

01. shut off, to
定义: 切断流动, 关水, 断流; 关掉机器或切断机器电源; 孤立, 切断与外界交流.
例句: We always shut off the power when we leave the house for more than ten days. (如果我们出门超过十天的话, 我们都会把总电源关掉)
美国一般家庭用的电源开关箱, 左上角是电表

02. shut one's mouth, to
定义: 一语不发, 保持沉默, 守口如瓶.
例句: I could tell my encouragement wasn't helping, so I just shut my mouth. (我可以感觉到我鼓励的话并没有什么效果, 所以我就保持缄默, 不再说什么)

03. shut out, to
定义: 排斥在外, 挡在外面, 不让某人进入; 使对手不能得分.
例句: I don't have a mobile phone with me, so I got shut out of my email. (我手机不在身边, 因此我被我的电子邮件网站锁在外面. 注: 这句话的意思是有些电邮网站在你登入的时候发给你手机一套认证密码, 当你正确地输入了这套密码你便可以阅读你的邮件)

04. shut the door on, to
定义: 阻挠或排除某事的发生; 结束; 拒人于外; 拒绝考虑; 关闭协商大门.
例句: She was careful not to shut the door on the possibility of further talks. (她非常谨慎地不排除未来协商的可能性)

05. shut up shop, to
定义: 歇业, 关门, 关闭生意场所.
例句: Rather than shutting up shop entirely, the company laid off half of its workers. (与其把生意完全关闭, 这家公司选择遣散其一半员工)

06. shut up, to
定义: 监禁, 限制, 局限; 完全关闭; 令人闭嘴; 保持缄默, 停止说话, 不发表文章.
例句: I'm not going to shut up until you admit you have no good evidence for this claim and that you'll stop repeating it. (直到你承认你并没有确切证据来证实这项声明并且保证不再提起这个不实指控之前, 我绝对不会闭嘴. 注: 本句中的claim这个名词定义是指没有凭据的宣称; 也就说它的可信度不高)

07. Shut your cakehole/face/mouth!
定义: [不尊重语]闭嘴!
例句: I'm tired of your whining. Just shut your cakehole! (我已经受够了你的没完没了牢骚. 闭上你的嘴!)

08. Shut your pie hole!
定义: [不尊重语]闭嘴!
例句: Andy, will you shut your pie hole and let me tell them what happened? (安迪, 你能不能闭嘴, 让我来告诉他们发生了什么事?)

09. close/lock/shut the stable door after the horse has bolted, to
定义: 亡羊补牢, 已经迟了.
例句: When Tom heard that the bank had failed, he tried to withdraw his money, but there was no money to withdraw. He was shutting the stable door after the horse had bolted. (当汤姆听到了这家银行倒闭的消息,他便试图把他的钱提出来, 但银行已经没钱可以提取了. 他无异在亡羊补牢, 但已经迟了)

10. shy away from, to
定义: 害羞, 回避, 逃避, 躲避.
例句: You wanted to lead this branch, which means you can't shy away from the thornier aspects of the job. (你想要领导这个部门的话, 那就意味着你不可以逃避一些跟此部门相关的棘手工作. 注: 意指你要成为此部门的领导, 你就必须概括承受本部门所有工作, 无论其难易与否)

11. shy of, be
定义: 短缺, 短少, 不足; 只比...少一点, 只低于​​...一点.
例句: Our current rent is just shy of $1,500. If it goes any higher, I don't know how we'll be able to afford it. (我们现在的房租只比一千五百块少一点. 如果再涨价的话, 我真不知道我们如何能够付得出来)

12. sibling rivalry, the
定义: 兄弟姊妹之间的嫉妒与竞争.
例句: Due to the sibling rivalry in existence, the stepmother is afraid that the glass slippers may fit Cinderella, who in turn will marry the prince. (由于现存的姊妹之间竞争, 这个后母害怕这双玻璃舞鞋可能适合灰姑娘的脚, 因此她便可嫁给王子了)

13. sick and tired of, be
定义: 再也受不了; 厌倦了, 厌恶了. (注: 意指因为被某人或事困扰太久)
例句: We are sick and tired of the noisy trucks that drive past our house. (我们再也受不了路过我们家的那些卡车发出的噪音)

14. sick as a dog, be (as)
定义: 病得厉害. (注: 尤其跟肠胃有关的病痛)
例句: The last time I ate shellfish I was sick as a dog for 48 hours afterwards. (我上次吃了贝类海鲜弄得我上吐下泻, 足足折腾了四十八个小时)

15. sick as a parrot, be (as)
定义: 非常地不满, 失望或沮丧.
例句: Tim was as sick as a parrot when he learned that he had been passed over for the promotion. (得知了他没有被升迁的消息后, 提姆对此非常地沮丧)

16. sick at heart, be
定义: 极为忧伤, 失望, 沮丧的.
例句: I felt sick at heart to think that I may have contributed to her death in some way. (一想到我有可能在某个程度上促成了她的死亡我就很难过)

17. sick in bed, be
定义: 卧病在床.
例句: I worked myself so hard in the lead-up to Christmas that I ended up spending the whole holiday sick in bed. (我在圣诞节之前拼命地工作结果我却在整个假期期间卧病在床)

18. sick joke, a
定义: 冒犯人的, 恐怖, 残忍的笑话. (注: 意指这种笑话令人不舒服或恶心)
例句: He worked so hard to sober up and stay off drugs, only to be hit by a bus the second week of being clean. It's like a sick joke. (他很拼命地戒酒和戒毒, 在他彻底戒掉毒品和酒精之后的第二个星期却不幸被公车撞死. 这真是一个残酷的笑话)

19. sick of, be
定义: 再也受不了; 厌倦了, 厌恶了. (注: 意指因为被某人或事困扰太久)
例句: I am so sick of all these political campaign ads. They're on all the time each election, and every year they get nastier and nastier. (我再也受不了这些竞选广告. 每次竞选期间它们便不停地播放, 而且每一年的竞选语言都变得越来越刻毒)

20. sick to death, be
定义: 再也受不了; 非常厌倦了, 非常厌恶. (注: 意指因为被某人或事困扰太久)
例句: I'm sick to death of doing my boss's errands. If something doesn't change soon, I'm going to quit! (我非常厌倦了帮我的老板去跑腿办事. 如果情况没有立即改变的话, 我就辞职不干了!)



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