二十笔实用成语 984

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二十笔实用成语 984

帖子 royl » 周五 7月 09, 2021 11:49 pm

二十笔实用成语 984

01. sit out, to
定义: 不参与; 一直等到结束为止.
例句: Let's sit out this act, and then we can leave at intermission. (我们先等这幕戏演完, 然后我们就可以趁中场休息时间离开)

02. sit pretty, to
定义: 处于极为有利的地位或优沃的生活环境.
例句: I'll be sitting pretty for the rest of the semester if I can ace this test. (如果我这次考试拿到了高分的话那我这个学期就可立于优异不败之地)

03. sit right with someone, to
定义: 令某人满意或接受. (注: 常用在否定语气例如令人不满意或觉得不对劲)
例句: Something about the whole arrangement just didn't sit right, so I decided to investigate the matter further. (这整套安排似乎有什么让人觉得不对劲的地方, 因此我决定更深入调查这件事)

04. sit through, to
定义: 留下来直到结束; (虽然不精彩或让人觉得没趣)还是看到结束.
例句: I find that I can never sit through his lecture without getting distracted and doodling in my notebook. (我发现我根本没法上完他的这堂课, 我不是无法专心听讲就是心不在焉地在笔记本上涂鸦乱画)

05. sit tight, to
定义: 静观其变; 耐心等待; 等着瞧(有重大事要发生).
例句: Please sit tight for a few minutes while I go and get a policeman to help us out. (请你耐心地等待几分钟我这就去找一位警员来帮我们忙)

06. sit up and take notice, to
定义: 突然地警觉, 集中注意.
例句: Although he's been making music for years, it was his smash hit song last April that caused people to sit up and take notice. (虽然他创作乐曲多年, 但是他去年四月所推出的成名歌曲才真正地惊动歌唱界并让人们刮目相看)

07. sit up straight, to
定义: 身子坐直, 手脚并拢.
例句: How many times do I have to tell you to sit up straight and write with your arm, not wrist? (你要我告诉你多少遍把身子坐直, 运用手臂写字, 不是用手腕写字?)

08. sit up, to
定义: 从躺着坐起来; 腰部打直地坐; 突然变为有兴趣于, 警觉, 惊讶; 工作晚, 赶工, 赶夜车.
例句: My mother had to sit up all night as my younger sister was very sick. (我妈妈不得不整夜不眠地照顾我病重的妹妹)

09. sit well with someone, to
定义: 令某人满意或接受. (注: 常用在否定语气例如令人不满意或觉得不对劲)
例句: Your explanation of your absence doesn't sit well with the boss. (老板对你缺勤所作的解释并不满意)

10. sitting duck, a
定义: 无助, 容易被攻击或被批评的对象; 容易被诈欺的对象.
例句: When my car broke down in a bad neighborhood, I felt like a sitting duck, just waiting to get robbed. (当我车子抛锚在一个破落街区的当儿, 我觉得像一个无助又容易被袭击的目标, 正等着被人抢劫)

11. sitting on a powder keg, be
定义: 坐在火药桶上; 随时会有危险或随时会发生爆炸性的情况.
例句: Things are very tense at work now. The whole office is sitting on a powder keg! (我们工作场合的气氛现在非常紧张. 整个办公室就像一个火药桶, 随时会发生爆炸性的冲突!)

12. situation is sketchy, the
定义: 情况仍不明朗.
例句: If you have to leave because the situation is sketchy or unsafe, you can simply pack your bags and go. (如果你因为这里的情况不明朗或不安全而非得离开的话, 你可以直接了当的打包离开)

13. six feet under
定义: 死了并被埋葬.
例句: You'll be six feet under when Mom finds out that you dented her brand new car. (如果老妈发现你把她的新车撞了个凹痕的话, 你就完蛋了)

14. six of one, (and) half a dozen of the other; six of one, half a dozen of another
定义: 半斤八两; 都没差别; 等值; 选谁都一样.
例句: "Would you rather have pepperoni or Italian sausage on your pizza?" "Eh, six of one, half a dozen of the other." ("你比较喜欢放义大利辣香肠还是义大利猪肉香肠在你的批萨饼上?" "呃, 没什么差别, 放那一种香肠我都可以.")

15. six of the best
定义: 传统体罚或打屁股. (注: 五只手指加上一根棍子正好是六只)
例句: When I was growing up, teachers wouldn't hesitate to give you six of the best for mouthing off in class. (我小的时候, 老师会毫不犹豫地体罚在课堂上高谈阔论的学生)

16. six ways from/to Sunday
定义: 完全地, 彻底地; 许多的方法, 用各种可以想像到的方法.
例句: We researched the case six ways from Sunday, but there didn't seem to be any way that we could win with the evidence at hand. (我们用尽各种方法研判这个案子, 但我们似乎找不出任何办法凭着手中的证据来赢得这件案子)

18. sixes and sevens
定义: 疲劳; 困惑; 混乱.
例句: We've just moved in, and the office is still at sixes and sevens. (我们才刚搬来, 这间办公室还是乱七八糟的)

19. sixth sense
定义: 第六感; 敏感的直觉; 超感官知觉.
例句: My sixth sense told me to avoid going home by my usual route this time. Later I discovered there had been a fatal accident on it. (我的直觉告诉我这次别走平常回家的路线. 后来我才发现这个路线曾发生了一场致命的车祸)

20. sixty-four-thousand-dollar question, the
定义: 重大关键性的问题; 重大但很困难回答的问题.
例句: The sixty-four thousand dollar question is: What readjustments are required in the business after COVID Era? (这个重大的关键问题是: 商业界在新冠肺炎时代过后有必要做什么样的重新调整呢?)



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