二十笔实用成语 985

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二十笔实用成语 985

帖子 royl » 周三 7月 14, 2021 1:04 pm

二十笔实用成语 985

01. size up, to
定义: 打量某人; 评估, 评价, 评审.
例句: Always size up a car in person before you agree to buy it. (在买这辆车之前, 你无论如何都要亲自严厉地评估它. 注: 这里的always最好作为no matter what也就是"无论如何"来翻译是最正确的)

02. skate on thin ice, to
定义: 如履薄冰; 处于险境; 冒险.
例句: I hope you realize that you'll be skating on thin ice if you decide to gamble your employees' retirement funds on such a dodgy investment. (如果你决定把你员工的退休基金赌注在这种高风险的投资上, 我希望你明白你是在冒很大的危险)

03. skate over, to
定义: 匆匆掠过; 略过不提, 含糊其词, 逃避; 轻易通过.
例句: Stop skating over this, Tom, it's a real problem that we need to address! (别再逃避它了, 汤姆, 这是一个我们必须要解决的真正问题!)

04. skeleton in one's/the closet, to have a
定义: 家里的不可告人的秘密. (注: closet在北美并不是衣柜或衣橱而是衣服间或储藏室)
例句: But everybody's got vices, haven't they? There's always a skeleton in the closet somewhere. (但是每个人都有软弱时做出了一些不光彩的事情, 不是吗? 一个家庭总会有一个不可告人的秘密)

05. skin alive, to
定义: 活剥皮; 予以痛斥, 严惩.
例句: My parents will skin us alive if they find out we took the car without telling them. (如果我爸妈发现了我们没有告诉他们就把车开走了的话, 他们肯定会痛斥我们一顿)

06. skin game, a
定义: 诈财骗局, 诈赌; 诈欺.
例句: He had this long-running skin game where he would convince rich, elderly widows to invest in insurance plans that actually paid into an offshore account he controlled. (他搞出了这个长期诈财骗局借此他说服了富裕的老寡妇们投资一些保险计划, 其实她们所拿出的资金都被转入到他所控制的离岸帐户里)

07. skin in the game, to have
定义: [财务术语]公司高层购买自己所经营企业的股票. (注: 意指企业经营高层把私人与公司的未来捆绑在一起, 休戚与共)
例句: If you want to find a company that is truly motivated to succeed, find one where all the executives have skin in the game. (你如果想要找一家真心力图成功的公司, 你要找的是一家所有领导高层都把私人资金投入在他们自己所经营的公司上)

08. skinny/thin as a rail/rake/stick, be (as)
定义: 瘦得像铁轨或竹竿; 瘦骨嶙峋.
例句: I don't know why she's dieting; she's thin as a rail already. (我不明白她为什么要节食; 她已经瘦得像竹竿一样了)

09. skip bail, to
定义: [法律术语]不出庭应讯, 弃保逃亡, 保释金被没收.
例句: The worst thing you could do is skip bail – then you'll be a fugitive and everyone will think you're guilty. (你能做的最糟糕的事就是弃保逃亡– 这样一来你便成为一名逃犯, 所有人都会认为你是畏罪逃亡的)

10. skip classes, to
定义: 逃课, 逃学, 翘课.
例句: Richard had low grades because he skipped classes. (理查成绩很差因为他经常逃课)

11. skip it, to
定义: 别管它, 不重要; 不想谈它; 不要紧; 没关系, 算了; 跳过去.
例句: If you can't solve that math problem, just skip it for now and come back to it later. (你如果不能解那个数学题, 暂时别管它, 后面还有时间的话再回来做也不迟)

12. skip out, to
定义: 突然离开, 逃之夭夭; 逃避(责任或承诺); 远走高飞.
例句: When the police went to arrest her, they found that she'd skipped out. (当警方去逮捕她的时候, 他们发现她已经逃之夭夭)

13. skunk works
定义: 秘密研发单位或实验室.
例句: From the development of the U-2 to the Stealth fighter, Skunk Works is the true story of America's most secret aerospace operation. (从U-2间谍机到隐身战机的开发, 秘密研发单位是美国最机密的航天操作真实故事)

14. sky is falling, the
定义: 杞人忧天, 担心天要塌下来.
例句: Look, I know you're worried about this disruption to the supply chain, but you're acting as if the sky's falling or something! (听我说, 我了解你对这次供应链的中断担心害怕, 但你也太过于杞人忧天了!)

15. sky is the limit, the
定义: 可能性是无限的, 任何事情都可能发生. (注: 这句话主要是用来鼓励人不要为自己设限制)
例句: You can do anything you set your mind to, Billy. The sky's the limit! (比利, 你可以成就任何你想做的事. 任何事情都可能!)

16. slack off, to
定义: 放松, 松弛; 松懈, 懒散; 慢慢地减少, 慢慢地减轻.
例句: Most of the businesses on the island close up for the year once the summer business starts to slack off toward the end of August. (一旦接近八月底, 夏季生意便开始逐渐变得冷清, 大多数的岛上商家便关闭了本年度的营业)

17. slam dunk, a
定义: 灌篮; 轻而易举的工作.
例句: Finishing that project with all his experience should be a slam dunk for George. (对于乔治来说, 以他多年的经验来完成这个工作项目应该是一件轻而易举的任务)

18. slam on the brakes, to
定义: 紧急煞车; 紧急喊停.
例句: I slammed on the brakes last night when I saw a child running into the street. (我昨晚看到一个小男孩冲上街头, 我赶紧急踩煞车)

19. slammer, the
定义: [俚语]监狱.
例句: You're going to wind up in the slammer if you keep hanging around with that no-good bunch. (你如果还继续跟这帮人渣厮混的话, 你将难逃牢狱之灾)

20. slanging match, a
定义: [英国俚语]互相对骂, 骂战.
例句: At first, I thought we were just going through a rough patch, but lately, it seems like every night Joan and I get into a slanging match with each other. (刚开始, 我还以为我们只是碰到了一段艰难时期, 但近来, 琼跟我似乎每个晚上都要展开一场互相对骂的冲突)



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