二十笔实用成语 987

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二十笔实用成语 987

帖子 royl » 周日 7月 18, 2021 7:13 pm

二十笔实用成语 987

01. sleep soundly/well, to
定义: 睡着安稳, 甜美.
例句: I curled up and went to sleep, and I slept soundly for the first time since we moved here. (我蜷缩着身子入眠, 这是我搬来这里第一次睡得这么安稳)

02. sleep through, to
定义: 一觉睡到天明; 某事发生时在睡觉; 没有注意到.
例句: How on earth did you sleep through that racket coming from next door? (你怎么有办法在隔壁发出如此吵杂的噪音下一觉睡到天明?)

03. Sleep tight/well, don't let the bedbugs bite.
[成语句型]祝人晚安, 睡得安稳.

04. sleep tight, to
定义: 好好地睡觉吧.
例句: "I think I'm going to head to bed." "OK, sleep tight! See you in the morning." ("我想我要去睡了." "好吧, 好好地睡吧! 明早见.")

05. sleep together, to
定义: 跟某人同睡一张床; 跟某人上床, 发生性关系.
例句: When did you and him sleep together and why am I just hearing about him now? (你什么时候跟他上床, 为什么我到现在才听到他这个人?)

06. sleep with the fishes, to
定义: 沉尸水里. (注: 意指被杀死及扔入水里)
例句: Make sure that no-good snitch sleeps with the fishes before he gets a chance to testify in court. (务必要把那个不是东西的告密者灭口再扔进海里省得他有机会在法庭上作证)

07. sleep with, to
定义: 跟某人或物同睡一张床; 跟某人上床, 发生性关系.
例句: My daughter has to sleep with her teddy bear or she gets scared. (我女儿一定要抱着她的玩具熊睡觉否则她晚上会吓得睡不着)

08. sleepyhead, a
定义: 懒虫或贪睡虫. (注: 意指叫人起床时调侃话)
例句: Come on, sleepyhead, time to get up! (快点, 小懒虫, 该起床啦!)

09. sleight of hand, a
定义: 变戏法花招, 巧妙骗术, 高明幻术, 使人目不暇给的手法.
例句: With a little sleight of hand we can replace your name on the list with someone else's, don't worry. (弄个小花招我们就能够把你的名字从名单换成别人的名字, 别担心)

10. share/slice of the cake, a
定义: 分得一杯羹, 分得的一份利润或好处.
例句: Third-world countries are discovering how their natural resources have been exploited by the rest of the world and now they want a bigger slice of the cake. (第三世界国家发现他们的天然资源被其他国家剥削利用, 现在他们要求分得更多的利润)

11. slice through, to
定义: 切割穿; 迅速地穿过.
例句: The canoe sliced through the lake. (这艘独木舟迅速地划过湖面)

12. slice of life, a
定义: 化为戏剧的真实生活片段.
例句: I heard that movie is a slice of life about a youth struggling with the Great Depression. (我听说那部电影是个有关一名年轻人跟大萧条经济作奋力脱贫的故事)

13. slick as a whistle, be (as)
定义: 滑溜的, 流畅的, 灵巧的, 熟练的, 迅速的, 顺利的.
例句: Once she got into a rhythm, she had that wall built slick as a whistle. (一旦她摸熟了窍门之后, 她便很熟练地把那面墙铺设好)

14. slick down, to
定义: 令其平滑油亮.
例句: I woke up with this annoying cowlick, and now I have to slick my hair down with gel. (我醒来发现头上冒出一撮恼人的翘起来头发, 现在我不得不使用发胶把我头发整得平滑油亮)

15. slide into, to
定义: 跟...相撞; 被撞击入某个地面; 令其滑入; 轻易滑进; 不着痕迹地放入.
例句: The motorcycle was knocked over by the truck and went sliding into the intersection. (这辆摩托车被卡车撞翻并滑入那个十字路口)

16. slide off, to
定义: 滑落下来; 趁别人不注意时溜走.
例句: All of the toppings slid off my ice cream sundae before I could take a single bite! (所有冰淇淋圣代上面的配料都滑落下来但我还没来得及吃上一口!)

17. slighting remarks
定义: 鄙视, 轻蔑或羞辱人的话语.
例句: Never let your tongue say a slighting remark of a colleague. (千万别讲羞辱你同事的话)

18. slim chance, a
定义: 机会渺茫.
例句: There is a slim chance that I will arrive on Monday, but Tuesday is more likely. (我星期一到达的可能性很低, 但星期二很有可能到达)

19. slim pickings
定义: 剩下的一点东西, 没什么可挑选.
例句: By the time I got to the sale, it was pretty slim pickings left on the racks. (等到我到达销售地点的时候, 货架上的剩余货品已经少得可怜)

20. slime bucket, a
定义: [不尊重语]招人厌恶的人; 不择手段的人; 卑鄙无耻小人.
例句: My last boss was a total slime bucket, treating everyone in the office like his slave. (我上个老板是个彻底招人厌恶的浑蛋, 他把办公室每个人都当成他的奴仆对待)



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