二十笔实用成语 993

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二十笔实用成语 993

帖子 royl » 周五 8月 06, 2021 11:22 am

二十笔实用成语 993

01. smooth over, to
定义: 将表面磨平, 抚平或补平; 排除阻碍或困难; 文过饰非; 使问题变为容易接受, 减轻敌意.
例句: We'll need to smooth over the wall with plaster before we can start painting. (我们需要先用石膏把墙补平才可以开始粉刷)

02. smooth sailing, a
定义: 一帆风顺; 轻松顺利的旅程, 工作或进展.
例句: We had a hard time setting up the new computer system but it'll be smooth sailing from here on. (我们在组建这套新电脑系统的时候碰到了不少困难但自此之后电脑运行一路顺利)

03. smooth someone's ruffled feathers, to
定义: 安慰某人; 抚平某人愤怒.
例句: I had to go and smooth my parents' ruffled feathers after my wife criticized them at dinner. (我必须要去安抚我父母的愤怒因为早前我妻子在晚餐时候指责了他们)

04. smooth talker, a
定义: 巧舌如簧, 巧言令色或花言巧语之人.
例句: If anyone else was speeding that fast they would be in jail, but Johnny is such a smooth talker the cop ended up escorting him where he needed to go. (如果别人像他那样超速驾驶的话, 他们肯定会进监所, 但强尼却是个巧舌如簧之人, 最后警员居然护送他去他所要去的地方)

05. smooth the way/path (for), to
定义: 铺平道路, 扫除障碍; 帮人顺利地完成任务.
例句: I've been creating detailed notes about my work routine to smooth the way for whoever will replace me. (为了给接替我工作的人顺利地接手, 我一直在撰写我日常工作的详细流程)

06. SNAFU/snafu
定义: (由于错误或混淆所造成的)混乱状况, 一团糟. (注: SNAFU原文是situation normal: all fucked up的缩写; 它可以作为名词, 形容词和动词三种用途)
例句: I can't afford another snafu, there's no way I should order a third hard drive just because the first two wasn't what I wanted. (我没法承受另一场混乱, 就是因为前两个硬盘不是我所想要的, 我不可能再订购第三个硬盘)

07. snail mail, a
定义: 由传统的邮政系统送交信件. (注: 不是电子邮件)
例句: "Did we get any exciting snail mail today?" "Nah, just some bills." ("我们今天有没有收到任何令人振奋的邮件?" "没有, 只有几张账单.")

08. snail's pace, at a
定义: 行动或移动极缓慢地.
例句: We'll never get there on time with you driving at a snail's pace! (有你这样慢到不行的开车速度我们根本不可能准时到达!)

09. snake in the grass, a
定义: 奸诈狡猾, 贼头贼脑, 或诡计多端的人.
例句: You should be careful of her even if she seems very nice. She is a snake in the grass. (即使她对你很友善, 你还是要要提防她. 她是个诡计多端的人)

10. snake oil
定义: [俚语]被吹嘘有奇效的假药, 没用的建议或解决方案.
例句: These snake-oil salesmen use the telephone to take money from the foolish and the greedy and then vanish. (这帮贩卖所谓具有奇效的假药贩子利用电话向贪愚的人们诈取了金钱之后便消失得无影无踪)

11. snap at, to
定义: 迅速抓住(机会); 猛烈抨击, 刻薄地批评或回应; 咬住.
例句: The lifeguard snapped at the child for running around near the pool. (救生员痛骂这个在泳池边跑来跑去的小孩)

12. snap back, to
定义: 迅速复原或恢复; 迅速弹回; 撞回或撞歪; 猛烈或尖锐地反击或回应.
例句: All I did was ask a simple question, no need to snap back at me like that! (我只是问了一个简单问题, 你没必要那么凶巴巴地回应我!)

13. snap decision/judgment, a
定义: 仓促草率的决定.
例句: It was a snap decision, a moment of clouded judgment, and it was totally out of character. (这是个草率的决定, 一个顷刻间做出的含糊不清判断, 也彻底不符合其一惯作风)

14. snap one's fingers at, to
定义: 打响指, 召唤某人做事. (注: 意指摆出颐指气使, 藐视别人的态度)
例句: Don't snap your fingers at the boss if you want to keep your job! (如果你想保住你工作的话, 千万别对老板打响指!)

15. snap out of, to
定义: 迅速恢复正常; 迅速撤除某物; 迅速脱离束缚或羁绊.
例句: I was very depressed for a week, but this morning I snapped out of it. (一个星期来我非常地沮丧, 但今天早上我豁然开朗, 脱离了悲伤的束缚)

16. snap someone's head off, to
定义: 怒不可遏地或不耐烦地责骂, 训斥或回应某人.
例句: What's wrong with the boss today? I just tried to ask him a question, and he totally snapped my head off! (老板今天怎么了? 我只是问他一个问题, 他却把我臭骂一顿!)

17. snap to it, to
定义: 赶快办吧, 动作快; 打起精神努力干活.
例句: Come on! Snap to it! (快点! 加紧干活吧!)

18. snap to, to
定义: 立即开始专心; (军人)立正; 努力干活; 迅速行动.
例句: I was lost in a daydream, but I snapped to when the teacher called my name. (我还在神游太虚当中, 但听到了老师喊叫我名字的时候, 我便立即惊醒过来, 开始专心听课)

19. snap up, to
定义: 抢购, 抢先拿到; 买光; 动作快; 迅速拿走; 轻易相信谎言; 喝醉; 逮捕.
例句: The customers snapped up all the space heaters on the second day of the cold spell. (就在寒流来袭的第二天, 这些顾客买光了所有的电暖器)
对局部空间提供温暖的电暖器(space heater)

20. snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, to
定义: 险败. (注: 此成语是指原来胜算居多但因失误而最终失败)
例句: The candidate has led in the polls right up to election day, but with that unfortunate remark last night, he may well have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. (这名候选人在选举日之前一直在民调数字上领先, 但有了昨晚那句不幸的发言, 他很可能会为了这次失言而导致败选)



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