二十笔实用成语 1003

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二十笔实用成语 1003

帖子 royl » 周六 9月 04, 2021 1:14 am

二十笔实用成语 1003

01. southpaw, a
定义: 惯用左手的人; 左撇子.
例句: Huh, I never knew you were a southpaw! Does it make playing the guitar harder? (啊, 我一直不知道你是左撇子! 这样会不会更让你不方便弹吉他?)

02. sow one's wild oats, to
定义: 年轻时过着荒淫无节制的生活.
例句: Bill and I had to break up because I was looking to get married, and he just wanted to sow his wild oats. (我必须要跟比尔分手因为我想要结婚, 而他只是想要过着他无忧无虑的性开放生活)

03. (sow the wind), reap the whirlwind
定义: 种下恶因, 得到恶果.
例句: We will reap the whirlwind of those actions for years, if not decades, to come. (我们将会在未来几年甚至几十年内为那些行为吞下其所造成的苦果)

04. space cadet, a
定义: [俚语]年轻, 脱离现实的人; 轻浮粗线条之人; 经常吸毒的人.
例句: I tried having a serious conversation with her, but she's such a space cadet that I gave up after a few minutes of hearing her ramble on about my aura. (我试图跟她认真地谈话, 但她却不正经地跟我瞎扯我的气场话题, 几分钟之后我放弃了我的努力)

05. space out, to
定义: 留空间, 分格摆放或书写; 不专心听; 神游太虚, 发愣.
例句: After working intensely for five hours on the computer, I started to space out in front of the screen. (在电脑上专心一致地工作五个小时后, 我便开始在屏幕前, 神游太虚)

06. spar with ..., to
定义: 跟...练拳脚或习武; 跟...辩论, 吵架或斗嘴.
例句: I love sparring with Tom, but I've become too familiar with his personal habits in the ring, so I need to find someone new. (我很喜欢跟汤姆一起练拳脚, 但我已经熟悉了他赛场内的招式套路, 所以我需要另外找个人来练)

07. spare (someone) the details, to
定义: 别讲冗长或无趣的细节.
例句: "I drank too much last night and got sick." "Please, spare me the details." ("我昨晚喝多了都吐了." "拜托, 别跟我讲那些恶心细节.")

08. spare me ..., to
定义: 给我一点钱或东西. (注: 经常使用在路边乞讨之人向其他路人所使用的话语)
例句: "Sir, could you spare a dollar?" "Sorry, I don't have any cash on me." ("先生, 你可不可以给我一块钱?" "抱歉, 我身上没带现金.")

09. spare me ten minutes, to
定义: 给我十分钟, 抽出十分钟你的时间.
例句: Can you spare me five minutes of your time? I haven't seen you in a while and I miss talking to you. (你可不可以给我五分钟的时间? 我有一段时间没见到你了, 我很想和你说些话)

10. spare me the lecture
定义: 拜托, 别跟我说教.
例句: Please spare me the lecture until after I have resolved the issue. (在我解决问题之前, 拜托别跟我说教)

11. spare no effort, to
定义: 尽一切努力, 不遗余力.
例句: We will spare no effort to find out who did this. (我们会尽一切努力找出犯下此事的元凶)

12. spare no expense, to
定义: 不惜工本, 不计代价.
例句: Her twenty-first birthday party was amazing – her parents had spared no expense. (她的二十一岁生日派对办得太棒了 – 她父母不惜代价地花了大把钱)

13. spare someone's blushes, to
定义: 避免某人脸红, 难堪或羞愧.
例句: I tried sparing her blushes when she asked me to prom by saying I had no intention of going with anyone. (当她要求我和她作伴一起去毕业舞会的时候, 为了不让她难堪我便说我不想和任何人一起去)

14. spare someone's feelings, to
定义: 不愿令某人难堪或难过, 不愿去伤害某人的感情.
例句: He admitted that he hadn't told me the whole story because he wanted to spare my feelings. (为了不愿让我难过, 他承认他没有告诉我这整件事的始末)

15. spare the rod and spoil the child
定义: [谚语]不打不成器. 棍子底下出孝子; 严加管教, 不可惯坏了小孩.
例句: "How can you allow your little boy to be so rude?" "It distresses me to punish him." "I understand that, but spare the rod and spoil the child." ("你怎么可以纵容你的小孩这么粗鲁?" "惩罚他我会很痛苦." "我明白你的痛苦, 但你不对他严加管教就会宠坏他.")

16. spare tire, a
定义: 汽车的备胎; 凸出的肚子, 啤酒肚; 团体中的袖手旁观的没用冗员.
例句: There are a few spare tires on this project who are really holding back our progress. (这个项目有几个袖手旁观的冗员确实会阻碍了我们的进展)

17. spark a controversy, to
定义: 引发一场争议.
例句: A pastor has sparked a controversy by sending an email asking that "only white people" stand at the front door of her Charlotte church to greet the congregation. (由于一名牧师发出了要求"只有白人"才能站在她的夏洛特市教堂前门迎接会众的电子邮件, 为此引发了一场争议)

18. spark off, to
定义: 引发, 导致, 激起.
例句: Forest rangers think that a cigarette sparked off the blaze. (护林员认为是一根香烟引发了这场森林大火)

19. sparks fly
定义: (两人之间)争执或吵架; (两人之间)产生爱情火花.
例句: The two have drastically different ideas of how the business should be run, so sparks fly whenever they are in a meeting together. (这两人对如何经营业务有着截然不同的看法, 所以每当他们一起开会的时候总会看到两人争执不休)

20. spaz out, to
定义: [不尊重俚语]激动异常, 变得疯狂; 表现出不稳定的, 不可预测的和无法控制的行为.
例句: Jim and I were trying to study, but my little brothers kept spazzing out around us in the living room. (吉姆和我正在努力地自修, 但我弟弟们却一直在客厅里绕着我们又跑又叫)



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