二十笔实用成语 1008

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二十笔实用成语 1008

帖子 royl » 周六 9月 18, 2021 12:47 am

二十笔实用成语 1008

01. spit and polish
定义: [名词短语]过份, 全面性地清洁, 整理; 特意地修饰外表和井然有序的安排; 强调礼仪, 严谨有序. (注: 意指由于花费大量时间和精力清理外表因而牺牲了实际运作效率)
例句: Sure, it needs some spit and polish, but it's still a reliable truck! (没错! 它确实需要一些全面性清洗和整理, 但它仍旧是一辆可靠耐用的卡车!)

02. spit blood/venom/feathers/nails, to
定义: 气得吐血, 极为愤怒激动.
例句: Our manager was spitting blood when he found out what had happened. (当我们经理得知在公司所发生的事情之后, 他极为震怒)

03. spit feathers, to
定义: 极为愤怒激动; 口干舌燥, 口渴.
例句: Come on, man, I'm spitting feathers here! Can't we stop for some water? (拜托, 兄弟, 我口渴得要命! 我们不能停下来喝点水吗?)

04. spit in someone's eye, to
定义: 故意挑衅, 羞辱或鄙视某人; 故意恶心或激怒某人.
例句: Many felt that the judge spat in the victim's eye by giving the perpetrator such a short prison sentence. (许多人认为, 法官给罪犯判了这么轻的刑期无异是在故意羞辱受害者)

05. spit into the wind, to
定义: 自找麻烦, 自寻烦恼, 做徒劳无功的努力, 做无用功.
例句: To be perfectly honest, I feel like voting is just spitting in the wind, so I don't even bother. (说实话, 我觉得投票给谁都是徒劳无功, 所以我连这种事都省了. 注: 虽然美国2020年大选投票人数创下120年来最高记录, 但仍旧有近三分之一也就是八千万选民没去投票)

06. spit out, to
定义: 吐出来; 别支支吾吾的, 直接痛快地说出心中话; (口吃之人)努力说出要说的话; 口吐狂言, 脏话, 尖酸刻薄话语.
例句: Just spit it out already! Do you want to go to the dance with me or not? (痛快地说出来! 你到底要不要跟我去跳舞? 注: 意指这位大方女孩正在敦促有意约她去跳舞的腼腆男孩大胆地约她出去)

07. spit (out) the dummy, to
定义: [澳洲]言行幼稚; (像幼儿一般)不顺心便发脾气, 哭闹. (注: 这里的dummy乃是指婴儿含在嘴上的橡胶奶嘴)
例句: Don't go spitting out the dummy just because Cheryl got the promotion instead of you. (你别碰到不顺心的事便发脾气就为了谢丽尔得到了升职而不是你)

08. spit up, to
定义: 反刍; 呕吐; 吐奶; 吐出或咳出.
例句: I slapped him on the back and he spat up the chicken bone. (我猛拍了他的背, 他便把卡在喉咙的鸡骨头咳出来. 注: 这句话乃是指给予被食物噎住者所施行的急救)

09. in/within spitting distance
定义: 在附近, 在近处, 在不远处, 近在眼前.
例句: A victory was within spitting distance for the home team, but a late penalty kick robbed them of their prize. (主场球队眼见胜利在望, 但一个比赛快结束的罚球却夺走了他们的奖杯)

10. spitting image, a/the
定义: (跟另一个...)一模一样.
例句: Now Nina looks the spitting image of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. (现在尼娜看起来就好像是"罗马假期"电影里奥黛丽赫本的翻版)

11. spitting mad, be
定义: 极为震怒的.
例句: The boss was spitting mad after he heard we'd lost the Jefferson account. (听到了我们失去了杰弗逊这家客户的消息之后, 老板大为震怒)

12. spitting match, a
定义: 吐口水比赛(看谁吐得远); 互相叫骂, 吵得面红耳赤.
例句: I wasn't about to start a spitting match with him over a trivial matter. (为了一件芝麻绿豆的小事, 我才不会跟他吵得面红耳赤)

13. splash down, to
定义: (太空舱或飞机)降落在海洋上或水面上.
例句: The capsule splashed down very close to the pickup ship. (这座太空舱降落在距离接应船不远处的海面上)

14. splinter group, a
定义: 分裂出去的群体或支派. (注: 意指由于一支小群体和其主群体意见分歧而脱离主群体另成一个群体)
例句: The splinter group consists of radicals who broke from the fundamentalist church to form a new ministry based on religious extremism. (这个支派乃是从这间原教旨主义教会分裂出去并遵照宗教极端主义为基础所组建的新宗教团体)

15. split a/(one's) gut, to
定义: 笑破肚皮, 笑到肚疼; 辛勤工作.
例句: Your jokes are perfect for your speech tonight. You'll have them splitting their guts! (你的笑话非常适合你今晚的演讲. 你肯定会叫他们笑破肚皮!)

16. split decision, a
定义: [拳击术语]分歧决定. (注: 意指拳击比赛作决定时裁判们意见不一致)
例句: The boxing match ended in a split decision, with one of the judges scoring the newcomer as the winner. (这场拳击比赛以分歧决定结束, 而其中一名裁判将新选手判为获胜者)

17. split down the middle, be
定义: (结果出台)双方平分秋色; 平均分担.
例句: I appreciate your offer, but I insist that we split the bill down the middle. I don't like someone paying for me on a first date. (我很感激你的提议, 但我坚持我们平均分担这份账单. 我不喜欢有人在第一次约会为我付钱)

18. split hairs, to
定义: 鸡蛋里挑骨头, 过份挑剔细微末节, 为鸡毛蒜皮事情争辩.
例句: You might think I'm just splitting hairs, but what exactly do you mean by "a significant improvement"? (你也许会认为我在鸡蛋里挑骨头, 但你所说的"显著改善"到底是什么意思?)

19. split one's sides (with laughter), to
定义: 笑破肚皮, 笑到肚疼.
例句: When I heard what happened to Patricia, I almost split my sides with laughter. (当我听到发生在帕特丽夏身上的事, 我差点笑破肚皮)

20. split second, a
定义: 一瞬间, 闪电般.
例句: I heard a loud explosion and a split second later I was on the floor. (我听到一声巨响, 瞬间之后我便躺在地上)



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