二十笔实用成语 1009

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二十笔实用成语 1009

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 20, 2021 9:46 pm

二十笔实用成语 1009

01. split the difference, to
定义: 平分差价. (注: 意指各出一半以平息有争议差价)
例句: You want to sell for $120, and I want to buy for $100. Let's split the difference and close the deal at $110. (你想卖120块钱, 我只想花100块买. 那么我们就平分差价以110块钱成交吧)

02. split up, to
定义: 分成两个或多部分; 离婚, 分手; 停止交往或关系; 分道扬镳; 分裂成碎片.
例句: Mary says that she split up with John, but they've had such an off-again-on-again relationship that none of us is surprised anymore. (玛丽说她和约翰分手了, 但他们这种分分合合的爱情关系我们都习以为常)

03. splitting headache, a
定义: 剧烈头痛, 欲裂的头痛.
例句: I've had this splitting headache for nearly four hours, and nothing I do seems to help. (我已经头痛欲裂将近四个小时, 我用尽所有的方法似乎都无济于事)

04. splurge on, to
定义: 奢侈浪费, 一掷千金买东西.
例句: After using such a crappy laptop for so many years, I decided to splurge on a really fancy desktop setup. (用了这么多年的这台破烂笔记本电脑, 我决定一掷千金买一套昂贵精致, 高质量的桌上型电脑系统)

05. spoil for a fight, to
定义: 就想要吵架或打斗.
例句: My mother is just spoiling for a fight when she makes comments like those. Don't let her get to you. (我母亲只是想找碴跟人吵架才说出那些难听的话. 别让她激怒你)

06. spoil for, to
定义: 渴望要.
例句: We've done everything we can to reach a reasonable compromise with the other party, but they have been spoiling for an argument at every turn. (我们已竭尽一切努力跟对方达成合理的妥协, 但他们动不动就想要争论)

07. spoil rotten, to
定义: 宠坏; 宠上天.
例句: I think some grandparents believe it's their duty to spoil their grandchildren rotten. (我认为有些祖父母认为他们有责任把孙子女们宠上天)

08. spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar
定义: [英国格言]因小失大, 为了省小钱却失了大财.
例句: Always buy OEM auto parts for your vehicle. Don't spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar. (永远为你的车子购买原厂制造的汽车零件. 别因小失大)

09. spoiled brat, a
定义: 被惯坏的顽童.
例句: Sure he's a spoiled brat. His mom always gives him whatever he wants. (没错, 他是个被宠坏的小子. 他妈妈总是顺着他, 他要什么就给他什么)

10. spoken for, be
定义: 被订购的, 预订的或保留的; 已经有了爱人.
例句: Pardon me, can I sit here, or is this seat spoken for? (不好意思, 我可以坐这里吗, 还是这个座位已经被人保留了?)

11. sponge down, to
定义: (用海绵或湿布)擦浴, 揩拭, 擦洗, 抹掉.
例句: This is a photo of my parents sponging me down in the kitchen sink when I was a baby. (这是一张我还是婴儿的时候我父母在洗碗槽里擦洗我的照片)

12. sponge off, to
定义: 擦拭, 擦干, 抹掉; 揩油, 占别人便宜; 依靠别人的接济维生.
例句: Tom sponged off his parents for years because they never insisted that he get a job. (多年来, 汤姆依靠他父母的接济维生因为他们从来不坚持他去找份工作)

13. sponge on, to
定义: 揩油, 占别人便宜; 依靠别人的接济维生.
例句: I hated being on welfare even though I really needed it, I always felt like I was sponging on the government. (我很不愿意领取政府福利金虽然我真的需要它, 我总觉得我在揩政府的油)

14. sponge out, to
定义: 擦拭, 擦干; 抹掉, 抹去, 忘却; 无所事事地消磨时间.
例句: You'll have to sponge out the excess moisture gently to avoid damaging the delicate machinery inside. (你必须轻轻地擦拭掉多余的水分以避免伤害它里面的精密机械)

15. sporting blood
定义: 敢于冒险犯难或寻求刺激的精神或个性.
例句: This business isn't meant for the timid. Only those with sporting blood have a real chance at success. (这个行业不是给胆小怕事的人干的. 只有那些敢于冒险犯难的人才有真正成功的机会)

16. sporting chance, a
定义: 仍有一博的机会, 相当好的机会, 很可能成功的机会.
例句: If you hurry, you have a sporting chance of catching the bus. (假如你动作快一点的话, 你还有机会赶上这班公共汽车)

17. spot someone a mile away, to
定义: 很远就认出某人.
例句: Anyone who knew of him could spot him a mile away in that dirty red car with the scratched-up windshield. (任何认识他的人都能够很远就认出他坐在那辆脏兮兮而且挡风玻璃也是刮痕累累的红色汽车里)

18. spout off, to
定义: 自负傲慢地高谈阔论; 滔滔不绝地讲; 说话粗鲁, 说话令人不痛快; 吹嘘, 吹捧; 口无遮拦, 公开谈论别人私密.
例句: My date kept spouting off about how important she is in her job and how much money she makes, never even asking what I do for a living. (我的约会对象一直在高谈阔论她的工作职位有多重要, 她的薪水有多高却一直没问我是做什么的)

19. spout out, to
定义: 喷出, 射出(液体); 说话不得体; 突然口无遮拦地说话尤其别人的私密.
例句: Once he gets going, Stephen will start spouting facts and figures out so fast that it will make your head spin. (一旦他说得起劲, 斯蒂芬便开始口无遮拦地说出事情真相和确切数字, 他说话语速太快像机关枪一样让人听得晕头转向)

20. spray of bullets, a
定义: 一排子弹, 一阵子弹.
例句: Police are trying to find the gunmen who opened fire on a home, sending a spray of bullets flying. (警方正在试图找到向房屋开火, 扫射一阵子弹的枪手)



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