二十笔实用成语 1022

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二十笔实用成语 1022

帖子 royl » 周五 10月 29, 2021 5:30 am

二十笔实用成语 1022

01. stewed to the gills, be
定义: 烂醉如泥.
例句: Whenever she goes for a night out with her friends, she always comes back stewed to the gills. (每当她和朋友出去过夜生活的时候, 她总是喝得烂醉如泥回来)

02. STFU
定义: [粗俗语]闭上你的鸟嘴! 表示惊讶或难以置信. (注: 多用在书写上的粗俗语, 叫人闭上臭嘴; STFU是shut the fuck up的缩写)
例句: Would you kindly STFU? I'm sick of you coming on these forums just to complain! (你能不能闭上你的鸟嘴? 我讨厌你跑来这些论坛只是为了发牢骚!)

03. stick a fork in him -- he's done.
定义: [歇后语或双关语]做完了; 吃饱了; 完蛋了. (注: 做完了和煮熟了在英文上是同一个字)
例句: "Johnny, would you like any more of this cake?" "No thank you, Barbara. You can stick a fork in me, I'm done!" ("强尼, 你要不要再吃一点这个蛋糕?" "不, 谢谢你, 芭芭拉. 我吃饱了!")

04. stick around, to
定义: 留下来, 别走远.
例句: We decided to stick around after the game to talk for awhile. (我们决定在看完球赛之后留下来聊一会儿)

05. stick at it, to
定义: 持续不断, 坚持不懈.
例句: If you stick at it long enough, you'll succeed. (如果你坚持不懈足够长久的话, 你就会成功)

06. stick at nothing, to
定义: 没有道德原则, 不择手段, 什么事都干得出来. (注: stick at在此是坚持之意; 如果某人坚持nothing正说明此人不会坚持一丝道德原则)
例句: She's the type of woman who will stick at nothing to get what she wants from life. (她是那种在生活上为了得到她想要的东西她什么事都干得出来的女人)

07. stick at, to
定义: (虽然困难)仍将奋斗不懈; 坚持做完某工作; 坚持某原则.
例句: Stick at the job if you want to get it finished. (如果你想完成这个工作, 你就得坚持不懈地做下去)

08. stick by, to
定义: 坚持, 遵循, 对...忠贞不渝, 支持或拥护.
例句: Don't worry. I'll stick by you no matter what. (别担心. 无论发生任何事, 我都会支持你到底)

09. stick in one's craw, to
定义: 激怒某人; 有话说不出来; 令人难以忍受的羞辱语言; 令人烦扰, 唠叨或困扰.
例句: What really sticks in my craw is the way he acts as if he's done nothing wrong. (真正让我难以忍受的是他摆出的态度, 好像他没做错任何事的样子)

10. stick in one's gullet, to
定义: (已发生的事)令人难以接受.
例句: The way that Bob was fired has stuck in his gullet all these years. If it had been handled differently, I don't think it would have affected him as much. (鲍伯被解雇的方式这些年来一直令他难以接受. 如果当初处理方式有所不同的话, 我想就不会对他造成这么大的心理伤害)

11. stick in one's mind, to
定义: 萦绕脑中, 难以忘怀.
例句: The events of that day stuck in my mind for a very long time. (那天所发生的事情在我脑海里萦绕了很久一段时间)

12. stick in one's throat, to
定义: 激怒某人; 有话说不出来; 令人难以忍受的羞辱语言; 令人烦扰, 唠叨或困扰.
例句: It really sticks in my throat that I get paid less than the others for doing the same job. (令我很难以接受的是, 做的是同样工作而我所得的薪酬却比其他人低)

13. stick in your two penn'orth, to
定义: 提出自己意见或忠告. (注: 虽然并非听者所主动要求的意见或忠告)
例句: I find Jill's husband a bit trying at times. He always has to stick in his two penn'orth, even when it's clear he knows nothing about what's being discussed. (我发现姬儿的丈夫有时有点难缠. 他总是必须提出自己意见, 即使很明显地他对正在讨论的内容一无所知)

14. stick it out, to
定义: 坚持到最后; 忍受, 容忍或持续到某事结束为止.
例句: I know you're unhappy with the job, but please just stick it out to the end of this project before you start looking for new work. (我知道你对这份工作不满意, 但请你耐着性子忍到这个项目结束后你再开始寻找新工作)

15. stick it to someone, to
定义: 占某人便宜; 报复某人; 粗暴对待某人.
例句: The reporters really stuck it to him during the press conference, not allowing him to evade any questions. (新闻发布会的时候, 记者们着实地让他难堪一番, 不让他回避任何问题)

16. stick it up your ass!
定义: [粗俗语]鄙视, 轻蔑语; (负气, 不耐, 厌倦的口气)你爱怎么处置它都可以, 反正我也不要它了. (注: 它可以是工作, 金钱, 物品等)
例句: I've taken enough of the boss's crap. He can stick this job up his ass! (我受够了老板的恶气了. 反正我也不要这份工作!)

17. stick like glue, to
定义: 牢牢黏住; 紧密在一起.
例句: These two stick together like glue. (这两人如胶似漆地总是粘在一块)

18. stick one's chin out, to
定义: 抬头挺胸, 意志坚持, 展现刚毅态度.
例句: I'm disappointed and gutted but I am the leader of the group so I have to put on a brave face, stick my chin out and do my best for our team. (我很失望和沮丧, 但我是球队的领导人, 所以我必须勇敢地面对现实, 抬头挺胸继续为我们的球队拼下去)

19. stick one's neck out, to
定义: 敢冒风险; 毫无畏惧, 敢说真话; 不畏报复, 面对危险或担当责任.
例句: You have to take some risks to be successful in business and in life, but don't stick your neck out for no good reason. (你必须冒一些风险才能在事业和生活上赢得成功, 但你没必要无缘无故地去冒风险)

20. stick one's nose into, to
定义: 硬挤入, 打听或介入别人的私事; 多管闲事.
例句: I wish my neighbors would quit sticking their noses in and just leave us alone! (我希望我的邻居不要再多管我家闲事, 别再来烦扰我们了!)



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