二十笔实用成语 1025

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二十笔实用成语 1025

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 08, 2021 12:08 pm

二十笔实用成语 1025

01. stir up a hornet's/bee's nest, to
定义: 捅马蜂窝, 惹出事端, 煽动骚乱.
例句: He stirred up a hornet's nest when he began to talk about the bonus system in our company. (当他开始谈论我们公司职工奖金制度的时候, 他惹出了大麻烦. 注: 一个公司的职工奖金本应是机密, 自然不可以公开泄露出来否则便会惹出麻烦)

02. stir up, to
定义: 搅拌, 搅动; 制造事端, 挑拨离间, 破坏秩序, 煽动骚乱.
例句: He was attempting to stir up his followers and distract from the scandal. (他试图煽动他的追随者闹事来分散大家对那件丑闻的注意)

03. go stir-crazy, to
定义: 因长期的监禁, 隔离或单调乏味生活而发狂的.
例句: I've been laid up for two weeks with this broken leg and I'm beginning to go stir-crazy. (我因为摔断了这条腿, 一躺就是两个星期, 我都要准备发疯了)

04. stitch together, to
定义: 缝合, 凑集不同东西.
例句: I stitched together a novel from several stories I had written earlier. (我把我之前写的几则故事拼凑成一本小说)

05. stitch up, to
定义: 缝补, 缝合; 成功达成交易或协议; [俚语]诬陷某人.
例句: As soon as the financial arrangements are stitched up, I'll have my lawyers send over the contract. (财务安排一旦搞定了, 我就会指示我的律师把合同寄过去)

06. stock up, to
定义: 增加库存或供应; 储备货物或用品; 供应食物或用品; (马腿)积水肿胀.
例句: We stocked up on bottled water and canned goods, so we should be fine during the storm. (我们储备了瓶装水和罐头食品, 所以我们在暴风雨期间应该没什么问题)
储藏室储存了瓶装水, 罐头食品, 干货和一般日用品

07. Stockholm syndrome, the
定义: 斯德哥尔摩症候群. (注: 意指绑架牺牲者对加害者产生同情感)
例句: I think we've got a Stockholm Syndrome situation going on here. The hostages seem to be identifying with their captors. (我觉得我们这里出现了斯德哥尔摩综合症状况. 这些人质似乎同情绑架他们的人)

08. stoke the fires of hatred, to
定义: 挑起仇恨之火.
例句: Oregon governor says Trump 'is stoking the fires of hatred and division'. (俄勒冈州州长声称特朗普'正在挑起仇恨和分裂的火焰')

09. stomach is in knots, one's
定义: 胃绞痛, 紧张过度.
例句: My stomach was in knots for days leading up to my Master's thesis defense. (在我的硕士论文答辩之前, 我极度紧张了好几天)

10. stomping ground, the
定义: 常去的老地方.
例句: It's been a long time since I've been back to my old stomping ground by the lake! (我好久没有回到我在湖边常去的老地方了!)

11. stone broke, be
定义: 彻底破产, 一点钱都没有.
例句: I'm sorry, I'm stone broke. You'd better come by next Friday when I get paid. (对不起, 我一点钱都没有. 你最好下星期五我拿工资的时候再过来)

12. Stone the crows!
定义: [英澳惊叹语]表示惊讶之语.
例句: Stone the crows, the kids are actually playing together quietly for once! (不得了, 这些小朋友居然头一次能够安静地玩在一起!)

13. stone-cold sober, be
定义: 完全冷静, 警觉, 清醒. (注: 意指说话者并没有喝酒或吸毒, 精神没有受到药物刺激)
例句: No, I'm not high at all. I've been stone-cold sober from the day I started working here! (不, 我一点都不亢奋. 自从我开始在这里工作的那天起, 我就一直不再触碰毒品并且保持清醒!)

14. stoned out of one's mind, be
定义: 吸食大麻或滥用药物之后的神智不清.
例句: There's no way I'm letting you drive. You're stoned out of your mind! (我不可能让你开车. 你滥用了大量药物, 弄得你神智不清!)

15. stone's throw (away), a
定义: 投石之遥; 不远处, 附近.
例句: We only live a stone's throw away from the MRT station. (我们住的地方离那个捷运站不远)

16. stood up, be
定义: 白等因某人失约, 被人爽约.
例句: I was stood up on the first date. Should I ask her what happened? (第一次约会我就被爽约. 我是不是应该问她发生了什么事?)

17. stool pigeon, a
定义: [俚语]线民, 告密者, 眼线, 卧底者; 引诱其它鸽子进入圈套的鸽子.
例句: Some stool pigeon spilled the works to the boys in blue. (某个线人毫不保留地把所有的事情都告诉了警方. 注: 这句话里的the works很常用, 其意义等于everything)

18. stoop so low, to
定义: 行为卑鄙, 下流或低贱; 作贱自己.
例句: I knew Jack wasn't the most philanthropic guy around, but I never expected him to stoop so low as to steal. (我知道杰克虽然不是我们这里最大的善人, 但我没想到他居然会作贱自己去偷窃)

19. stoop/sink/descend to someone's level, to
定义: 做得跟某人一样的卑鄙, 下流或低贱. (注: 这里的某人就是那个对不起你的或伤害你的人)
例句: Despite my opponent's personal attacks against me, I refuse to stoop to his level. (尽管我的对手对我发起人身攻击, 但我拒绝做出跟他一样卑鄙的事情)

20. stop acting/playing the (giddy) goat, to
定义: 别胡闹, 别装疯卖傻, 正经点.
例句: Stop playing the goat, Tom. You don't know how serious this is. (正经点, 汤姆. 你不知道这事有多严重)



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