二十笔实用成语 1031

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二十笔实用成语 1031

帖子 royl » 周六 11月 27, 2021 12:12 pm

二十笔实用成语 1031

01. strike off, to
定义: 启程或前往(某处); 击下, 打下, 踢下; 剥下, 切断, 折断; 删除.
例句: I'm striking off for New York tomorrow to attend a business meeting. (我明天要前往纽约参加一个商务会议)

02. strike oil, to
定义: 发现原油; 事业成功, 致富; 幸运的发现或突破.
例句: In Austin, a new generation of high-tech billionaires has struck oil in the computer industry. (在奥斯汀, 新一代高科技亿万富翁在计算机领域上成功致富)

03. strike on/upon, to
定义: 打击, 重击, 撞击; 突然间发现, 碰到或想到; 强调, 介绍或提出某个主题或问题.
例句: We've struck on a new way to treat cancer as a result of our research into immune system modification. (由于我们对免疫系统改造的研究, 我们找出了一套治疗癌症的新方法)

04. strike out on one's own, to
定义: 自行创业, 自力更生, 自食其力, 独自旅游.
例句: I couldn't get along with my business partner, so I decided to strike out on my own. (我和我的生意伙伴没法和睦相处, 所以我决定自行创业)

05. strike out, to
定义: 攻击, 敲击, 敲打; 抨击, 批评, 指责, 申斥; 擦掉或划掉一行或部分文字; 开始工作行程; [棒球术语]将打击手三振出局; 精力充沛地开工, 出发, 起步; [保龄球术语]一次全中结束一局; 失败, 不成功, 没通过考试.
例句: The belligerent man struck out at the dog with a rolled-up magazine, drawing scornful looks from passersby. (这名好斗的男子拿着卷起的杂志向那条狗发起攻击, 引来路人鄙夷的目光)

06. strike someone dead, to
定义: 迅雷不及掩耳地击毙某人.
例句: A speeding car struck him dead while he was walking his dog. (他遛狗的时候突然被一辆飞速驶来的车子撞死)

07. strike someone's fancy, to
定义: 引起某人兴趣, 讨人喜爱.
例句: Do you see anything on the menu that strikes your fancy? Lobster? (你看到菜单上有什么让你喜欢的东西吗? 龙虾呢?)

08. strike up a conversation, to
定义: 主动地与人搭讪, 聊天.
例句: I struck up an interesting conversation with someone on the Internet yesterday. (昨天我在网上跟某个人展开了一场有趣的聊天)

09. strike up the band, to
定义: 起奏音乐.
例句: Strike up the band, maestro, so we all can dance the night away. (奏起音乐, 大师, 这样我们就可以彻夜跳舞)

10. strike up, to
定义: 开始演奏, 引发演奏; 开始, 引起; 成为朋友; 主动与人搭讪; 达成某种共识.
例句: You might be able to strike up a deal with her if you mention your father's connection to the business. (如果你提及你父亲与该企业的关系, 你也许还可以与她做成一笔交易)

11. strike while the iron is hot, to
定义: 打铁趁热; 趁尚有可为的机会赶紧做某事.
例句: Strike while the iron is hot! This is the best time in the last ten years to buy a house. (打铁要趁热! 这是近十年来买房的最好时机)

12. string along, to
定义: 加入, 参与, 跟随; 遵守, 同意; 欺骗, 玩弄, 吊人胃口.
例句: Do you mind if my little brother strings along with us? My parents want him to get out of the house. (你介意我弟弟跟着我们一起出去吗? 我父母想让他外面走走, 别一直闷在家里)

13. string of good luck, a
定义: 好运连连.
例句: After a series of failures, we started out on a streak of good luck. (在一连串的失败之后, 我们便开始了好运连连)

14. string out, to
定义: 放开, 拉长, 放松; 拖延时间; 短话长说; 受到重大压力, 极为焦虑; 受到毒品戕害.
例句: Is there any good reason to string this meeting out any longer? (有什么好理由把这次会议一直开下去?)

15. string together, to
定义: 连接成一串; 拼凑, 临时凑出来; 写作, 编辑.
例句: They worked all night stringing the flowers together to make those garlands. (他们整夜工作, 把花串在一起做成那些花环)

16. string up, to
定义: 吊起来; 将琴弦安装在乐器上; 受到重大压力, 极为焦虑; 受到毒品戕害; 处以吊刑, 吊死.
例句: Sorry for shouting at you, I'm just a bit strung up lately. I haven't been getting much sleep since our baby was born. (不好意思对你大吼大叫, 我最近压力很大. 自从我们的孩子出生以来, 我一直没有睡好觉)

17. stripped to the buff, be
定义: 赤裸裸, 一丝不挂.
例句: I was stripped to the buff and getting ready to take a shower when the telephone rang. (电话铃响的时候我正好脱光衣服, 准备洗澡)

18. stroke of genius, a
定义: 神来之笔, 妙不可言的主意或解决方案.
例句: I must say, it was a stroke of genius getting the kids all those puzzle games. They've been playing quietly for hours! (我必须说, 让孩子们玩那些拼图游戏真是神来之笔. 他们已经安静地玩了好几个小时!)

19. stroke of luck, a
定义: 意外的好运.
例句: Unless I have a stroke of luck, I'm not going to finish this report by tomorrow. (除非我碰到意外的好运, 否则我不会在明天之前完成这份报告)

20. stroke someone's ego, to
定义: 恭维, 奉承, 逢迎, 说某人喜欢听的话, 给某人灌迷汤.
例句: If you have trouble with him, just take a few minutes and stroke his ego. You'll soon have him eating out of your hand. (如果他找你麻烦的话, 你只要花几分钟时间恭维奉承他, 灌他迷汤. 没多久他就会对你言听计从)



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