二十笔实用成语 1034

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二十笔实用成语 1034

帖子 royl » 周四 12月 09, 2021 2:57 am

二十笔实用成语 1034

01. substitute for vs. substitute with
定义: [易混淆字或短语]substitute A for B(动词短语)即以A代替B, 是正确用法; substitute with不是正确用法.

02. success story, a
定义: 成功故事; 成功典范.
例句: Her life was an incredible success story. (她的人生是一个令人难以置信的成功故事)

03. succumb to, to
定义: 屈服, 让步, 死亡.
例句: I really did have every intention of sticking to my diet, but I succumbed to temptation when my coworker brought in donuts last Friday. (我真的很想坚持我的节食计划, 但当我的同事上星期五带来了甜甜圈的时候, 我屈服于美食的诱惑)

04. such a fine person
定义: 这么一个好人. (注: such在此事到某一程度, 这么, 很的意思)
例句: He's such a fine person. He gets along with everyone and is considerate of everyone. (他就是这么一个好人. 他跟每个人都相处融洽, 替每个人都考虑周到)

05. such and such
定义: 某某, 不指明的人, 事, 物, 时间或地点.
例句: If you walk into a store and ask for such and such and they don't have it, you go to a different store. (如果你走进一家商店并要求购买某件东西而他们没有货的话, 你就去另一家商店买)

06. such as
定义: 像, 类似, 举例, 例如, 譬如.
例句: Truly generous, selfless people such as Jack are actually pretty rare. (像杰克这种真正慷慨, 无私的人确实非常罕见)

07. such as it is
定义: [抱歉谦虚语]虽然不是理想或有瑕疵的状态; 尽管不...但...; 虽然不过如此但仍可以用; 尽管不怎样但仍是我的.
例句: You're welcome to join us for lunch, such as it is. We're only having soup and bread. (欢迎你跟我们共进午餐, 虽然不怎么丰盛. 我们只有浓汤和面包)

08. such is life
定义: [谚语]这就是人生. (注: 意指对不顺利的事, 坏事的发生或存在的无奈及接受)
例句: I didn't get the promotion in the end. Oh well, such is life. (我最后还是没得到升职. 唉, 这就是人生)

09. such that
定义: 如此...以至于.
例句: The man spoke with such passion that all listeners were moved to tears. (此人如此激情澎湃地演讲以至于所有的听众都感动得热泪盈眶)

10. suck in, to
定义: 吸进; 缩小, 缩进; 拖人入水, 将某人卷入; 引人入胜; 欺骗, 愚弄, 蒙骗; 吸气收小腹.
例句: Don't try to suck me in. I've got enough problems of my own to deal with! (别再设法把我拖下水了. 我自己的问题已经够多了!)

11. suck into, to
定义: 吸进; 造成某人卷入或参与某事; 令某人被吸引或相往.
例句: They sucked me into that project, and now I have to go to all the meetings. (他们把我拖进了那个项目里, 而现在我则必须去参加所有的会议)

12. suck it and see, to
定义: 试试看也许会成功; 试试看也许不错.
例句: We have no way of knowing whether it's the right strategy. We're going to have to suck it and see. (我们没法知道这项策略是否正确. 我们只好试一试看看它是否能奏效)

13. suck it up, to
定义: 勉为其难, 尽力而为, 强自为之. (注: 意指对不喜欢的事, 也只好尽力而为)
例句: I hated having to work two jobs, but with three small kids at home, I knew I just had to suck it up. (虽然我很不愿意兼职两份工作, 但家里有三个小孩, 我知道我不得不尽力而为)

14. suck someone dry, to
定义: 身心力竭; 耗尽一个人的全部资产; 敲骨吸髓, 把某人财物榨光耗尽.
例句: I don't have any more cash for you to spend at the video arcade. You sucked me dry! (我没有更多的现金让你在电子游戏厅消费. 你把我手头的现金都用光了!)

15. suck the hind tit, to
定义: 被排到最后; 被别人排挤, 欺压.
例句: Why is our city always sucking the hind tit? Are we not worthy of proper infrastructure? (为什么我们的城市总是被排挤到最后? 我们难道不配拥有妥善的基础设施吗?)

16. suck up to someone, to
定义: 阿谀奉承某人, 拍某人马屁.
例句: Don't suck up to me. It won't do any good. (别拍我马屁. 这对我没什么用的)

17. suck up, to
定义: 吸收, 吸取, 吸干净; 吸引大量, 吸干; 阿谀奉承, 逢迎拍马; 压抑自尊心或痛苦.
例句: The giant company has been sucking up all our business ever since it opened last fall. (自从去年秋天开始营业以来, 这家巨头公司一直在吸走我们所有的生意)

18. sucker for ..., a
定义: 容易被特定类型的人或事物吸引的人; 偏爱...的人. (例如: a sucker for love stories就是很钟爱看爱情故事的人)
例句: Ted is a sucker for any dessert with whipped cream on it. (泰德特别钟爱任何带有发泡鲜奶油的甜点)

19. sucker list, a
定义: 很好欺骗的傻瓜名单.
例句: I must be on some charity sucker list or something. I made one donation last year, and now I'm being asked to give money by tens of different charities across the country. (我肯定名列在某个很好欺骗的傻瓜名单上或者什么的. 去年我捐了一笔钱, 现在可好了, 全国数十家不同的慈善机构都来找我捐款)

20. sucker punch, a
定义: 趁人没准备或没注意偷打人一拳; 意外的失败或挫折.
例句: The fighter was thrown out of the boxing league for landing a sucker punch on his opponent after the round ended. (这名拳击手在一回合结束后偷袭了他对手一拳, 因此他被踢出了拳击联盟)



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