二十笔实用成语 1037

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二十笔实用成语 1037

帖子 royl » 周五 12月 24, 2021 7:59 am

二十笔实用成语 1037

01. Sure, next Tuesday is fine.
[成语句型]行, 下星期二没问题. (注: 意指在电话上跟人预约)

02. surefire solution, a
定义: 一定会成功的解决方案.
例句: Dogwood is a surefire solution for adding winter beauty and color to the garden, even in cold climates. (即使在寒冷的气候之下, 种植山茱萸仍是替花园增添冬季美景和色彩的万无一失解决方案)

03. surf and turf, a
定义: 海陆全餐, 海陆套餐. (注: 意指海鲜和肉类主菜, 例如牛排与龙虾)
例句: No surf and turf for me. I want fish and fish alone. (我不想吃海陆套餐. 我只想吃鱼, 点鱼就好了)

04. surf the Net/Web, to
定义: [网路术语]上网浏览.
例句: I just worry that he spends too much time surfing the net alone instead of hanging out with other kids his age. (我只是担心他花太多时间单独一个人上网而不是和其他同龄的孩子一起玩)

05. surge out of control, to
定义: 失控, 冲出控制范围.
例句: Another complaint detailed a 2004 crash in Indiana that took the life of a female driver whose 2003 Camry surged out of control and smashed into a building. (另一件投诉详细叙述了2004年在印第安纳州发生的一起车祸, 夺去了一名女驾驶的生命, 她的2003年凯美瑞汽车失控撞进了一座建筑物)

06. surge up, to
定义: 情绪高涨; 掀起, 冲上, 汹涌, 奔腾.
例句: Happiness surged up within me thinking about my wonderful fiancée. (想到了我的未婚妻, 幸福之情就涌上心头)

07. surprise, surprise
定义: 不出所料吧. (注: 经常用于以开玩笑或讽刺的方式说某事一点也不奇怪)
例句: "There's nothing worth watching on TV tonight." "Surprise, surprise!" ("今晚电视上没有什么值得看的节目." "不出所料吧!" 注: 意指今晚电视本来就没什么好看的节目)

08. survival of the fittest, the
定义: 适者生存.
例句: They always had a mentality of survival of the fittest, putting huge workloads on people and telling those who couldn't cope with the pressure to just find another job. (他们总是抱着适者生存的心态, 把巨大工作量加诸在员工身上, 告诉那些承受不了压力的员工做不下便另谋高就)

09. survive on ..., to
定义: 靠...维生.
例句: Many retirees survive on less than 70% of their pre-retirement income, and some survive on much less. (许多退休人们依靠不到退休前收入百分之七十的退休金维生, 有些人则靠更少的金钱度日)

10. survived by one's children, be
定义: 遗下儿女. (注: 意指某人过逝, 身后留下他的子女)
例句: He is also survived by 4 children, 13 grandchildren, and 9 great-grandchildren. (他身后还留下四名子女, 十三名孙辈和九名曾孙辈)

11. sustainable development, a
定义: 永续发展, 可持续的发展. (注: 意指不破坏生态系统的经济进步)
例句: The new council building will be equipped with rainwater tanks and solar power. It's a sustainable development. (此座新议会大楼将装备雨水收集箱和太阳能. 这是一项永续发展)

12. swallow it hook, line and sinker, to
定义: 深信不疑; 不疑有他地上当.
例句: I made up a story about why I was so late. The boss swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. (我捏造了一个关于我为什么迟到的借口. 老板居然深信不疑)

13. swallow one's anger, to
定义: 忍气吞声.
例句: Hell, I've even swallowed my anger to avoid awkwardness. I've learned to bite my tongue, not defend myself, and not say what I really want to say. (哼, 我什至为了避免尴尬的场面而强忍着怒气. 我已经学会了闭口不言, 不为自己辩护, 也不说出我真心想说的话)

14. swallow one's words, to
定义: 收回自己所说的话.
例句: He'll be swallowing his words once I show him the sales figures for this quarter. (一旦我向他展示本季度的销售数据, 他就会收回他自己所说的话)

15. swallow up, to
定义: 吞没, 淹没, 吞噬.
例句: Can you believe that sinkhole swallowed up three cars? (你能相信这座天坑吞噬了三辆汽车吗?)

16. swan song, a
定义: 绝唱, 绝响; 最后, 告别的出现, 行动, 表演或作品.
例句: He had made up his mind that this show was going to be his swan song. (他已经下定了决心, 这场演出将成为他的生涯绝唱)

17. swanky, be
定义: 华丽的, 炫目的, 时尚高贵的; 自命不凡的, 爱出风头的, 神气活现的.
例句: He had become enormously wealthy and successful after starting up his own company, but he never acted too swanky to hang out with the friends he grew up with. (开创了自己公司之后, 他取得了巨大财富和成就, 可是他跟他发小相处的时候从不摆出一副自以为了不起的架子)

18. swap over, to
定义: 换人接手, 交换, 更换, 以...取代.
例句: I don't mind driving first – we can swap over once we're about halfway there. (我不在意先开车 – 我们可以在开到大约一半路程的时候再换你来接手)

19. swap stories, to
定义: 互相分享往事.
例句: We spent some time swapping stories about our college days. (我们花了些时间互相分享我们大学时期的往事)

20. swear at, to
定义: 向...以恶毒语言咒骂.
例句: Don't you dare swear at me like that! Who taught you such filthy words? (你竟敢那样地咒骂我! 谁教你说的这些脏话?)



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