二十笔实用成语 1045

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二十笔实用成语 1045

帖子 royl » 周五 1月 14, 2022 2:35 pm

二十笔实用成语 1045

01. take a tumble, to
定义: 摔下来; [证券术语]崩盘, 突然剧跌, 突然市值或成交量大跌.
例句: The price of shares in the tech giant took a tumble on Tuesday after it emerged that they had been manipulating sales figures over the last five years. (这家科技巨头的股价周二暴跌, 此前有消息称他们在过去五年中一直在操纵销售数据)

02. take a turn for the better, to
定义: 情况转好.
例句: Things are taking a turn for the better at my business. I may make a profit this year. (我公司里的情况正在好转. 我今年还可能会赢利)

03. take a turn for the worse, to
定义: 情况转坏.
例句: My job was going quite well; but then last week things took a turn for the worse. (我的工作本来还进展顺利; 然而上星期情况便转变为举步维艰)

04. take a turn, to
定义: 出去散步, 出去走走; 情况有所改变.
例句: We took a turn around the city in our car. (我们开车出去在市区内逛了一大圈)

05. take a walk, to
定义: 出去散步, 出去走走; 离开, 离职; 叫人走开.
例句: I'd love to take a long walk while we're up in the mountains. (当我们在山上的时候, 我很想出去散散步)

06. take a wife/husband, to
定义: 结婚, 嫁娶.
例句: I can't believe my son is taking a wife on Saturday. Kids grow up so fast! (我不真敢相信我儿子居然星期六要娶妻了. 孩子们成长得真快!)

07. take a wrong turn, to
定义: 走错路, 转错方向.
例句: We took a wrong turn and got lost. (我们转错了方向, 迷路了)

08. take a/the day off, to
定义: 请假.
例句: You really need to take today off? Go ahead. Don't make a habit of it, but if you're not feeling well, and you have the time to take, then take good care of yourself. (你今天真的要请假吗? 那就请吧. 只是别养成常请假的习惯, 但如果你感觉不舒服, 而且你有假可以请的话, 那你好好地照顾自己吧)

09. take aback, to
定义: 惊讶, 震惊.
例句: It took us all aback a bit to learn that Jack was moving to New England next month. (得知杰克下个月要搬到新英格兰之时, 我们都吃了一惊)

10. take account of, to
定义: 将某事列入考虑, 考量, 体谅.
例句: Your grandfather's final will and testament takes account of you and your youngest brother equally. (你祖父的临终遗嘱和遗产分配指示将你和你最小的弟弟都平等地列入考虑了)

11. take action, to
定义: 采取行动; 发起法律诉讼行动.
例句: Let it be known that my client will take action against any publication that prints these lies. (郑重宣布, 我的客户将对任何登载这些谎言的出版物发起法律诉讼行动)

12. take advantage of, to
定义: 把握, 善加利用时机或资源; 趁机施压, 剥削, 诈欺, 占便宜; 趁机性侵或吃豆腐.
例句: I knew that you wouldn't take advantage of me! I trusted you. (我知道你不会占我的便宜! 我信任你)

13. take advantage while you can, to
定义: 时机来了千万别错失.
例句: This win-win situation for everyone won't last forever, so take advantage while you can. (这种对每个人来说都是双赢的局面不会永远持续下去, 所以时机来了千万别错过)

14. take advice, to
定义: 接受劝告或意见.
例句: Take my advice and stay away from that investment. You'll be glad that you do! (听我的劝告, 别碰这项投资. 你会很高兴你这样做的!)

15. take after, to
定义: 外型, 身材, 性格, 脾气与某亲人相像; 以某亲人为榜样.
例句: He is tall and handsome like his father and seems to take after him in other ways as well. (他像他父亲一样高大英俊, 似乎在其他方面他也跟他父亲很像)

16. take against, to
定义: [英国]厌恶, 不喜欢.
例句: They took against me for no apparent reason. (他们无缘无故地嫌弃我)

17. take aim at, to
定义: 瞄准某目标; 准备要对付; 以...为目标; 对...加以严厉批评或表示不屑.
例句: Several retail giants have now decided to take aim at the youth market. (多家零售巨头现已决定准备要开发青少年这块市场)

18. take amiss, to
定义: 将...视为错误的, 没益处的, 令人反感的或羞辱人的, 被误解, 被曲解.
例句: "I was just making a joke, so I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings." "Don't worry, I don't think anyone took it amiss." ("我只是在开个玩笑, 所以我希望我没有伤害任何人的自尊." "别担心, 我想没有人会误会你的.")

19. take an active part in, to
定义: 积极参与.
例句: She has always taken an active part in local affairs and assisted local agencies providing assistance to needy residents. (她一直积极参与当地事务, 协助当地机构为穷困的居民提供协助)

20. take an early bath, to
定义: [英国]被迫提前停工, 停赛或退出比赛.
例句: I ended up taking an early bath when my carburetor blew out shortly after the race began. (开赛之后没多久, 我的化油器便失灵了, 我只好被迫提前退出比赛)



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