二十笔实用成语 1062

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二十笔实用成语 1062

帖子 royl » 周六 4月 09, 2022 3:44 am

二十笔实用成语 1062

01. take-home pay, the
定义: 实际拿回家的净所得薪资. (注: 意指扣除预缴税金后的净所得)
例句: If you have too much tax withheld, then your take-home pay isn't as high as it should be and you're actually giving Uncle Sam an interest-free loan each pay period. (如果你预缴的税款过多, 那么你的净所得工资就没有应有的那么多, 而且每个发薪周期你实际上是给美国政府一笔无息贷款. 注: 这里的Uncle Sam就是美国政府的简写: U.S.)

02. taken aback, be
定义: 出乎意料, 吃了一惊, 措手不及.
例句: I was taken aback when she said that she didn't want to work with us any longer. (当她说她不想再和我们一起工作的时候, 这让我大吃了一惊)

03. taken as read, be
定义: 理所当然, 毫不犹豫, 天经地义.
例句: In much of ecology, it is taken as read that invasive species were a major culprit in recent extinctions. This is widely stated, despite a lack of evidence for it. (在大多的生态学理论上, 人们理所当然地认为外来入侵物种是近来物种灭绝的罪魁祸首. 尽管缺乏证据, 但这已广泛地被人表述)

04. taken back vs. taken aback
定义: [易混淆字或短语]be taken back是回忆到过去某一件事; be taken aback是出乎意料, 吃了一惊, 措手不及.

05. taken bad/ill/sick, be
定义: 生病的.
例句: I was taken bad in the middle of last night. (我昨晚半夜生病了)

06. taken in, be
定义: 被欺诈, 戏弄, 欺骗; 上当.
例句: I was taken in by their ads. I believed what they said. (我上了他们广告的当. 我居然相信了他们所说的话)

07. taken napping, be
定义: 不该睡觉时被人发现在睡觉; 出乎意料, 吃了一惊, 措手不及.
例句: The United States was really taken napping the day the Japanese sneakily attacked Pearl Harbor. (日本偷袭珍珠港的那一天, 美国确实被打个措手不及)

08. taken off the air, be
定义: 被停止广播.
例句: The show was taken off the air after three seasons. (此节目在播出了三季之后被停播. 注: 在北美经常听到的电视节目的一季大致等于一年. 举个例子: 某个只播出两年便停播的电视剧, 它的第一季是从1974年9月至1975年3月, 第二季从1975年9月至1976年4月)

09. taken off the market, be
定义: 被停止出售, 被撤出市场.
例句: The toy was taken off the market for safety reasons. (出于安全原因, 该玩具已被停止出售)

10. taken prisoner/captive, be
定义: 被虏获, 被俘虏.
例句: Many enemy soldiers were killed and the rest taken prisoner. (许多敌军士兵被歼灭, 其余的皆被俘虏)

11. taken short, be
定义: 尿急, 急着要上厕所.
例句: I always go to the loo before a long drive to avoid being taken short. (我总是在开长途车之前先去上个厕所, 免得开到一半尿急)

12. taken with, be
定义: 对...着迷, 被吸引.
例句: I'm so taken with this small town that I've decided to live here full-time. (我很对这个小镇着了迷, 因此我决定在这儿定居下来)

13. take-out restaurant, a
定义: 专营外卖食物的餐馆.
例句: Don't be afraid to charge higher prices. Just because you're a take-out restaurant doesn't mean you have to compete on price. (别怕提高价格. 仅仅因为你是一家外卖餐厅并不意味着你必须以低价来争取生意)

14. take a lot out of ..., to
定义: 需要付出大量体力或心思; 很吃力, 耗尽心力.
例句: I used to be able to run for miles when I was younger, but these days it takes a lot out of me just climbing a long flight of stairs! (我年轻的时候曾经可以跑好几英哩, 但目前我光是要爬一段长楼梯就非常吃力了!)

15. like taking candy from a baby, be
定义: 易如反掌, 极容易.
例句: If you think that this game will be like taking candy from a baby, you're seriously underestimating your opponents. (如果你认为这次比赛易如反掌, 那你就严重地低估了你的对手)

16. tale of woe
定义: 苦水, 辛酸故事, 没完没了的个人不幸遭遇; 借口. (注: 特别是指作为失败借口的吐苦水)
例句: I try not to sit next to Tom when we go the bar after work. After couple of beers, he invariable starts in on one of his tales of woe. (下班后去酒吧的时候, 我尽量地不坐在汤姆旁边. 两杯啤酒下肚之后, 他便开始老调重弹地吐起苦水)

17. talk a blue streak, to
定义: 滔滔不绝地说话, 使人听得精疲力竭.
例句: He's a lovely guy, but he'll talk a blue streak if you let him, it can be exhausting! (他是个可爱的人, 但如果你任由他滔滔不绝地说话的话, 那可以叫人听得累死!)

18. talk a good game, to
定义: 说得跟真的一样, 说得头头是道. (注: 意指某人能说善道, 说得跟真的一样, 但他并不一定能做得到)
例句: He talks a good game, but Jeff hasn't made a big sale in years. (他说起话来头头是道, 但这些年来杰夫却从来没做成一笔大生意)

19. talk a mile a minute, to
定义: 说话速度快速像连珠炮一样.
例句: Mimi talks a mile a minute. It's hard to follow her. (咪咪说话像连珠炮一样. 很难听得懂她说的话)

20. talk about, to
定义: 说到, 论及, 讨论. (注: 也可用于强调某人对某事的强烈看法)
例句: Did you see the way he reacted to the news? Talk about being insecure! (你看见他对这件消息的反应态度了吗? 说到没有安全感, 就是这个样子!)



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