二十笔实用成语 1064

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二十笔实用成语 1064

帖子 royl » 周五 4月 15, 2022 11:12 pm

二十笔实用成语 1064

01. talk over someone's head, to
定义: 说得别人无法了解, 对牛弹琴. (注: 意指谈的内容深奥别人无法了解)
例句: Your presentation shouldn't focus on the technical details too much; you don't want to talk over everyone's heads. (你的发布会介绍不应该过分专注在技术细节上; 你不希望让大家都听得一头雾水)

02. talk over, to
定义: 详尽地讨论问题; 说服某人并赢得同意; 大声说话压制噪音以便让人听见; 大声说话压制另一人的发言.
例句: Lizz was reluctant to join our club, but I think we talked her over. (丽慈本来不想参加我们的俱乐部, 但我想是我们说服了她才使她回心转意)

03. talk radio, the
定义: [电台术语]谈话电台节目. (注: 意指专营谈话节目的广播电台)
例句: I didn't listen to liberal talk radio every day then and still don't listen to conservative talk radio every day for the same reason now. (那个时候我不是每天都听自由派的谈话节目, 现在也因为同样的原因, 我也不是每天都听保守派谈话节目)

04. talk sense, to
定义: 言之有理; 跟某人说道理; 厘清是非.
例句: You're not talking sense, Tom. How on earth would a plan like that be feasible? (你说的没道理, 汤姆. 像那样的计划到底怎么可能行得通呢?)

05. talk shop, to
定义: 谈到生意或专业, 说行话; 高谈阔论.
例句: Everyone at the restaurant decided that they would not talk shop during the dinner. (餐厅里的每个人都决定在共进晚餐的时候不谈生意)

06. talk some sense into/to, to
定义: 跟某人讲道理, 劝导某人即时醒悟.
例句: If you think you're going to find a high-paying job right away without any experience, then you need someone to talk some sense into you. (如果你认为你将会在没有任何工作经验的情况下马上就能找到一份高薪工作, 那么你需要有人跟你谈一谈人生道理)

07. talk someone's arm/ear/head/pants off, to
定义: 滔滔不绝地说话, 使人听得精疲力竭.
例句: Sorry, I've been talking my head off about my research. I hope I'm not boring you! (不好意思, 我一直在谈论我的研究工作. 我希望我不会让你听得都想睡觉!)

08. talk the bark off a tree, to
定义: 滔滔不绝地说话, 使人听得精疲力竭.
例句: Don't start a conversation with Stu if you want to leave on time tonight. That guy could talk the bark off a tree. (如果你想今晚准时离开的话, 千万别跟司徒聊天. 那家伙话匣子一打开就停不下来)

09. talk the hind leg off a donkey/horse, to
定义: 滔滔不绝地说话, 使人听得精疲力竭.
例句: You won't be short of conversation with uncle Bob. He could talk the hind leg off a donkey. (你跟鲍伯大叔在一起决不会缺少聊天机会. 他可以滔滔不绝地说话, 直到你精疲力竭)

10. talk the same language, to
定义: 互相想法一致, 很容易互相了解.
例句: Jimmy and Jack get along very well. They really speak the same language about almost everything. (吉米和杰克相处得水乳交融. 他们几乎在所有的事情上都想法一致)

11. talk the talk and walk the walk, to
定义: 言行一致, 言出必行.
例句: Nate talks a big game, but he can back it up too. He definitely talks the talk and walks the walk. (内特谈起未来, 颇有大展鸿图之意, 但他也有能力去达成它. 他当然是个言出必行的人)

12. talk through one's hat, to
定义: 胡说八道; 吹牛, 夸大; 大谈自己不熟或不懂的事务.
例句: Don't pay Johnny any mind, Mary, he's just talking through his hat again. (别理强尼, 玛丽, 他又在胡说八道了)

13. talk through the back of your head, to
定义: 胡说八道, 扯淡; 吹牛, 自吹自擂.
例句: If he says that he's going to graduate this year, he's talking through the back of his head. (如果他说他今年将要毕业, 那他是在吹牛)

14. talk through, to
定义: 跟别人详尽解释某事或物; 跟某人详尽讨论某事以达到共识或决定; 大谈自己不熟或不懂的事务.
例句: She talked me through the security override process. (她详尽地全程教导我解除这套警报系统的所有步骤)

15. talk to one like a Dutch uncle, to
定义: 严厉斥责, 谴责某人. (注: 意指口气像个严厉, 直率的叔叔伯伯)
例句: I know I'm talking to you like a Dutch uncle, but these are hard truths you need to hear. (我知道我像一个说话直率的大叔对你严厉斥责, 但这些都是你必需要听进去的逆耳忠言)

16. talk to oneself, to
定义: 自言自语.
例句: "What did you say?" "Ah, nothing. I'm just talking to myself." ("你刚才说什么?" "呃, 没什么. 我只是在自言自语.")

17. talk to the hand, to
定义: 跟我手讲. (注: 意指以手掌挡在面前去漠视别人的评语或侮辱因一时想不出回答的话)
例句: All of us were aghast when Jonathan turned to the police officer and said, "Talk to the hand, because the face isn't interested!" (当乔纳森转身向警官说, "跟我的手说话, 因为我不想跟你说话!" 的时候, 我们都惊呆了)
跟我的手说话, 因为我不想跟你说话!

18. talk tough, to
定义: 口气强硬地说, 嘴硬, 恫吓.
例句: Tim tries to talk tough, but he's really just a kitten. (提姆试图口气强硬地恫吓别人, 但其实他温驯得像只小猫咪)

19. talk trash, to
定义: 叫骂; 口吐脏话, 凶言, 狂言. (注: 意指在比赛前某参赛者跟对手叫骂)
例句: Of course, those boxers started talking trash – it's all a normal part of the pre-match press conference. (这是自然的, 那些拳手开始爆粗口, 互相叫骂 – 这全是赛前新闻发布会的正常行为)
新闻发布会上, 拳手爆粗口, 互相叫骂

20. talk turkey, to
定义: 话讲白了, 直接了当的说.
例句: We don't have much time, so let's dispense with the formalities and start talking turkey. (我们没有多少时间了, 所以我们还是免去这套繁文缛节, 开始直截了当地把话讲清楚)



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