二十笔实用成语 1087

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二十笔实用成语 1087

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 21, 2022 3:56 am

二十笔实用成语 1087

01. there is no doubt in my mind
定义: 我确定...是毫无疑问的.
例句: There is no doubt in my mind that James will be an excellent addition to our team. (在我看来, 詹姆斯将毫无疑问是我们球队一名出色的新进队员)

02. there is no escaping
定义: 不可避免, 无可否认, 肯定是真实的.
例句: There's no escaping the conclusion that he lied about his involvement. (无法避免要作出的结论是, 他对自己的参与撒了谎)

03. there is no honor among thieves
定义: [俗语]盗贼之间是没什么道义可言.
例句: There is no honor among thieves. You can make a lot of money in this business, but you can't work with anyone, otherwise things get ugly fast. (盗贼之间是没什么道义可言. 你可以在这种生意上赚很多钱, 但你不能跟任何人合作, 否则马上就会跟合伙人翻脸)

04. there is no other way
定义: 没有别的办法.
例句: There is no other way, except to remove the very source of the problem. (除了杜绝此问题的根源, 别无他法)

05. there is no question about it
定义: 毫无疑问.
例句: He's going to win. There is no question about it. (他肯定会赢. 这是毫无疑问的)

06. there is no such thing
定义: 根本没有这种事或东西.
例句: There have been a lot of rumors going around about a layoff committee, but let me be clear: there is no such thing. (有很多关于裁员委员会的漫天谣言, 但让我澄清一下: 根本就没有这样的委员会)

07. there is no way around it
定义: 没别的办法, 只有这样做; 无法回避它, 只有这条路.
例句: There is no way around it. We have to live by what we preach and face our problems head on. (没别的办法. 我们必须实践我们自己所宣扬的理念并且毫不回避地直面我们的问题)

08. There is no way someone can do that.

09. there is nothing else I can do
定义: 我没有其他的办法; 我也无能为力或束手无策.
例句: In all seriousness, there is nothing else I can do. (说真的, 我也无能为力)

10. there is nothing for it but to ...
定义: 除此...之外, 别无他法.
例句: When we're flooded, there was nothing for it but to move everything upstairs. (当我们被淹水的时候, 我们除了把所有东西都搬到楼上之外也没别的办法)

11. nothing to see here
定义: 没什么好看的. (注: 意指要围观的人离开, 别在这里逗留)
例句: The officer ushered the rubberneckers away, saying, "Nothing to see here. Let's move it along." (这名警员把围观的人群引开, 他说, "这里没什么好看的. 大家走了吧.")

12. there is something to be said for ...
定义: 显示出有利的一面. (注: 意指当考虑某事时所指出其有优势的一面)
例句: There is something to be said for small weddings. (小型婚礼也有它有利的一面)

13. There is too much at stake to worry about our own egos.
[成语句型]攸关重大利益的危急关头, 大家必须要放下个人荣辱. (注: 意指同舟共济, 同仇敌忾)

14. there isn't a ... bone in someone's body
定义: [强调语]某人一点都不... (注: 意指某人没有那个坏心或坏毛病)
例句: There's no way he lied to you. He doesn't have a dishonest bone in his body. (他不可能骗你的. 他不是一个不诚实的人)

15. there it is
定义: 这就是你要的或需要的; 就在那儿; 就是这个样子; 只好这样了; 干得好, 干得漂亮.
例句: I don't like my job, but I need the money, so there it is. (我是不喜欢我的工作, 但我需要用钱, 所以只好这样了)

16. there must be a catch; there had to be a catch
定义: 此事有蹊跷, 没那么简单. (注: 意指此事必有暗藏的困难, 复杂度或风险, 并不简单)
例句: He said he would let me borrow his car, but I knew there had to be a catch. (他说他会让我用他的车子, 但我知道此事没那么简单)

17. there must be a reason
定义: 此事必有原因. (注: 意指事出有因, 不是那么简单)
例句: If so many people have trouble breaking bad habits, there must be a reason that goes beyond us, a reason fundamental to human beings. (如果有这么多人改不掉坏毛病, 一定有一个超越我们的原因, 一个跟人类基本习性有关的原因)

18. there wasn't a dry eye in the house
定义: 大家都热泪盈眶. (注: 意指每个人听到或看到悲惨事情都难过流泪)
例句: His final monologue was simply heartbreaking. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. (他的最后独白简直令人心碎. 听完了大家都热泪盈眶)

19. there will be another one
定义: 有一必有二, 还会有一个.
例句: We've missed the train, but never mind, there will be another one along shortly. (我们错过了火车, 不过没关系, 很快就会有下一班车的到来)

20. there will come a day when ...
定义: 总会有一天当...; 当...这一天会来的.
例句: There will come a day when Tom is gone, but his dishonor will remain. (总有一天汤姆会走的, 但他的不光彩事迹将流传后代)



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